
Hello & Welcome, HawaiiJo!
Good to have you here with us on the boards.
Have Fun!
Hi Jo,

If youre the one I met at the Shakeys Pizza party 2 yrs ago, I'm glad to hear from you again. If not Welcome aboard. I'm the swashbuckling type.

Is that Joanna Martin?

Well, well,, my, my.

It can't be Jo in Hawaii! She still in OC, I just saw her few days ago at Wal-Mart in Buena Park. :confused:

If you are not Joanna Martin, then I would say welcome aboard! :wave:
Aloha Joanna Martin!

Yah! I am new member too! Wow! cool! That AD is really very high class to me and I am not that really high class. I just start to improve my communicate new skills to become high class really cool one!
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DreamyHawaii said:
Yah! I am new member too! Wow! cool! That AD is really very high class to me and I am not that really high class. I just start to improve my communicate new skills to become high class really cool one!

Welcome to AD Enjoy ur stay too :)
Aloha all you loco da kines...

i live in pahoa and hope to meet you all at ohau's sign langague festival!

Thanks Javapride! Nice to meet you! Yes I hope to meet you there at Oahu's sign language festival on June 15th starts at 9AM to 6PM by the way my name is Ronald Decker I know some deaf people lives on Big Isle Eric,Melchora,John,Ian,Ron Mc Bride,and Buddy too. I have not hear anything from them for a long time and do you have their emails? PLease let me know about it thks Shaka! Javapride by the way what is your name? My friend Eric Hughes lives in Pahoa area. You know him? ok hope to hears from you soon....
javapride said:
Aloha all you loco da kines...

i live in pahoa and hope to meet you all at ohau's sign langague festival!

hey dreamy i ll need to get thier permission ofc and my name's Desi moved here 2 yrs ago :)
Aloha HawaiiJo,

Welcome to JP and I hope that you will enjoy this forum!!


Hi and welcome to AD please enjoy your stay.