Abortion is NOT a sin

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Crazymanw00t said:
Where is that quote?

Exodus 20: 7
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

http://www.apuritansmind.com/Tracts and Writings/NameOfGodInVain.htm

Fifthly, when we, in any way, profane or abuse His Word, we are using God's name in vain. Every theological error, misquoted Scripture, every jot and tittle not remembered in the right way is using God's name in vain. God's name is tightly bound to His Word. When we have bad theology we use His name in vain. When we misquote the Bible when a friend asks us to cite a verse or two, we use His name in vain. Imagine how many times we are theologically incorrect! Imagine how many times we have misquoted His perfect and precious Word! Imagine how many times, in this way alone, we have used His name in vain!

Sixthly, when we swear by God's name falsely, we use it in vain. Whenever we make a promise and do not keep it, we are lying as a Christian and making a mockery of God's name. When we make an oath to God and do not keep it we use His name in vain. Jesus even warned us in Matthew 5:33ff not to make oaths in God's name. The Pharisees tried to swear by other names-heaven, the earth, the city of Jerusalem, or by their own heads- so they would not directly swear by God's name. They thought that by substituting one of these other "important" phrases that it would allow them to make oaths, and have a way of escape just in case they did not keep the oath because they did not formally swear by God's name. Jesus sets them straight; heaven is God's throne, the earth is God's footstool, the city of Jerusalem is the city of the great King, and your own head is God's. So there is no substitution. It all belongs to God and subsequently should not be used in a false oath. Making a promise and not keeping it can bring dire consequences when dealing with God. He commands that we do everything that comes out of our mouths when we make an oath. So when we make an oath to each other or to God and do not live up to it, we are using God's name in vain because we are Christians who are to be honest always.
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no no I was speaking of this

God has your child in heaven with Him, and longs to forgive you if you ask Him to. Once God forgives a sin, He literally forgets it,

I was going to edit my reply but you posted it anyway.
Crazymanw00t said:
no no I was speaking of this

God has your child in heaven with Him, and longs to forgive you if you ask Him to. Once God forgives a sin, He literally forgets it,

I was going to edit my reply but you posted it anyway.

That was in your website that you linked to us here the first website check it out! Maybe before posting a website make sure you read very carefully.
Crazymanw00t, well that's your or these christians' interpretation. Nothing more or less than that. Your links to these 'articles' have many holes.. far many that I have hard time to count all.

I'll say again... it is your or these idolatry christians' interpretations. I also will say again... Jesus and God FORBID anyone from imposing their beliefs on others or judge others. There are plenty verses that support my statement.

Reference to The_Heretic's 'How to think like a Christian' topic about christians' interpretation. His essay is very excellent and cover everything what I want to say.

TTT, based on your words... if you stomp a bug when you walk on the sidewalk or grass... it means that you are a murderer. Remember that life is life. There is no difference in God's eyes. Beowulf's explanation is quite good. Read his post before this post.

Everyone, no problem! ;) Thank you for sharing your opinions. I am aware that abortion is very controversial issue... I refuse to force my beliefs on any of you... just that these people kept forcing their beliefs on others or use the bible against women. I found it very ridiculous because these christians and religious people are no better in many area either.

Edit: Keep that in your mind that I am not here to convince you or change your mind. I am here to reveal the other side of truth. Nothing more.
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Very well said, Magatsu!!

And, now...I'm bowing out ..I've said all I need to say about abortion . It's quite upsetting for me to take part in this, so I'm done. If anyone wants to PM me may do so. Otherwise...

Sayonara folks.

my aunt in law told

my cousin, Cassie to have abortion, because she was 17 and too young to have a baby. But Cassie ignored... and kept the baby, the baby named

Some People told Monica to have abortion, because she was 17 and too young to have a baby. But Monica ignored... and kept the baby, the baby named Alexis.

Cassie is now 43 years old in 1st picture. Dark skinned woman.

Monica is now 25 years old, her old picture, the 1st picture in Thumbnail image.
She is modeling and working full time as bookkeeper.

Alexis is now 8 years old, her old picture, the 2rd picture in Thumbnail image.
She is sooo beautiful...

Cassie is divorced. Monica is single. But they work and got nice houses and cars... not need men.

So Mag, go tell them now that they are bugs and they should get step on.


