Allergic conjunctivitis (and a thank you to Mrs Bucket!)


New Member
Mar 24, 2004
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First, I want to give a shout out to Mrs Bucket for creating her thread on Sjogern's Syndrome. Had she not done so, I might've ignored my gritty (now watery) eyes.

I've been experiencing the gritty, dry eyes for several days now, and it was becoming more than annoying. Since Thanksgiving was coming up, and things in my household has been rather stressful, I decided to put off going to the Dr. I've been using OTC eye drops to treat the gritty feeling instead. Today, I went to the Dr and I've got allergic conjunctivitis; better known as pink eye caused by allergies. I'm well aquainted with the symptoms of bacterial pink eye (AKA bacterial conjunctivitis) because I'm around school age kids a good deal of the time, and, they catch things like this often. Once they get it, I get it. Anyway, I noticed the classic gritty feeling of pink eye and then the watering that went with it, BUT, I didn't have the telltale "pink eye" look. So, I just ignored it until I couldn't anymore.

Turns out, my eyes are very slightly pink, and the allergic conjunctivitis has to pass on it's on. I have to keep doing what I've been doing. Since it's not being caused by bacteria or a virus, he didn't give me anything.

What a pain, but, I'm glad it wasn't something much, much worse. I'm just thankful for that little paranoid voice in my head that said "Gritty dry eyes? Go get this checked!" I owe Mrs Bucket a heap of thanks to make me aware of some of the more serious causes of something that is minor most of the time.

:ty: MB!
I get pink eyes often due to allergies. One time (back in elementary school) I was sent home over it. It started when we were using a dusty computer lab.
my husband has lots of problems with his eyes.
I remember getting pink eye a lot as a kid
and I do also agree with thanking Mrs. Bucket for enlightening me on the Sydrome, I never knew about it before. So:ty: MB-
I get pink eyes often due to allergies. One time (back in elementary school) I was sent home over it. It started when we were using a dusty computer lab.

my husband has lots of problems with his eyes.
I remember getting pink eye a lot as a kid
and I do also agree with thanking Mrs. Bucket for enlightening me on the Sydrome, I never knew about it before. So:ty: MB-

I've had bacterial pink eye more times than I want to admit; thanks to being around my niece and nephew frequently; especially when they were younger. I've had it about 5-6 times now. This is the first time I've had allergic conjunctivitis, though. But, I've had allergies for most of my life, so it's not surprising that I got this. I think the reason this year was THE YEAR for me, was because the palm pollen is thick this year. Alot of people are having severe issues with this right now.
:hug: You're welcome OB dear friend.

I believe in education and awareness than hiding behind ignorance.

I hope you heal quickly from the pinkeye.

Sending you faerie dust and healing thoughts!
Much love girl!
Patty oxox

:hug: You're welcome OB dear friend.

I believe in education and awareness than hiding behind ignorance.

I hope you heal quickly from the pinkeye.

Sending you faerie dust and healing thoughts!
Much love girl!
Patty oxox


TY, Patty. My eyes are now more watery than they are gritty. It's a pain, though. I still use the artificial tears at night. But, not during the day. Warm, wet wash cloths are also helping. My eyes are NOT light sensitive, which usually happens when I get bacterial pink eye. It's just the irritation from the gritty, dry feeling that was really bothersome and annoying. Now, the watering. Oy. I'll live, though. I know it could be SO much worse. This is NOTHING compared to what others I know are going through. I'm thankful for that. :)

I'm glad for you that it was nothing more serious. Annoying yes, serious no. I hope it will go away soon. :)

I know how irritating eye problems can be. I've had extreme dry eyes for decades. I've had all my punctal ducts cauterized shut, and constantly use OTC drops (the prescription ones don't work as well). I was even a guinea pig for Restasis when they were testing it. Now, since my hives have become chronic, I also have chronic red eyes (not very attractive, either). Ugh!

