A toast!


New Member
Apr 13, 2003
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I'm curious, when you go out with your friends or have something to celebrate, what do you toast? Do you have any traditions or things you must say? My friends and I have 2 general ones, the easy one is "To life and the glory of living!" The other we've stolen from a broadway musical (Rent) and it's insanely long and obnoxious, but it's fun as hell to do the whole thing in a really nice bar or resteraunt:

To days of inspiration; playing hookey, making something out of nothing; the need to express -to communicate, to going against the grain, going insane, going mad. To loving tension, no pension; to more than one dimension, to starving for attention, hating convention, hating pretension, not to mention of course, hating dear old mom and dad; to riding your bike, midday past the three piece suits; to fruits - to no absolutes - to Absolut - to choice - to the Village Voice - to any passing fad! To hand-crafted beers made in local breweries to yoga, to yogurt, to rice and beans and cheese, to leather, to dildos, to curry vindaloo, to huevos, rancheros and Maya Angelou. Emotion, devotion, to causing a commotion creation, vacation, mutual masterbation. Compassion, to fashion, to passion when it's new. To Sontag, to Sondheim, to anything taboo. Ginsberg, Dylan, Cunningham and Cage, Lenny Bruce, Langston Hughes, to the stage! To Uta, to Buddha, Pablo Neruda, too! Why Dorothy and Toto went over the rainbow to blow off Auntie Em, La vie Boheme. Bisexuals, trisexuals, homo sapiens, carcinogens, hallucinogens, men, Pee Wee Herman, German wine, turpentine, Gertrude Stein, Antonioni, Bertolucci, Kurosawa, Carmina Burana. To apathy, to entropy, to empathy, ecstasy, Vaclav Havel - The Sex Pistols, ABC, to no shame - never playing the Fame Game. To marijuana! To sodomy, it's between God and me, to S & M... La vie Boheme!
To life and to love
that's what i mostly say or also to say TO FRIENDSHIP thats pretty much it ;)
ah make a toast at special occasions like weddings, graduations, christening, uh funerals (I don't know if it happens at funerals eh..) anyways.. and more to come.. and it can happen for avviserary.. (sp) sorry lol :mrgreen: