AB 205 (in California)


New Member
Oct 6, 2003
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What the hell?
They forbid gay/lesbians to MARRY and at the same time they are forbidding the straight couples to apply for Domestic Partnership that is only exlusive for gay and lesbians?!

This is just one crazy world.
Okay, lemme take several steps back--

AB 205 is "a bill called the "Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act of 2003." As passed and signed into law, it granted domestic partners "the same rights [that are] granted to and imposed upon [married] spouses" by the state of California."
More information to be found here

C (my fiance) and I love each other very much but we are nervous about getting married which will be unfortunately a HUGE drawback for us. We are tad pissed that they will make us pay for our marriage. We will lose our benefits because they expect us to pay for one other. C has a job, but not enough money to support us and with just him, he BARELY get several benefits. So his job is not a good "fall-back-on" plan. I don't have a job because I want to complete my education and that is why I am on SSI (I am finishing my education in three semesters, so don't worry, I am saving you taxpayers some money than staying two more years) It is lousy because he works for education and government. He is planning on to apply for medicaid because he practically has no insurance that would cover him outside of his workplace. "God forbids" if he gets hurt outside of school.
After attending one of GLBT festivals, we learned of "Domestic Partnership"... it has everything we want-- to delcare our love and able to live with our own income. It gives us the right to be recognized as a semi-married couple. We are able to live together, share an account, making desicions health-wise for another, and many more.
We did print out the application and was about to fill it out when we noticed that it bolded out "for same-sex couples only, or sixty-four years old or above couple"...

They don't want young straight people to claim eachother as domestic partners? What is the difference? There are not many straight people that are eager to get married, you know? The only reason they are willing to include 65 years old senior citizens because many senior citizens are afraid to lose their SSI benefits when marrying...
HELLO?! DOESN'T IT SOUND FAMILIAR?! [pointing to self and C] WE ARE AFRAID TOO! WE are not just old enough.

This just goes beyond my ability to understand this society.
Let everybody marry whoever they want, let them being domestic partners to whoever they want, who the hell cares?
You don't want the institution of marriage being ruined? THEN DON'T MAKE IT ALL ABOUT BEING IDEAL-- LET IT BE ALL ABOUT LOVE. Love would last it and glorify it as the most blissful instituation, depsite the sexual orientation.
