A Techie Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

Finished compiling the kernel, it works as expected. Now looking into ntrig binaries needed for working touchscreen on a tablet. It's pretty rare touchscreen drivers for this tablet (Evo View 4G) and I don't think there are much other devices out there that use the same ones.

I defined by device configuration properly, I hope it should work..
# Device specific firmware
    device/htc/express/firmware/bcm4329.hcd:system/vendor/firmware/bcm4329.hcd \
    device/htc/express/firmware/BCM4329B1_002.002.023.0511.0538.hcd:system/vendor/firmware/BCM4329B1_002.002.023.0511.0538.hcd \
    device/htc/express/firmware/default.acdb:system/etc/firmware/default.acdb \
    device/htc/express/firmware/default_mfg.acdb:system/etc/firmware/default_mfg.acdb \
    device/htc/express/firmware/default_org.acdb:system/etc/firmware/default_org.acdb \
    device/htc/express/firmware/fw_bcm4329.bin:system/etc/firmware/fw_bcm4329.bin \

# Input device calibration files
    device/htc/express/idc/Ntrig-Pen-touchscreen.idc:system/usr/idc/Ntrig-Pen-touchscreen.idc \
    device/htc/express/idc/Ntrig-touchscreen.idc:system/usr/idc/Ntrig-touchscreen.idc \
    device/htc/express/idc/qwerty.idc:system/usr/idc/qwerty.idc \
    device/htc/express/idc/qwerty2.idc:system/usr/idc/qwerty2.idc \

# Keychars
    device/htc/express/keychars/Generic.kcm:system/usr/keychars/Generic.kcm \
    device/htc/express/keychars/qwerty.kcm:system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm \
    device/htc/express/keychars/qwerty2.kcm:system/usr/keychars/qwerty2.kcm \
    device/htc/express/keychars/Virtual.kcm:system/usr/keychars/Virtual.kcm \
    device/htc/express/keychars/express-keypad-v0.kcm.bin:system/usr/keychars/express-keypad-v0.kcm.bin \
    device/htc/express/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin:system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin \

# Keylayouts
    device/htc/express/keylayout/AVRCP.kl:system/usr/keylayout/AVRCP.kl \
    device/htc/express/keylayout/express-keypad.kl:system/usr/keylayout/express-keypad.kl \
    device/htc/express/keylayout/Generic.kl:system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl \
    device/htc/express/keylayout/h2w_headset.kl:system/usr/keylayout/h2w_headset.kl \
    device/htc/express/keylayout/qwerty.kl:system/usr/keylayout/qwerty.kl \
    device/htc/express/keylayout/h2w_headset.kl:system/usr/keylayout/h2w_headset.kl \
    device/htc/express/keylayout/Vendor_05ac_Product_0239.kl:system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_05ac_Product_0239.kl \
    device/htc/express/keylayout/Vendor_22b8_Product_093d.kl:system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_22b8_Product_093d.kl \
    device/htc/express/keylayout/Vendor_045e_Product_028e.kl:system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_045e_Product_028e.kl \
    device/htc/express/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c216.kl:system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c216.kl \
    device/htc/express/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c294.kl:system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c294.kl \
    device/htc/express/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c299.kl:system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c299.kl \
    device/htc/express/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c532.kl:system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_046d_Product_c532.kl \
Finished compiling the kernel, it works as expected. Now looking into ntrig binaries needed for working touchscreen on a tablet. It's pretty rare touchscreen drivers for this tablet (Evo View 4G) and I don't think there are much other devices out there that use the same ones.

I defined by device configuration properly, I hope it should work..

shall I commence the nerd song?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMgG6KyhGXQ]Nerd Song - YouTube[/ame]
Blah, no luck. It boots, the kernel, but not the custom OS ROM I made. I'm going to bed and trying this another day.

