Age difference


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Mar 6, 2003
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Do you think age difference also equals to maturity difference???
I am currently dating a boy that is two years younger than me but I have noticed that there are maturity difference.......He is 21 you know how guys are at that age lol.......I am thinking maybe he is not ready for a serious relationship and backing off (doing more talking, less physical)
so what do you guys think? what is your opinion of the age difference...
That's a tough one. I would have to say that it depends on the situation. I've noticed that a lot of freshmen gals who enter college tend to look for a boyfriend since they are lonely during their first year. As for freshmen guys, they tend to go nuts for women and party a lot. Now, older students are the opposite. They don't pay much attention to relationships if they aren't in one and focus more on finishing school. In general, not school... I would have to say that younger people are shy and new at this relationship while older people are more mature and more aware of their surroundings. My ex-girlfriend and I are about 3 years apart. Age isn't a problem for me, it's their personality that I look for. If the gal is immature and a troublemaker, I wouldn't want her. If she's bright and mature, I'd date her.
BabyPhat21 said:
Do you think age difference also equals to maturity difference???
I am currently dating a boy that is two years younger than me but I have noticed that there are maturity difference.......He is 21 you know how guys are at that age lol.......I am thinking maybe he is not ready for a serious relationship and backing off (doing more talking, less physical)
so what do you guys think? what is your opinion of the age difference...

BP21 -- no i dont think that age equals to maturity -- some ppl grow up too slow while others are at their age level of perceived maturity -- ive met quite a few women between ages 21 and over 30 some were pretty immature and others were mature -- i think its based on their emotional stability
I agree with Fly -- it really varies from person to person -- not all mature as they age. Some mature at a later age, some earlier. But generally speaking, men mature slower than women in some sense.
Its the personality and how well grounded the guy is I wouldn't care if he was younger or older than I. BUT! I do draw the line when it comes to dating older, older people around their 30's. Its going to feel like I'm dating someone around my dads age. I wouldn't be comfortable at all. But yes, I think guys sometimes do need to sow their seeds before they become more relaxed and mature.
I do remmy about my saying from the past. Used say "prefer 25 or older" when i was in late 20's. till the karma hit me very hard when I happened fall in love with the gal. I thought she was 25 years old. Turn out, she's 21!!!! Gulped! Should not judgement on people's age before get know their personalities/maturity level. some 21 years old can be mature as 25 or older. Depend on their stage/level/experience.
Age doesn't matter

Everyone's maturity varies...

My sister married when she was 21 to someone 9 and a half years older than her, they've been happily married for a year now...

I'm only 19 (20 next month) and am currently dating someone 7 and a half years older than me...

If you click, you click... :)
Fly Free said:
BP21 -- no i dont think that age equals to maturity -- some ppl grow up too slow while others are at their age level of perceived maturity -- ive met quite a few women between ages 21 and over 30 some were pretty immature and others were mature -- i think its based on their emotional stability

I actually AGREE with fly free, I was pretty immature for my age, but thanks to counseling and learning things abt life and responsiblity and seeing the difference in life and reality has hit me hard as for the relationship wise, it s all abt HOW we react in life on our emtional stablity, and how we communicate with that stablity, Some will just flat out say * i told u so i told u so i told u so* in a chilish mocking way without being supportive whilist the other person would say well I was in ur shoes and i can understand where u are coming from and im here if u need someone to talk to or a shoulder to cry on. Depends on any situation and how we can get along as a person not as a group thats how we can grow emitionally.
butterflygal said:
Age is just a number. :D

Butterflygal -- i agree "age is just a number" but Babyphat21 was asking ref to maturity levels that corresponds with a person's age -- some ppl just mature too slow or seemingly never at all -- ive met a few over 30 ppl and they have come across to me as quite immature
recently, I just ran into my old friend and catch up and disovered that that guy who i knew from childhood which he is somewhere in 40's and he is engage to 19 years old gal . I asked him how does he feel that she is too young for his own ages ?? and how does she reaction to these ages difference .. He finally asked her to come and meet me so we end up met each other ... I was so :jaw: cuz She is soooo dammmmnnn HOOTTTTTT !!!!!!! so i had to control myself .. so i asked her about the ages difference ... she said it does bother her at first as he make her feel like he is her dad or grandpa .. later on they keep dating each for for awhile and they realize that they are for each other as match .. I can see how much he is so happy that i never seen him like that... plus .... my dad is 54 and married to 32 years old. He is very happy with her .. so i asked young gal who is 19 how would the ppl reaction to these realtionship tht they have been through ?? she said at first they doesn't accept cuz of the ages difference and they think he would stolen her young experiences years. but they finally realize that he doesn't steal her life away from these years .. He has been let her go whatever she want to go or do... that cause her parents impress his action and finally accept him... so they are plan to get married in next few months ... can u believe that ??? so Age doesn't make any difference especially just fellow ur heart what is the best for everybody.. and discover the heart search soul to be mate ..
well guess what........... He said he is not ready for a relationship and wants to be single so he can basically date other girls......I was like WHAT THE FUCK........ its only been like month or so also cuz I was telling him to take it slow and he should date other girls.....I was thinking what is wrong with this fool lol.... I am so glad he told me this before his birthday - that present is going back!! lol....... I am so glad I have been busy the past two weeks.... I didnt waste time. what an immature asshole......
:grouphug: Sorry to hear that. Some men are just clueless immature fuckers sometimes. At least you're single again and may be on ur way to finding a Mr. Perfect without wasting ur time with that guy. :D
It depends on the person, some can be very young and act over 30! And some could be old and trying to live as if they were a kid again.
Just gotta hang around and see how they act around you... Some people like them young and some don't ... Just a matter of prefrence

One day, you will have wonderful right guy near future 4 you.. Not too late. It's much more plenty ahead of time. :)

Wishes you have great luck look forward your life meets right guy!
Look the age... isn't important.. Follow your heart! (pound'n harder) :lol:
Don't worry about over your shoulder back.. "Don't look back" ;)
My boyfriend is 3 years younger than me. I'm a college student and i've seen people that are 25 and are so immature i cant stand it. I love my boyfriend with all my heart, and everyone else sees the number difference. If your happy then age shouldnt matter
VamPyroX said:
That's a tough one. I would have to say that it depends on the situation. I've noticed that a lot of freshmen gals who enter college tend to look for a boyfriend since they are lonely during their first year. As for freshmen guys, they tend to go nuts for women and party a lot. Now, older students are the opposite. They don't pay much attention to relationships if they aren't in one and focus more on finishing school. In general, not school... I would have to say that younger people are shy and new at this relationship while older people are more mature and more aware of their surroundings. My ex-girlfriend and I are about 3 years apart. Age isn't a problem for me, it's their personality that I look for. If the gal is immature and a troublemaker, I wouldn't want her. If she's bright and mature, I'd date her.

:shock: VamPyroX would date with me. I am 40ish which I am more mature. :smoking:
Sabrina said:
:shock: VamPyroX would date with me. I am 40ish which I am more mature. :smoking:
Okay... jump in bed with me and let's get it on! :naughty:
Its hard to tell the age these days. There are girls around that looks like 19 to 23. But end up finding out that they are 15 or 16. Gotta becareful who you go out with.