Aloha I am from California


New Member
Jul 29, 2005
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Aloha I am Joanna Martin Deaf People called me Jo.... I recently born and raised in California. But Moved to Hawaii for 19 years.. I stayed in Hawaii for long time since I was 15 years old.. Because My parents want to lived there.. Now I moved back to my homestate of California.. I lived with my family here in Anaheim now I volunteer two different places... and I enjoy living here.. Sometime I travel to my homestate in Hawaii for vacation. Hopefully i can go back to see my friends again. Miss them.. If anyone from Hawaii please contact me.. I am still looking more old friend left hawaii for many years. I hope to contact them againn. if anyone from Hawaii since 1986 to 2003 please contact me. Mahalo (means Thanks)
:wave: :welcome: Hello and Welcome to Alldeaf goofyjojo67. I hope you enjoy your stay here on AD. You will have lots of fun and make new friends on this forum. Everyone here is so nice!!!! Have fun posting, and I hope you get to talk to your old friends in Hawaii. Take care!! Have a good one!!

I am from Thailand. I moved to Hawaii 4 months ago to live with my husband. What island of Hawaii have you been?? It would be nice if we get to know as new friends.

HiBluE01 said:

Welcome to AD and enjoy these posts yourself!!! :D

hi kristy this is jo.. I hope you haven't forgotten me.. i will tlakt oy ou soon :gpost:
prettypond said:

I am from Thailand. I moved to Hawaii 4 months ago to live with my husband. What island of Hawaii have you been?? It would be nice if we get to know as new friends.

aloha, I am from Kailua Hawaii for 19 years.. moved to California since 2 year ago.. I lived in Kailua which is on the oahu.. It my favorite island I been to another island.. Nothing fun to me.. But Oahu is the best :spam:
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