I'm also glad that your eyes aren't light sensitive so you can keep up with your AD posting. :lol:
I had conjunctivitis of my eyes for many years!...Tried every eye drop on the market and went to several doctors. PLus, I was very light sensitive, and the lighting at my place of employment was very BRIGHT!...We were computer operators and should have special lighting for this.....
The doctor wanted to operate on my eyes for the dry eye syndrome....I turned it down. However, another employee in the same department I worked at, she opted for the surgery, and suffered ever after with "ingrown eye lashes"!...She had to pluck them out with tweezers.
I wore sunglasses a lot! Even worked with them at times.....also had CRT glasses.

The constant rubbing, burning, watery, blurry & grittiness really made my life hell!....Now, the only time I have a problem (and it's right now, usually in Oct./Nov. and again in January, due the pollen from the trees.) Dust is another culprit, so I change my A/C/Heat filters 2-3 times a month....Mold also gives me problems with my eyes.
I had conjunctivitis of my eyes for many years!...Tried every eye drop on the market and went to several doctors. PLus, I was very light sensitive, and the lighting at my place of employment was very BRIGHT!...We were computer operators and should have special lighting for this.....
The doctor wanted to operate on my eyes for the dry eye syndrome....I turned it down. However, another employee in the same department I worked at, she opted for the surgery, and suffered ever after with "ingrown eye lashes"!...She had to pluck them out with tweezers.
I wore sunglasses a lot! Even worked with them at times.....also had CRT glasses.

The constant rubbing, burning, watery, blurry & grittiness really made my life hell!....Now, the only time I have a problem (and it's right now, usually in Oct./Nov. and again in January, due the pollen from the trees.) Dust is another culprit, so I change my A/C/Heat filters 2-3 times a month....Mold also gives me problems with my eyes.
What kind of surgery is for dry eyes?
I'm glad for you that it was nothing more serious. Annoying yes, serious no. I hope it will go away soon. :)

I know how irritating eye problems can be. I've had extreme dry eyes for decades. I've had all my punctal ducts cauterized shut, and constantly use OTC drops (the prescription ones don't work as well). I was even a guinea pig for Restasis when they were testing it. Now, since my hives have become chronic, I also have chronic red eyes (not very attractive, either). Ugh!

I'm also glad that your eyes aren't light sensitive so you can keep up with your AD posting. :lol:

I'll live, definitely! :lol:

It's just something that I should have gotten looked into when it started. I also should have known the allergy situation might be at play. You know about my sinus issues, and, I've had allergies my entire life.

This year has also been very bad for the Palm tree pollen. That's causing a lot of issues for many people down here. I'm no exception.

As for posting, I'm posting as I can. My houshold is CRAZY right now.
I had conjunctivitis of my eyes for many years!...Tried every eye drop on the market and went to several doctors. PLus, I was very light sensitive, and the lighting at my place of employment was very BRIGHT!...We were computer operators and should have special lighting for this.....
The doctor wanted to operate on my eyes for the dry eye syndrome....I turned it down. However, another employee in the same department I worked at, she opted for the surgery, and suffered ever after with "ingrown eye lashes"!...She had to pluck them out with tweezers.
I wore sunglasses a lot! Even worked with them at times.....also had CRT glasses.

The constant rubbing, burning, watery, blurry & grittiness really made my life hell!....Now, the only time I have a problem (and it's right now, usually in Oct./Nov. and again in January, due the pollen from the trees.) Dust is another culprit, so I change my A/C/Heat filters 2-3 times a month....Mold also gives me problems with my eyes.

Surgery on my eyes really gives me the creeps, but, I supposed I'd do it if the problem ever became severe. My issues are not that bad; just incredibly annoying.

As for allergies, I have a known allergy to dust. I also have an appt coming up with an ENT for impending surgery to fix a deviated septum that I've had for years. I may pursue some other allergy testing to see if I'm also allergic to the palm pollen. I may be. I've had various issues that are all inter-related for years. This is just the first time I've ever had the allergies affect my eyes. It's usually the typical runny, stuffy nose, ect.