--------- beginning of /dev/log/main 
W/HtcEbdLog( 1537): =====Kernel Key Words===== 
W/HtcEbdLog( 1537): =====Kernel Key Words===== 
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546): /system/bin/logcat2  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546): -v  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546): time  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546): -f  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546): /devlog/system_log  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546): -F  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546): /system/bin  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546): -r  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546): 1024  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546): -n  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546): 55  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546): *:w  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1546):  
W/HtcEbdLog( 1537): Version = V2.5.7 
W/HtcEbdLog( 1537): [KLog_Size,Rotate_Bundary,Ker_Level] = [1024,2097152,7] 
W/HtcEbdLog( 1537): [htc_ebdlog_kmsg_main] g_outByteCount = 419484 
W/LogCat2 ( 1546): =====System Key Words===== 
W/LogCat2 ( 1546): SysLV=4, KWNum=2 
W/LogCat2 ( 1546): KW=DEBUG 
W/LogCat2 ( 1546): KW=[embedded] 
W/LogCat2 ( 1546): SysLV=5, KWNum=1 
W/LogCat2 ( 1546): KW=[embedded] 
W/LogCat2 ( 1546): =====System Key Words===== 
W/LogCat2 ( 1546): [SLog_Size,Rotate_Bundary,Sys_Level] = [1024,2097152,3] 
I/cm      ( 1548): Welcome to Android 4.0.4 / express-8.0.Son.of.a.Bitch  
I/cm      ( 1549):                                                 _   
I/cm      ( 1550):  __ __ _ ___  _ _  __  ___  __ _ _  _  _  __  __))  
I/cm      ( 1551): ((_ \(/'((_( ((\( ((_)((_( (('((\( ((`1( ((_)((_(   
I/cm      ( 1555):      ))                 _))  
I/cm      ( 1556):    
I/run-parts( 1535): FIX ME! implement ttyname() bionic/libc/bionic/stubs.c:432 
I/run-parts( 1535): Error: zipalign binary missing. 
I/run-parts( 1535): FIX ME! implement ttyname() bionic/libc/bionic/stubs.c:432 
I/run-parts( 1535): vm.dirty_ratio = 90 
I/run-parts( 1535): vm.dirty_background_ratio = 55 
I/run-parts( 1535): vm.vfs_cache_pressure = 20 
I/run-parts( 1535): vm.oom_kill_allocating_task = 0 
I/run-parts( 1535): vm.min_free_kbytes = 2048 
I/run-parts( 1535): vm.swappiness = 0 
I/run-parts( 1535): FIX ME! implement ttyname() bionic/libc/bionic/stubs.c:432 
I/boot    ( 1581): Set 32mb of RAM free.  
I/run-parts( 1535): FIX ME! implement ttyname() bionic/libc/bionic/stubs.c:432 
I/run-parts( 1535): FIX ME! implement ttyname() bionic/libc/bionic/stubs.c:432 
I/run-parts( 1535): FIX ME! implement ttyname() bionic/libc/bionic/stubs.c:432 
I/run-parts( 1535): FIX ME! implement ttyname() bionic/libc/bionic/stubs.c:432 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): debuggerd: Jun  4 2012 23:04:28 
I/rmt_storage( 1617): rmt_storage user app start 
I/rmt_storage( 1617): rmt_storage open success 
I/rmt_storage( 1617): rmt_storage shared memory ioctl success 
I/rmt_storage( 1617): rmt_storage mmap addr = 4000d000 
D/AK8975  ( 1616): AK8975 daemon 1.0.8-EXS Start 
D/AK8975  ( 1616): (Library version : 
E/AK8975  ( 1616): m_hDevice = -1 
E/AK8975  ( 1616): m_aDevice = 7 
E/AK8975  ( 1616): Device initialization failed. 
E/AK8975  ( 1616):  
E/AK8975  ( 1616): m_hDevice = -1 
E/AK8975  ( 1616): m_aDevice = 7 
E/AK8975  ( 1616): Device initialization failed. 
E/AK8975  ( 1616):  
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system 
I/Vold    ( 1619): Vold 2.1 (the revenge) firing up 
E/AK8975  ( 1616): m_hDevice = -1 
E/AK8975  ( 1616): m_aDevice = 7 
E/AK8975  ( 1616): Device initialization failed. 
E/AK8975  ( 1616):  
I/Netd    ( 1620): Netd 1.0 starting 
D/Vold    ( 1619): Volume sdcard state changing -1 (Initializing) -> 0 (No-Media) 
D/Vold    ( 1619): Volume sdcard state changing 0 (No-Media) -> 2 (Pending) 
D/DirectVolume( 1619): DirectVolume::handlePartitionAdded -> MAJOR 179, MINOR 65, PARTN 1 
D/Vold    ( 1619): Volume sdcard state changing 2 (Pending) -> 1 (Idle-Unmounted) 
E/Netd    ( 1620): Unable to create netlink socket: Protocol not supported 
E/Netd    ( 1620): Unable to open quota2 logging socket 
I/        ( 1625): ServiceManager: 0x18ed0 
D/AndroidRuntime( 1624):  
D/AndroidRuntime( 1624): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<< 
D/AndroidRuntime( 1624): CheckJNI is OFF 
I/SurfaceFlinger( 1623): SurfaceFlinger is starting 
I/SurfaceFlinger( 1623): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W... 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): using (fd=12) 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): id           = msmfb 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): xres         = 1024 px 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): yres         = 600 px 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): xres_virtual = 1024 px 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): yres_virtual = 1800 px 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): bpp          = 32 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): r            =  0:8 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): g            =  8:8 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): b            = 16:8 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): width        = 153 mm (169.997375 dpi) 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): height       = 90 mm (169.333328 dpi) 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1623): refresh rate = 0.00 Hz 
D/CALCFPS ( 1623): period: 10 
D/CALCFPS ( 1623): ignorethresh_us: 500000 
D/CALCFPS ( 1623): period: 10 
D/CALCFPS ( 1623): ignorethresh_us: 500000 
D/FramebufferNativeWindow( 1623): mNumBuffers = 3 
D/libEGL  ( 1623): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so 
D/libEGL  ( 1623): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so 
D/libEGL  ( 1623): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so 
I/Adreno  ( 1623): open(/dev/kgsl-3d0) failed: errno 13. Permission denied 
W/libEGL  ( 1623): 0: eglInitialize(0x1) failed (EGL_SUCCESS) 
E/libEGL  ( 1623): initialize:293 error 3001 (EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED) 
E/libEGL  ( 1623): validate_display:190 error 3001 (EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED) 
E/libEGL  ( 1623): validate_display:190 error 3001 (EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED) 
F/libc    ( 1623): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1) 
I/        ( 1626): ServiceManager: 0xff30 
D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): msm_mixer_open: Opening the device 
