A Thread About Anything Absolutely Disgusting!

Yeah.... I could have gone my entire life without that one.... thanks... for that... :squint:
Oh COME ON! :squint: Whoever makes these... even better yet takes pictures of their own bowel movements needs something better to do with their time good grief! :squint: Ugh! So vile.... :squint: I can handle blood, guts and gore all day but I do not handle that well... :barf:
Nasty. My friend on FB said something on his status which I thought was TMI. His status was "Bye, Sock! No Toilet papers!"
This is definitely a disgusting thread! lol
Tongue is actually a nice cut of meat.

When I was doing some research in the Florida Keys, we dared one of our professors to eat the pigs feet. Which he did, straight from the jar, it had black bristle still stuck in it. I thought he was going to puke but he kept that sucker down. I think it was more from chewing through thick skin and vinegar that make him struggle, not so much that it was pig feet. If I ate pork, I'd have no problems using fresh pigs feet for flavoring soup or stew, there's a lot of collagen in the feet and it makes things super tasty.
oh my god these threads are just crazy and weirdly just weird!! haha!! i so needed that laugh but still gross!
Nothing beats the fly picture yet.... that one takes the cake.... that is the absolute worst.... picture... yet.... :barf:
Do you find this disgusting?
