About "Show me Deaf Film Festival"


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Jun 3, 2007
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I went to Show me Deaf Film Festival at GSLAD HALL in St. Louis.

On Thursday, I came very very very late. I came at 6:30 pm. I thought
that I miss the food and everything. But I didn't. So.... I met Paul Kiel. I was happy to
eat the appetizers and I ordered me a can Sprite for $1.

That is the number ONE, #1 reason why I went there to try out some food.
The appetizers was okay.

I am a quiet person.

1. So after that about 7:30 pm, Paul Kiel showed 9/11: Fear in Silence: The Forgotten.... made by Ann Marie "Jade" Bryan... and

The movie was so long, big black guy Mike left the room. Fat man who
sat in the first row next to me, fell asleep.
And I don't know why Mark Wood or everybody like her film so much.
This film wouldn't win an Emmy Award.
The special effect and sound effect were so cheap, like kindergarten made that.
I don't know why Jade takes credit off of somebody's MISERY.
And the money she makes off of this film, should go to the victims and families. If people picked on Michael Moore and other filmmakers
who made 9/11 film... then it is not okay for JADE to make this film either.

Anyway, at the middle and end of the DVD, Jade sent an OLD dirty DVD, causing Technical Difficulties. So I only saw about 55 minutes out of 88 minutes... I was glad of that, I got so bored with that.

So a woman said, "You guys go in the back and have a 5 minutes break while we try to fix this DVD problem."

So we all got up and went to the bar and then I decided to
go to the Registration room to look at the schedule on the door
to see what the next movie will play... the 2 hearing women
were also reading the schedule... One woman said, "We will be
back tomorrow". And they left out the building. I don't know
if they ever came back.

2. Key to the stars - 22 minutes, I didn't like that...

3. Don't Miind - 12 minutes, funny.

4. That thing from Outer Space... it was okay. Kinda silly.

5. Help Me, about a guy struggles with reality. It was okay.

After that, it was social time, so I didn't bother to go there.
I left, went to Burger King and got me some Chicken sandwich, apple pie, fries, and drink, yummy. and went to hotel, stay up til 3 am and sleep. zzzzzzzzz

I got up late at 11am, and took a shower and went to GSLAD at 12 afternoon,
and dang... I didn't want to watch CIMI films, I have seen it before.
So they began playing the movie

1. The Ride, it was suppose to come on at 11:15 am... I guess Paul Kiel was waiting for more people to come. But Few people came... about 10 people..
I didn't like the movie The Ride. Because there is no ACTION, no comedy, or anything and then at the end of the movie, alot of singing.

2. Reservoir Wolves, it was nothing. I can hear the director shouting, "run"
and the actors ran.

3. Adu Ivumun (when I heard) it was great. made by UK

4. Hotel Central - Unique abstract. Something I don't want to see.

5. Perception - about a Blind man, it was okay.

6. Wee Three - Gross, the children pee on themselves.

7. Edda''s song - About an old lady, and that was all

8. Dr. Hand - 80 minutes, it was toooooo longggggg. Kinda boring.
Gary Brooks told me about Cool 3D special effect software.
And I bought a COOL 3D for $80 from educational kids' website.

9. Scarecrow - Wasn't scary. And predictable.

10. Blue Apple - about College turned teacher into a worm and the worm
ate all of the students. It was too silly. Gary Brooks made it. He told me
the girl in that movie died from car accident in real life.

Then Gary Brooks gave a film lecture... but I don't think anybody else
was interesting in making films. I told him that I don't have MONEY
to make my film and I can't get any Deaf people to help assist me for free.
Gary Brooks told someone that he paid money out of his own pocket, he worked and worked and put his money on films.

11. The Birds and the Bees - funny, the mother tried to tell daughter about sex... and daughter already knows.

12. Flipped - It was okay. but SOUND was so LOUD.

13. Paper Airplane - too LOUD, fat man in the front row got up and left.

14. Fast Food - silly

15. Dormitory - boring. I was looking at the girl's pubic hair at the end of the movie.

FOOD!!!!!! Time to eat... 5:30 pm.... I LOVE FOOD!!!! but The food tasted okay. I was disappointed. And social worker there asked me to do
an interview with her tomorrow morning at 10:30 am.

16. The Deaf Man - boring film... all talk, no action.

17. Page Me - okay. Women gossiping.

18. Pieces - TOOOOO LONG, BORING, 50 minutes.

19. The Booger Movie, gross

20. Two Worlds Apart - I have seen that movie before, I don't understand that movie...

21. Equilibrium - about Cochlear Implant... ack... about 4 people in the room are watching this with me. I don't like it.

22. No Talking Allowed - Very predictable, funny cute dog.

After that, I didn't socialize, I left and went to my hotel room and ate chips and drink bottle of Sprite. And went to sleep.

SATURDAY MORNING, I didn't want to do the film with the social worker,
because I felt I am too ugly to be in front of camera...
but I went anyway... and 10:30 am, the building was closed, so happily
I went back to my hotel and bought me some breakfast, hash brown,
sausage biscuit, and orange juice. I LOVE FOOD!!!!

Then at 12:00 pm... I went there, and social worker was there...
And I told her to wait... I have to give the correct (re-edit) DVD to PAUL KIEL.

And so it was 12:15pm, I told the social worker I am ready...
Then she said something about won't reveal the tape to anyone...
So... she was examine my head... "Why I want to do film?"
I told her I am bored and I made the film, "All About Memphis" all
by myself.

Then at 12:30 pm

1. Sticky Situation - Christian movie... about 5 people in the room watching this.

2. The Calabrian's Feast - Italian man.... boring.

3. Dr. Wonder's workshop - I think this film is for kids, zzzzzzzzzz for me.

I told Paul Kiel to wait, don't show my film yet, because I want more people to come... I told him to wait til after FOOD TIME because many people
come ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY for the FOOD.... and I want many people
to watch my film, "All about film" Plus Keith Wann and Gary Brooks haven't show up yet... it is not fair I have to watch their films and shows but they not gonna watch my film and others' films.

4. Say something - deaf boy wont defend himself.

5. The Boxing Match - oooooooookay, only 15 seconds.

6. Deafs vs Audists - 50 minutes, nothing but scrolling of words...
I don't want to sit there and read read read read all of that....

7. I LOVE YOU - Japan Film.... 111 minutes... toooo LONG, too DULL...
People in the audience keep walking out. Even the Pizza man left.

It was almost FOOD TIME, and more people came.... and then
WE thought the film,

8. EXODUS was going to be Great... but it was NOTHING.
Just a deaf OLD woman TALKING about her Jewish families, showing old pictures of her ancestors. 25 minutes... the FOOD was smelling good
at the background... and some people were walking out... I said to myself, "OH NO, people are leaving, and my film is next."

9. And then my film, ALL ABOUT MEMPHIS, dozen of people left...
And I had 6 people left in the room with me...
Well at least I still got more people than Joe Josslyn and some other filmmakers had. :giggle::giggle: It is a good job to me, cause I did
this film, ALL BY MYSELF!!!! I didn't work so hard for that, didn't spend
a penny on this film at all.

Then FOOD TIME, There was baked chicken, scalloped potatoes, apple pies, string beans... I threw some of the food that was on my plate away.
I got tired of eating that stuff.

And then I talked to Paul Kiel and Gary Brooks....
The people came here for the FOOD and socialize....
they don't care about films... they knew that at 5:30 pm,
they will get some FOOD.... most people come and eat food.
And why Deaf people won't help support us Deaf filmmakers
make it to HOLLYWOOD. Hollywood will ignore us Deaf filmmakers

Then at 7:35pm Gary Brooks lecture about film....
it was okay. But he is so cute, especially when he looked at me.

5 minutes break, I asked Paul Kiel why he didn't get any award,
he arranged all of this... I am happy that he showed my film though
and he made my name tag. He said Heaven is his award.

8:30pm Keith Wann, Comedy Show....
He was okay... But I didn't get it. I was daydreaming about Gary Brooks.
Keith Wann turned to Gary Brooks and joked, "Patrice, your biggest fan is here".
Well I am not into ASL storytelling and all.... people didn't come to
see films, they came for storytelling.

Gary Brooks broke my heart when I begged him to help assist me with my film.
So I left the building at 9:30pm.

So now I am in my Hotel room... typing this out...
I can see why most deaf filmmakers didn't come to film festival, because
of lack of audience. People keep saying, "Film is boring", "Film is boring", Film is boring".

I guess it is another, "Why Film Festival failed" or
Why Film Festival Failed, again".

The End.
TLDR. :zzz: But why don’t you put All About Memphis on Google Videos so we can watch it? I’ll admit that I’m at least mildly curious.
I was going to do that.... as soon as I go back home later today.

I did that film "All About Memphis" all by myself...

The day before I edited the film, I had surgery. And I was in so much
pain.... taking antibodies and painkillers....
So I edited it... and I know I didn't do a good job on it...

At first I was going to give it to Memphis Film Festivals, hearing people
are nicer, I would have more audience and all. But I gave up the film
project, because I didn't think it is a good documentary.

So I gave it to Show Me Deaf Film Festival, cause I can get free food and can come free, not have to pay $40 or something.

My mom didn't like the documentary film, but I mailed it anyway...
to see what St. Louis deaf film festival is like.

And anyway....

And it doesn't make sense for Paul Kiel to have 200 people do FILM SURVEY
on "what is the best film" Because most of them didn't even watch all
of the films.

So, that is not fair.

So I am trying to make a deaf film with deaf actors with deaf film crews...
because communication would be easier for me.

But I guess my next film will be with hearing film crews and hearing actors.
Because hearing people are more willing to help me than deaf people.

Deaf people are too self centered, I guess.
I feel that I was being very mature during the festival.
And I sat and watched ALL OF THE FILMS, even though
I didn't want to watch those movies. You can ask Paul
Kiel, I came in and watched the show, I never never never
never never never walk OUT in the middle of the film.

I stayed and watched from 9/11 film to Wann's show.

I never never never never never never never never never walk OUT.

All I hear all during 3 days, door slamming, slamming, slamming.

It was so cold in the building, but I stay stay stay stay stay,
drank coffee, wine, and vodka to stay warm.

Gary Brooks and Wann were being very immature, walk out on my film.
They only came when it is their time to show their movie and shows.

And everytime I move an inch, they watched me... cause they
thought I was going to revenge and walked out on them.
But I didn't

I never did. Cause I AM MATURE... I don't walk out. I am not THEM.

I am very very very MATURE... and also quiet.

And I even clap my hands and smile at them.

What they DID to me... WHAT THEY DID to me... is because
PEOPLE did to THEM....

I don't do that.... I am not RUDE....

Because when someone... when SOMEBODY work so hard on their
film.... and if they want me to watch their film...
I will sit there and watch it til the movie go off...

Because I am very MATURE...

And I do not act like ELEMENTARY KIDS.

ASK PAUL KIEL, I AM THE ONLY ONE that never never never walk OUT.

I watched ALL OF THE FILMS...

Cause my butt was hurting while I watching one of Gary Brooks' films...
And I just stretch stretch stretch my body to get into comfortable
position... I was so cold... I stayed and stayed and stayed and stayed.

So anyway,,, it is so sad that most people walk OUT of my film...

And what does that tell you about ME?

Am I insane? No.

I am NICE.


I am NICE. I am very SWEET.

And what does that tell you about other PEOPLE?

They are being mean to me.

Sad, ain't it?

I realized that deaf people are harder to please. And it is a waste of time.
Thank goodness that I can talk and hear with my hearing aids.
I will follow the footstep of the hearing filmmakers and it is easy
to ask hearing people to help assist me with film and act in my film.
Hearing people told me to stop using crutches and go on and do the
things I want to do. So I'm going to abandon Deaf culture and Deaf
community. And get involve with hearing people.

Go where the MONEY is. Because majority of people are hearing... and
I'm gonna make films for hearing people... no substitled and no sign language.
And that way I can really use my skill and be more involve in hearing
film festivals.
And I will try to make MONEY.

I am not making any money by doing deaf films... and Deaf films suck.

Deaf filmmakers are wasting their time making deaf films.

I am sad to leave my Deaf side behind...

So I am moving on....
Actually, you have a point. Deaf films usually do suck, usually because their budgets are so low. But don’t forget that deafness and Deaf culture are totally tres chic with the high school and freshman crowd these days. I bet if it were done right, a Deaf film could get recognition.
It doesn't matter if it is low budget.

Look at Blair Witch Craft, Students just use flashlight and camera...
and that is it. They didn't hire no fancy well known actors such as
Bernard Bragg. They didn't hire no fancy editor, Director of Photography,
and all. No money. And they raise money by selling that, and
give money and movie to Distributors. And they made MILLION OF DOLLARS.
Yeah, but that's the exception rather than the rule. A big budget definitely doesn't hurt.
I know. But I don't have Sorenson, HOVRS, and other relay service
to pay me to do it. So I have to do what hearing film directors
did... they started with no budget film, to low budget film, to high budget film.

When I went to Hollywood film school, I realize that hearing actors
and crew are more easier to work with.

I tried the Deaf Film Festival... so that was unsuccessful experience...

I just saw "Wrong Game" preview, it wasn't anything that would make
me go out and look at their film...

Mark Wood said he will submit this film to Sundance Film Festival...
but Sundance Film Festival judges are very tough. If he already
sent that, they probably mailed it back or threw it away.

I want to add that...

In 2002 Chicago Deaf Film Festival, it wasn't unusual to have 4 or 5 people in the theatre, watching deaf film. When I was there, I was like, where is everybody?

Same De Ja Vu, all over again.

my All About Memphis film isn't so bad at all for one person doing all the work.

If I have ACTORS, if I have MONEY, if I have CREWS, I can do 100 times better than other deaf film makers.

And the people in Hollywood film school gave me good compliment
for doing my film project, working with crew and actors, they love
my film shot. I had tripod and good camera...

I will go ahead and make hearing films and work with hearing people
with my film.
I don't understand why I can't say negative things... I thought if I said boring, deaf filmaker would make an improvement.

And when I submitted my film, I wish that someone would tell me
what I need to do to improve... instead of walking out....

How can we ever gonna learn if ignoring negative comments
or won't say anything?

Why can't deaf people be more open minded?

Why Deaf people act like Crabs in the Bucket, pulling each other down,
keep from being successful?

There are many filmmakers that have disability. It may not be
visible, but I did seen one guy in a wheelchair having seizure
at the Emmy Award Show, after they announce he won....
His disability didn't prevent him from tough competition.

Wow, I love to talk... I'm going to bed.
Yawn all you want to.

I came to film festival to prove my point. prove my negative point.

“Deaf films won’t be successful”.

I made my short 15 minutes documentary. I did it all by myself,
I didn’t ask anyone to assist me. And I submitted it.
And I went to film festival, and it seems I am right.

If people and Gary Brooks had stay and watch my documentary film
and congratulate me and encourage me to do more deaf film
and 40 people watched other films without walking out.

Then I would be surprise… I would apologize to Mark Wood and
Mosdeux and Gary Brooks, and say, yeah Deaf Films are successful.

But since that didn’t go that way… I got this “NEGATIVE THINKING”
over my head. And have Mark Wood, Mosdeux and other filmmakers
hating on me for being right.

Oh well.

Thank you for your review of the film festival.

It was successful on my terms because it got done. I am learning a lot. I appreciate your feedback on what you think. To err is humane, to forgive is divine! <wink>

I hope you can do more films. At least, do what you want and please understand that it takes time and patience to make things work.

I had nice opportunity to meet you and I respect you for what you are!

Keep filming! Maybe next time or sometime in near future, the opportunity will be knocking for you!

I will have final report out soon. I am in middle of moving to new home.


Nice meeting you too Paul.
I just like telling like it is. And I like being honest.
I know that many people like to say positive stuff, and leave out
negative stuff.
I know that deaf films are not perfect.
Good luck moving to new home.
It is my first time submitting my film to film festival.
Deaf film festival is good for my first time.
And I see how easy it is. And it is so fun. Great opportunity for me.
Next time I will submit my film to "hearing" local film festival,
to see what that is like. :fingersx:

I am curious.

Yes, you're right, dust myself off and try again.
I know it is a big challenge, but my goal is
to make film and see if viewers like it or not...
I won't give up. I'm a Capricorn, I wanna reach to the top
and try and try and try again. Until I die.

I'll see ya in 2009, I might submit another film to you.

Thank you so much, Paul. You're cool.

And by the way, who is that man who I was talking to, he
was so depressed, telling me he is finally divorce, happily.
He was kinda cute, oh man, I coulda take him to the hotel room with me,
and buy a whole bottle of vodka and we get drunk together.:giggle:

but anyway...

When I was with a "Hearing" film crew, they listen to
my negative feedback and other people's negative feedback..
We worked together. And we all agree, and then we
made the film very nice. And the hearing film crew didn't
do what Mosdeux did. They didn't tell me to get lost or
go away we don't want your negative feedback.
Instead the hearing film crew welcome me back.

So that is why I like working with "hearing" film crew...
because they LISTEN.

Mark Wood and other deaf filmmakers don't want to listen,
they keep saying, "it is MY film project".

When I was in California, the hearing actors told me that they want the camera in that position... so I said um... okay. So we worked together
and try out many way.

Deaf filmmakers won't. They are too strict.

So I'm gonna work with hearing film crew, cause I really feel like
I am part of the family with hearing film crew. They
don't petty me or look down on me.
Or say, "oh your films suck, I don't want you to work with us."
They let me come along and let me learn with them.

I wish deaf film crew are like that too.

That is my opinion.
18. Pieces - TOOOOO LONG, BORING, 50 minutes.


One thing I wanna to say to you. You did your valueable time saying all the negative things about the films of many Deaf film makers, including mine.

I am one of them. Yes, You're are reading Trudy Fraser's post. I'm the one who made Pieces.

You see, I don't make films out of money and business. I just make films because I feel like it. I make films because it's fun. I enjoyed making it very much. I want to learn stuff about film making. It's just a big passion of mine. That's all. No, of course not! I'm not the Hollywood star directors like Steven Spielberg or James Cameron. I don't put my film in the festival just because I think my film is a blockbuster like Hollywood films. Sick!
You certainly put down many Deaf film makers. Why don't you get out there and educate Deaf film makers if you think you are so good? Can you teach us something we don't know?

I would LOVE to hear feedbacks on my film, but no. You just simply put it down, thinking all Deaf film sucks. So what is the point of Deaf film festivals? Just give us a chance!

Thanks! I'm on my way making another film for the fun of it, and NO! I won't put anymore films over there for festivals just because they will be put down by negative comments like yours!

Sure! I'll accept feedbacks. Sure I'll accept critics, but I won't tolerate negative comments like that. So any valuable feedbacks on my film, Pieces will be appeciated.


P.S. One thing I wanna ask you - were you hurt in any way at the festival? It seems like you were hurt so you just splur it all out in here? Just askin'.....

One thing I wanna to say to you. You did your valueable time saying all the negative things about the films of many Deaf film makers, including mine.

I am one of them. Yes, You're are reading Trudy Fraser's post. I'm the one who made Pieces.

You see, I don't make films out of money and business. I just make films because I feel like it. I make films because it's fun. I enjoyed making it very much. I want to learn stuff about film making. It's just a big passion of mine. That's all. No, of course not! I'm not the Hollywood star directors like Steven Spielberg or James Cameron. I don't put my film in the festival just because I think my film is a blockbuster like Hollywood films. Sick!
You certainly put down many Deaf film makers. Why don't you get out there and educate Deaf film makers if you think you are so good? Can you teach us something we don't know?

I would LOVE to hear feedbacks on my film, but no. You just simply put it down, thinking all Deaf film sucks. So what is the point of Deaf film festivals? Just give us a chance!

Thanks! I'm on my way making another film for the fun of it, and NO! I won't put anymore films over there for festivals just because they will be put down by negative comments like yours!

Sure! I'll accept feedbacks. Sure I'll accept critics, but I won't tolerate negative comments like that. So any valuable feedbacks on my film, Pieces will be appeciated.


P.S. One thing I wanna ask you - were you hurt in any way at the festival? It seems like you were hurt so you just splur it all out in here? Just askin'.....

Well said! :gpost: I have to agree with your comments, deaf filmmakers have their own enjoyment to make films, just like you, moviegirl, I believe you have made more than 3 movies, I think?

But for me, I made films, but I am on break for a bit, I plan to return soon. Yes, you heard me, I am a filmmaker too. I made a 15 minute short film, which I did back at College, which gave me a FAT "A" for the grade of this excellent film I made. Negative Feedback is the one I might suspicus for your own films, Deafilmedia. Why don't you tell us your REAL weakness?
Don’t take it personally, Trudy. Patrice is our resident troll extraordinaire. She has made several thousand posts here since she first joined, and never has anything of any real value to say. Her life is just one long pathetic pity party, and she wants nothing more than to drag everybody into it. Take everything she says with a grain of salt.