D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): msm_mixer_count:mixer_cnt =31 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[0] = [handset_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[1] = [handset_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[2] = [headset_stereo_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[3] = [headset_mono_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[4] = [headset_mono_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[5] = [fmradio_handset_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[6] = [speaker_mono_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[7] = [fmradio_speaker_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[8] = [fmradio_headset_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[9] = [tty_headset_mono_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[10] = [tty_headset_mono_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[11] = [speaker_mono_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[12] = [headset_speaker_stereo_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[13] = [usb_headset_stereo_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[14] = [hac_mono_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[15] = [alt_mono_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[16] = [handset_vr_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[17] = [dual_mic_stereo_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[18] = [headset_vr_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[19] = [bt_sco_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[20] = [bt_sco_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): ******* name[21] = [hdmi_stereo_rx] ********* 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): libhtc_acoustic.so(7x30 platform) version 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): int android::support_audience(), support_a1026: 0 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): Open /system/etc/AdieHWCodec.csv success. 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): PYRAMID_HTC_2010813 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [1] dev_name = handset_rx_midi_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=26, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [2] dev_name = handset_rx_voice_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=26, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [3] dev_name = handset_tx_midi_8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=33, freq=8000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [4] dev_name = handset_tx_voice_8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=33, freq=8000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [5] dev_name = handset_tx_voice_16000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=33, freq=8000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [6] dev_name = handset_tx_midi_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=34, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [7] dev_name = handset_tx_voice_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=33, freq=8000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [8] dev_name = headset_stereo_rx_midi_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=28, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [9] dev_name = headset_stereo_rx_voice_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=28, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [10] dev_name = headset_mono_tx_midi_8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=34, freq=8000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [11] dev_name = headset_mono_tx_voice_8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=25, freq=8000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [12] dev_name = headset_mono_tx_voice_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=25, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [13] dev_name = headset_mono_tx_midi_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=34, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [14] dev_name = headset_mono_tx_voice_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=26, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [15] dev_name = speaker_mono_rx_midi_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=25, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [16] dev_name = speaker_mono_rx_voice_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=25, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [17] dev_name = speaker_mono_tx_midi_8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=34, freq=8000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [18] dev_name = speaker_mono_tx_voice_8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=34, freq=8000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [19] dev_name = speaker_mono_tx_voice_16000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 16000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=25, freq=16000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [20] dev_name = speaker_mono_tx_midi_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=34, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [21] dev_name = speaker_mono_tx_voice_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=34, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [22] dev_name = tty_headset_mono_rx_voice_8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=28, freq=8000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [23] dev_name = tty_headset_mono_rx_voice_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=28, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [24] dev_name = tty_headset_mono_tx_voice_8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 8000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=24, freq=8000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [25] dev_name = tty_headset_mono_tx_voice_16000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 16000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=24, freq=16000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [26] dev_name = fmradio_headset_rx 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=18, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [27] dev_name = fmradio_speaker_rx 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=18, freq=0 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [28] dev_name = headset_speaker_stereo_rx 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=33, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [29] dev_name = fmtx_headset 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=28, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE failed -1 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [33] dev_name = handset_vr_tx_midi_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=34, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [34] dev_name = headset_vr_tx_midi_48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=34, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): [31] dev_name = usb_headset_stereo_rx 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): parse freq 48000 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): act_size=50, freq=48000 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): ioctl ACOUSTIC_UPDATE_ADIE success 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): Success on updating adie setting 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/AudioBTID.csv success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): BT ID table version: PASSION_HTC_20091117 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): int android::support_audience(), support_a1026: 0 
I/dalvikvm( 1624): DexOpt: source file mod time mismatch (40c4ab35 vs 40c4bdc4) 
D/dalvikvm( 1624): ODEX file is stale or bad; removing and retrying (/data/dalvik-cache/system@framework@filterfw.jar@classes.dex) 
D/dalvikvm( 1624): DexOpt: --- BEGIN 'filterfw.jar' (bootstrap=1) --- 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): update_acdb_table, return 0 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): failed to open A2051 CSV files /system/etc/TPA2051_CFG.csv. 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1626): Speaker amplifies tpa2051 is not supported 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): int android::support_codec_aic3254(), support_aic3254: 1 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): set_aic3254_parameters 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): int android::support_back_mic(), support_back_mic: 1 
E/HTC Acoustic( 1626): read ACOUSTIC_GET_TABLES fail. -1 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): failed to open file /system/etc/AIC3254_REG_COMMON_DualMic.csv: No such file or directory (2). 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): loading CSV file: /system/etc/AIC3254_REG_COMMON_DualMic.csv 
D/HTC Acoustic( 1626): int android::support_back_mic(), support_back_mic: 1 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/AIC3254_REG_DualMic.csv success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): AIC3254 table version:  HTC_EXP_BCLK_DSP_20110418 
E/HTC Acoustic( 1626): read ACOUSTIC_GET_TABLES fail. -1 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): loading codec effect file:  
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/CodecDSPID.txt success. 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): Build fingerprint: 'google/yakju/maguro:4.0.4/IMM76I/330937:user/release-keys' 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): pid: 1623, tid: 1699  >>> /system/bin/surfaceflinger <<< 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr deadbaad 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  r0 00000000  r1 00000027  r2 deadbaad  r3 00000000 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  r4 00000000  r5 100ffd24  r6 00000001  r7 00000000 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  r8 00000000  r9 40046578  10 00010590  fp 000101c0 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  ip 400a712c  sp 100ffd10  lr 400662af  pc 40062960  cpsr 600f0030 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d0  5f52484b5f4c4745  d1  75747865745f6c67 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d2  6d656275635f6572  d3  6567616d695f7061 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d4  414c23f9414bcd31  d5  414cf40d414cf369 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d6  414cf32d414cf489  d7  3f800000414c08c9 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d8  0000000000000000  d9  0000000000000000 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d10 0000000000000000  d11 0000000000000000 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d12 0000000000000000  d13 0000000000000000 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d14 0000000000000000  d15 0000000000000000 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d16 5f544f4e5f4c4745  d17 494c414954494e49 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d18 414c1859414c0629  d19 414c8345414c0ac1 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d20 414c8421414c83c9  d21 414c96bd414c9735 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d22 414bf2bd414bf1a9  d23 414bf25d414bf28d 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d24 0000000000000000  d25 0000000000000000 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d26 0000000000000000  d27 0000000000000000 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d28 0000000000000000  d29 4197d78400000000 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  d30 4020000000000000  d31 3fe000007bd19741 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  scr 60000010 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): Codec dsp mapping table version:  E_KT_soundeffet_2011_0325 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Original.txt success. 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):          #00  pc 00017960  /system/lib/libc.so 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):          #01  pc 0000d720  /system/lib/libc.so (abort) 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):          #02  pc 000009e8  /system/lib/libstdc++.so (_Znaj) 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):          #03  pc 000188ea  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN7android15DisplayHardware4initEj) 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):          #04  pc 00018de6  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN7android15DisplayHardwareC2ERKNS_2spINS_14SurfaceFlingerEEEj) 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):          #05  pc 0001c536  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so (_ZN7android14SurfaceFlinger10readyToRunEv) 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):          #06  pc 000229b8  /system/lib/libutils.so (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv) 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):          #07  pc 0002253c  /system/lib/libutils.so 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):          #08  pc 00012bd8  /system/lib/libc.so (__thread_entry) 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):          #09  pc 0001273c  /system/lib/libc.so (pthread_create) 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): code around pc: 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): 40062940 461ce000 2b006823 e026d1fb b12368e3  ...F#h.+..&..h#. 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): 40062950 24014818 60044478 4a124798 24002127  .H.$xD.`.G.J'!.$ 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): 40062960 f7f47011 2106ee22 ef86f7f5 2006a901  .p.."..!.......  