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I asked mods recently to delete my 'offtopic' posts in this topic. Anyway, I want to add one thing about my comments in this topic... When I mentioned about christians and religious people... it does not mean that I am talking about ALL of them. I should've add 'some' or 'most' when I use 'christians' or 'religious people' to clear up. That's my mistake.

From this post, if I ever add any more comments in this topic, I shall add 'some' or 'most' so that I will not offend someone who found my posts offense in this topic.

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Magatsu said:
I asked mods recently to delete my 'offtopic' posts in this topic.

I do not think all of our posts are off-topic. It is something to debate of it. It is related to the topic, really.
Even if it isn't a sin, wouldn't you say it's inhumane?

We hear about people over in China who can only have 1 child, and when they have to get an abortion it's this disgustingly evil thing, but when the mother chooses everyone states that it's her choice.

Whether or not it's a sin, isn't it un-American? I mean, if my country is really based on freedom... I think homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexuals. In the Christian community, that isn't the most common belief. But who are we to take away the freedom of choice?

How can I be "against abortion", then? It's just that there's the child's freedom to be considering, too. I have statistics on when certain organs develop in a fetus and when "it" really begins it's life. Even if you don't believe it's alive until birth, it still has a potential for life and freedom. So, shouldn't the government honor that freedom and protect the one who can't choose to use their freedom, yet?

I mean, the one who carries the baby used their freedom when they chose to have sex. Now they owe the life (or potential life) within them the freedom to make the same choice or other choices. What about in a rape case? The mother's freedom was violated... Wouldn't they want to grant their child the freedom that was taken away from themselves?

I sympathize with these "unplanned mothers" and can see all sides of the issue, but we are a free people and we can use that freedom to pursue happiness. I just think the unborn child should have the freedom to do the same.
Luke 1:44
"For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy."

A clump of cells does not experience joy. The Bible says, "the babe leaped in my womb for joy.
Abortion is a sin.
"Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of The Judgment"
(Matthew 5:21).

1. Abortion is, first and foremost, a sin against God and His Perfect Law
2. Abortion is a sin against ourselves,
3. Abortion is a sin against another human being.
4. Abortion is a sin against society.
5. Abortion annihilates the miraculous creation of life that is God's gift to every baby.
6. Abortion disregards the process of birth that God engineered for bringing new life full circle.
7. Abortion robs God of His Sovereignty in dispensing life and death.
8. Abortion robs God of the pleasure He derives from seeing His children grow in faith and grace.
9. And abortion robs God of lifetimes of glory and praise that would have honoured Him.
Rave, and Reba you made good points.

If baby dies in your womb by nature and that is not murder. Abortion is something thatyou have the powers to end the baby's life, therefore it is murder.
YOU, Crazymanw00t

I am speechless and anger feeling when I read some of your and other’s posts. I cant believe you for agree with a person’s description post like this at Reba's thread.

I can judge by seeing mothers who had an abortion,
and then these same mothers still got pregnant again
as an unwed mother who did not learn any lessons...
However, I cannot call them "Sluts" or "Whores" because
that would be too harsh so I try to think of
a better word maybe "Jezebel" or women with low morals.

You (Christians) described women as Jezebel because they “killed” their fetus, unwed couple live together, sex before marriage, etc.

Of course I had sex BEFORE marriage. I know, it’s for you that I’m a whore/slut or Jezebel. I don’t care what you think.

I do not judge unmarried couple living together and have babies, abortion condition etc. I’m sure that you know that most unwed couple living together. I do not judge them for that. I cant believe that you (Christians) judge anyone what they did “evil” and “wicked”.

Did you know what the word “Jezebel” is? She is a wicked & evil queen and had a reputation as the bad girl of the Bible. That woman “Jezebel” had been denounced as a murderer, prostitute and enemy of God.

How dare you describe the women as Jezebel because of this abortion. They are not Jezebel or whore/slut but they has the reasons to do it. The AD members who had bad experience with abortions deserve an apology from you because they are not Jezebel or whore/slut.....
Liebling:-))) said:
YOU, Crazymanw00t

I am speechless and anger feeling when I read some of your and other’s posts. I cant believe you for agree with a person’s description post like this at Reba's thread.

You (Christians) described women as Jezebel because they “killed” their fetus, unwed couple live together, sex before marriage, etc.

