Although I have signed up here and introduced myself before, here I am again.


New Member
May 20, 2008
Reaction score
My name is David, and I live in Denver. I know some of the folks here in AllDeaf, and I just decided to re-acquaint myself with the online deaf-community. I'm a member of the local Silent Athletic Club here in Denver, and try to go to many deaf events, one recently last week in Ft. Collins with Keith Wann.

I am SVP '03 at Rochester Institute of Technology. I didn't finish my degree there, and I still haven't graduated college - although someday I'd like to do so. I'm a computer consultant by profession and in a family business.

My wife, Leah, is also deaf, and we met in New York, and married there, and Leah moved here with me. She also enjoys living here in Colorado, and we just had a baby boy, a CODA named Joey.

I hope I'll be a frequent poster when I return from my trip to in-laws (or I should say out-laws) in New York.


Well, welcome back from an Iowan. From your name are you ever living in Iowa?
Nope. I get asked ALL the time - I know about Iowa Hawkeyes, but my name doesn't derive from that. It actually derives from Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce from M*A*S*H which is one of my all-time favorite shows. I even have the entire series on DVD!
Nope. I get asked ALL the time - I know about Iowa Hawkeyes, but my name doesn't derive from that. It actually derives from Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce from M*A*S*H which is one of my all-time favorite shows. I even have the entire series on DVD!
Ah... I like that show. :)
:wave: hello haweyex!

hubby hoh; also computer person him - programmer/network security/database

I remember a little that MASH program!