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): 40062970 5380f04f 9303460a 94029401 eb2ef7f5  O..S.F.......... 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): 40062980 46224629 f7f52002 f7f4eb38 2106ee0e  )F"F. ..8......! 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): code around lr: 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): 4006628c 4a0e4b0d e92d447b 260041f0 4680589c  .K.J{D-..A.&.X.F 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): 4006629c 686768a5 f9b5e007 2b00300c 4628dd02  .hgh.....0.+..(F 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): 400662ac 430647c0 3f013554 6824d5f5 d1ef2c00  .G.CT5.?..$h.,.. 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): 400662bc e8bd4630 bf0081f0 000272d4 ffffff8c  0F.......r...... 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): 400662cc 43f0e92d fb01b087 461ff602 460c4b15  -..C.......F.K.F 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): memory map around addr deadbaad: 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): be87f000-be8a0000 [stack] 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): (no map for address) 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): (no map above) 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):  
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): stack: 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffcd0  00000000   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffcd4  4005d124  /system/lib/libc.so 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffcd8  00000000   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffcdc  00010200  [heap] 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffce0  0000a000  [heap] 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffce4  ffffffff   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffce8  4008d7c8  /system/lib/libc.so 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffcec  4008d758  /system/lib/libc.so 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffcf0  00000000   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffcf4  400662af  /system/lib/libc.so 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffcf8  00000001   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffcfc  100ffd24   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd00  00000001   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd04  00000000   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd08  df0027ad   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd0c  00000000   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): #00 100ffd10  100ffda4   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd14  00010240  [heap] 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd18  00000001   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd1c  00000001   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd20  00000000   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd24  fffffbdf   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd28  40046578  /system/lib/libsurfaceflinger.so 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd2c  00010240  [heap] 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd30  00000001   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd34  40058724  /system/lib/libc.so 
I/DEBUG   ( 1621): #01 100ffd38  100ffda4   
I/DEBUG   ( 1621):     100ffd3c  400a69eb  /system/lib/libstdc++.so 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Phone_Default,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Original.txt) with index 0 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Original.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_Default,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Original.txt) with index 1 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Original_SPK.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_Speaker_Default,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Original_SPK.txt) with index 2 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Original_Recording.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Record_Default,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Original_Recording.txt) with index 3 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Phone_Original_REC.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Phone_Handset_Dualmic,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Phone_Original_REC.txt) with index 4 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Phone_Original_SPK.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Phone_Speaker_Dualmic,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Phone_Original_SPK.txt) with index 5 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_SRS_A_HP.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_Headset_SRS,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_SRS_A_HP.txt) with index 6 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_SRS_A_SPK.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_Speaker_SRS,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_SRS_A_SPK.txt) with index 7 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_SRS_V_HP.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_V_Headset_SRS,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_SRS_V_HP.txt) with index 8 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_SRS_V_SPK.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_V_Speaker_SRS,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_SRS_V_SPK.txt) with index 9 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Bass_Booster.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_EQ_Bass Booster,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Bass_Booster.txt) with index 10 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Blues.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_EQ_Blues,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Blues.txt) with index 11 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Classical.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_EQ_Classical,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Classical.txt) with index 12 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Country.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_EQ_Country,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Country.txt) with index 13 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Jazz.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_EQ_Jazz,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Jazz.txt) with index 14 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Latin.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_EQ_Latin,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Latin.txt) with index 15 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_New_Age.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_EQ_New age,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_New_Age.txt) with index 16 
D/dalvikvm( 1706): DexOpt: load 301ms, verify+opt 266ms 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Piano.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_EQ_Piano,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Piano.txt) with index 17 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Pop.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_EQ_Pop,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Pop.txt) with index 18 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_R_B.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_EQ_R&B,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_R_B.txt) with index 19 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Rock.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_EQ_Rock,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Rock.txt) with index 20 
D/dalvikvm( 1624): DexOpt: --- END 'filterfw.jar' (success) --- 
D/dalvikvm( 1624): DEX prep '/system/framework/filterfw.jar': unzip in 9ms, rewrite 764ms 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Treble_Booster.txt success. 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): (Playback_A_EQ_Treble Booster,/system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Treble_Booster.txt) with index 21 
I/HTC Acoustic( 1626): open /system/etc/soundimage/Sound_Vocal_Booster.txt success. 
I/Netd    ( 1709): Netd 1.0 starting 
E/Netd    ( 1709): Unable to create netlink socket: Protocol not supported 
E/Netd    ( 1709): Unable to open quota2 logging socket 
D/AndroidRuntime( 1712):  
D/AndroidRuntime( 1712): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit <<<<<< 
D/AndroidRuntime( 1712): CheckJNI is OFF 
I/SurfaceFlinger( 1711): SurfaceFlinger is starting 
I/SurfaceFlinger( 1711): SurfaceFlinger's main thread ready to run. Initializing graphics H/W... 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): using (fd=11) 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): id           = msmfb 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): xres         = 1024 px 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): yres         = 600 px 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): xres_virtual = 1024 px 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): yres_virtual = 1800 px 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): bpp          = 32 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): r            =  0:8 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): g            =  8:8 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): b            = 16:8 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): width        = 153 mm (169.997375 dpi) 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): height       = 90 mm (169.333328 dpi) 
I/msm7x30.gralloc( 1711): refresh rate = 0.00 Hz 
D/CALCFPS ( 1711): period: 10 
D/CALCFPS ( 1711): ignorethresh_us: 500000 
D/CALCFPS ( 1711): period: 10 
D/CALCFPS ( 1711): ignorethresh_us: 500000 
D/FramebufferNativeWindow( 1711): mNumBuffers = 3 
D/libEGL  ( 1711): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_adreno200.so 
D/libEGL  ( 1711): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_adreno200.so 
D/libEGL  ( 1711): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno200.so 
I/Adreno  ( 1711): open(/dev/kgsl-3d0) failed: errno 13. Permission denied 
W/libEGL  ( 1711): 0: eglInitialize(0x1) failed (EGL_SUCCESS) 
E/libEGL  ( 1711): initialize:293 error 3001 (EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED) 
E/libEGL  ( 1711): validate_display:190 error 3001 (EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED) 
E/libEGL  ( 1711): validate_display:190 error 3001 (EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED) 
F/libc    ( 1711): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1) 
I/        ( 1713): ServiceManager: 0xff30 
D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): msm_mixer_open: Opening the device 
D/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): msm_mixer_count:mixer_cnt =31 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[0] = [handset_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[1] = [handset_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[2] = [headset_stereo_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[3] = [headset_mono_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[4] = [headset_mono_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[5] = [fmradio_handset_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[6] = [speaker_mono_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[7] = [fmradio_speaker_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[8] = [fmradio_headset_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[9] = [tty_headset_mono_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[10] = [tty_headset_mono_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[11] = [speaker_mono_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[12] = [headset_speaker_stereo_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[13] = [usb_headset_stereo_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[14] = [hac_mono_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[15] = [alt_mono_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[16] = [handset_vr_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[17] = [dual_mic_stereo_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[18] = [headset_vr_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[19] = [bt_sco_rx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[20] = [bt_sco_tx] ********* 
I/AudioHardwareMSM7X30( 1713): ******* name[21] = [hdmi_stereo_rx] *********
I think from re-reading my log it looks like I have problems with the libaudio binaries. AKA in windows OS terms, something with the audio driver isn't building or the tablet is reading the driver file incorrectly. But it's strange because I get a black screen on boot, I would have thought it should just boot in without any audio capabilities, which is fine by me.

