Alldeaf Halo 2 clan

deafclimber said:
hey hey again my tag is sobuflats.

it is up to 100 members per clans but in game up to 8 players per clans can play with other clans.

sobuflats is deactivited for now bec my 2 mths free subscribtion expired today.

so i got another 2 mths free subscribtion today. my gametag is silentcragger. please beep me on xbox live.

thanks ! see ya there...
deafclimber said:
sobuflats is deactivited for now bec my 2 mths free subscribtion expired today.

so i got another 2 mths free subscribtion today. my gametag is silentcragger. please beep me on xbox live.

thanks ! see ya there...

Great, I'll remove ur old GT and re invite u from ur new GT. Umm.. after 2 months, are u gonna change another GT, eh?
Xestor said:
Great, I'll remove ur old GT and re invite u from ur new GT. Umm.. after 2 months, are u gonna change another GT, eh?

:fruit: that s good question dude. heh. if silentcragger's level is higher than the old ones. then i wud keep that silentcragger for next few months. :)
FYI, deafclimber! i booted ur old GT as considering remove.. I add from ur new GT as re invite. See ya Twm night-nighty! ^_^
since march 2005, it is time to refresh for yall... since i lost clan membership. can someone invite me to ur clan ?

my GT is silentcragger.

happy haloing
Nusentinsaino said:
Me and Xestor has decided to inform you all Halo 2 players that we are interested into playing with you guys. All you have to do is to list your xbox game tag.. and Me and Xestor and you guys can make a plan for an Big Team Slayer match.

The plans must include the time zone because we all live in different places.

My game tag is: HyperbolicMoose
Xester's game tag is: Xep Xesus

Im sure we will have fun playing with you. :)

My GT is UnseenDeaf guy
add me

saikou DC

Xestor said:
Heh, We dont care about ur stats. We do welcome u to our clan. I will text u and invite as well. ^_^

Uh, im familar ur nickname... u have played xbc before?
I want to try Halo 2 online with xbox 360 and see if it will work with xbox.

Is anyone tried this before?

Hopefully to see you on Halo 3 soon.
sjones4dad said:
I want to try Halo 2 online with xbox 360 and see if it will work with xbox.

Is anyone tried this before?

Hopefully to see you on Halo 3 soon.

Yes it should work. It is only difference is graphic.
Dragon_Shadow said:
you can add me to alldeaf clan. my gamertag is CRAZY TURBO.

Yo, I been playing on h2 online since feb and still lovin' it! If you happen still have clan for deaf only. Please add my gt -> blackhunter7

Look forward to play with you guys soon!