Of course I had sex BEFORE marriage. I know, it’s for you that I’m a whore/slut or Jezebel. I don’t care what you think.

I do not judge unmarried couple living together and have babies, abortion condition etc. I’m sure that you know that most unwed couple living together. I do not judge them for that. I cant believe that you (Christians) judge anyone what they did “evil” and “wicked”.

Did you know what the word “Jezebel” is? She is a wicked & evil queen and had a reputation as the bad girl of the Bible. That woman “Jezebel” had been denounced as a murderer, prostitute and enemy of God.

How dare you describe the women as Jezebel because of this abortion. They are not Jezebel or whore/slut but they has the reasons to do it. The AD members who had bad experience with abortions deserve an apology from you because they are not Jezebel or whore/slut.....

Liebling?? Crazymanw00t did not post that, Y did. :confused:
Cheri said:
Liebling?? Crazymanw00t did not post that, Y did. :confused:

Yes, I know it's Y.

Please re-read my post carefully.
I said "I am speechless and anger feeling when I read some of your and other’s posts. I cant believe you for agree with a person’s description post like this at Reba's thread".
That's what I mean is he is agree with Y's post like this.


Now you see that he is agree with Y's post.

It make me anger when I read most of his posts...... I know it's Y's post. I didnt say anything here because Y is not here. I would say something when Y said back to us here.
Liebling:-))) said:
You (Christians) described women as Jezebel because they “killed” their fetus, unwed couple live together, sex before marriage, etc.
That was not every Christian posting that. Each Christian, just like each person, makes his/her own statement. That doesn't mean everyone agrees. Please don't put all "Christians" into one lump.

Of course I had sex BEFORE marriage. . .I’m sure that you know that most unwed couple living together.
There are many couples who do NOT have sex before marriage or live together. That is what God ordained, and many people still obey that command.

Just because many people don't obey God's commands doesn't mean that He cancelled His commands. God still says fornication is a sin. I can't lie and say that fornication is not sin. Fornication IS sin, whether it is popular in society or not. But it is not right to call people names or condemn them.

That woman “Jezebel” had been denounced as a murderer, prostitute and enemy of God.
I do not call any individual "Jezebel" but your own description actually fits many woman in today's world. Sadly, many woman do murder their babies, prostitute themselves with men, and are enemies (against) God.

They are not Jezebel or whore/slut but they has the reasons to do it.
I'm sure that the original Jezebel thought she had reasons to do what she did also. That doesn't make it right.

The AD members who had bad experience with abortions deserve an apology from you because they are not Jezebel or whore/slut.....
I agree that no AD member should label other AD members with bad names.
Reba said:
That was not every Christian posting that. Each Christian, just like each person, makes his/her own statement. That doesn't mean everyone agrees. Please don't put all "Christians" into one lump.

I'm not talking direct to you but Crazymanw00t because it's him who agreed with Y's post. I would say something to Y when she is here.

There are many couples who do NOT have sex before marriage or live together. That is what God ordained, and many people still obey that command.

I do not judge you or any Christians's belief BUT I dont like the way what Christian (not direct you) judge here what I saw it myself in any threads.

Just because many people don't obey God's commands doesn't mean that He cancelled His commands. God still says fornication is a sin. I can't lie and say that fornication is not sin. Fornication IS sin, whether it is popular in society or not. But it is not right to call people names or condemn them.

I do not call any individual "Jezebel" but your own description actually fits many woman in today's world. Sadly, many woman do murder their babies, prostitute themselves with men, and are enemies (against) God.

I am not saying that you call "Jezebel".

I'm sure that the original Jezebel thought she had reasons to do what she did also. That doesn't make it right.
Dont tell me who call "Jezebel".

You know yourself who said "Jezebel" in first place which it's very disgusting. Why you didnt say anything when you first saw Y's post over "Jezebel" and Crazymannw00t's response to Y's post when you know it's not right?

You know those word "Jezebel" really offence women here totally.

I agree that no AD member should label other AD members with bad names.

Yes but some people are such nasty to AD members in your threads since they annonnced their abortion experiences which it's not very nice. It make them feel down after read Y's post which it's most terrible because they had bad experience with abortions.

They are supposing to being good listener their feeling instead of judging. That's why I felt that AD members deserve an apology from Crazymann00wt. Of course Y, when she is here.
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