Allies / Minority groups - Relative importance of issues


New Member
Jan 18, 2007
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One problem I have observed with some allies and/or some minority groups: they fail to see the Big Picture of their existence and how their existence contributes. They go around setting up ONE issue as the most serious issue for the minority group when in fact it is only one of many issues that it has to suffer through for its continued existence in wider society. This eventually results in no actual difference at all between the minority and majority groups, which is dangerous for the minority group and for wider society.

For example, cochlear implants in the Deaf community. I don't have a problem with them per se. Although this isn't really all that set up as A SINGLE ISSUE THAT IS SO IMPORTANT, it has been spread through non-visual centered people with an unhealthy ideology. So this means that aural/oral methods are used at the expense of visual methods, and it can result in an attitude change to the attitude that the hearies hold - that hearing and speaking is vital and necessary.
This is true for a variety of issues from early feminism to afro-centrist movements and countless others. Basically when any one issue is made the focus at the expense of other aspects it can alienate those who identify with various causes which are all equally important to them. This is why i'm very interested in's all about how all systems of power/oppression connect and feed off each other. So women having equal rights would NOT achieve equality because minority women still get discrimination for being different. fixing racism would NOT make us all equal because individuals with disabilities would still be discriminated against. We all need to learn to respect each other for our differences not just tolerate them.