a whole year has gone by!


New Member
Oct 26, 2004
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One whole year has past now,
What a year it has been!
Not only have I found love with you,
I've also found my best friend.

We have changed so much in time,
I feel that we have grown.
We have taken on challenges together,
We no longer fight them alone.

Your love has been my savior,
Our connection keeps me strong.
I have faith that you will be at my side,
Whenever things go wrong.

The laughs we share, the midnight talks,
To me they mean so much.
Your voice is like comfort to me,
And how I adore your gentle touch!

You are an angel sent from heaven,
Sent here to be with me.
To show me I had the power to overcome anything.
In myself, you made me believe.

Andrew, we have so much to look forward to,
All your dreams will someday come true.
I will be with you every step of the way,
Because honey, I believe in you too.

bunches of love!
* theonlyonerose *

:kiss: :hug: