

New Member
Nov 16, 2008
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Hello I am Jason and deaf live in florida. Do you know where can i find advocacy training or workshop? i want to find a material. I appericate if you have infomation.
Hello I am Jason and deaf live in florida. Do you know where can i find advocacy training or workshop? i want to find a material. I appericate if you have infomation.

Hello! Welcome to AllDeaf!

Can you be a little bit more specific, please? What kind of Advocacy Training/Workshop are you looking for? What I mean is - What are you looking for in - such as advocating for the deaf people, or advocating for the disability laws, educations, cultures or whatsoever?

It would be a big help if we know what exactly you are looking for? :)
:welcome: back to AllDeaf even if you had one or few posts back in 2008. Please stick around and join us for reading and posting all the threads here. Good luck in finding the disabilty laws in advocacy. See you around here. :wave:
Welcome to AllDeaf!! :wave:

I too am in Florida. There are a few Floridians here on AllDeaf.