I dislike getting into too technical stuff of the android aspect because I don't get how to code HAL (Hardware Access Layer) components between the hardware and software. It's way over my head.

I was able to get it to boot building using a different HTC device, but the problem with that build is I couldn't use those touchscreen drivers.
Lots of sitting around on trying to find the root of the problem here.
Started new build this morning. I hope this is the one. #4 is my lucky number.

My HP Entertainment Notebook PC is being made into my primary computer for travel use. Last month I installed ntouch PC, Skype, Service Packs 2/3, Microsoft.net Frame 4.0, VLC, and antivirus (soon to upgrade). Now I'm looking to get Windows 7 for it (if I can find it, that is), and I also need to get a larger USB Stick for my work on the research I've been doing. Hmm. Maybe update my RAM, too.

Oh, I forgot to mention my browsers-- I have three-- Opera Stable, Firefox, and Google Chrome. Now, Google Chrome seems to slow down when activated, but Opera Stable browser? Super fast, and impressive. It's a recent discovery of mine, but I've been satisfied with it thus far. My phone has it, and Google Chrome.

One other thing-- my HP laptop also has a Logitech C310 webcam installed on it.
Last edited:
It's been 2 months since I started work on my HP Pavilion Entertainment Notebook PC, and earlier tonight I removed several unused (And useless) computer games, removed Firefox Browser (Never used it, nor got the hang of it), and rebooted my laptop. The result? It's now running MUCH faster than it was earlier today. Oh, and Netscape Browser got removed, too (Who uses that these days, anyways)? Still need to find a suitable anti-virus, though. Having a little bit of trouble with Bitdefender being uploaded on here, but maybe it work now.
I'm thinking of getting a new laptop with Windows 10 when it comes out later this year (maybe in fall 2015).
it seems I been using lap top mouse on desk top computer I just notice would this be cause of script jumping,Some idiot messing about with COMPUTER if it ok I leave it..otherwise means pulling everything around to get to port..would somebody tell me
it seems I been using lap top mouse on desk top computer I just notice would this be cause of script jumping,Some idiot messing about with COMPUTER if it ok I leave it..otherwise means pulling everything around to get to port..would somebody tell me
It shouldn't cause a problem to use a laptop mouse on a desktop computer. The main difference is usually the size of the mouse. If you're comfortable with that mouse, keep it. However, since you have hand/arm problems, you might want to think about getting a more comfortable, larger, ergonomic mouse later.
Okay, so I have come to realize that my HP Entertainment laptop is simply too big and heavy to carry around when I travel, so with that said, I am currently working on one of the Gateway laptops I have (One of which I own), and I have so far been able to install Opera Stable software, and that's it for the time being. I am, however, still working on it.

I am currently installing the following:

ntouch PC
Adobe Flash Player version 16

Still to install:

VLC for movies
AIM for Windows
Photobucket Desktop

After those are done, I will then install Bitdefender Anti-virus, as the other Gateway laptop prevented me from downloading new software, so I wanted to get these downloaded before I installed it-- don't want to make the same mistake as before.
Last edited:
Whew!! Everything is done!! The Gateway laptop is ready for travel, and it looks good. However, it took me three tries to get AIM for Windows downloaded, but I did get it.

Now as for my HP laptop..... I think I know why I haven't been able to download Bitdefender on here, but I need to confirm it, first.
Whew!! Everything is done!! The Gateway laptop is ready for travel, and it looks good. However, it took me three tries to get AIM for Windows downloaded, but I did get it.

Now as for my HP laptop..... I think I know why I haven't been able to download Bitdefender on here, but I need to confirm it, first.
I thought Gateway died 15+ years ago! We used them at a company that did software pushes to I don't remember how many different computers (we even used OS/2 Warp and ick ... Novell). The final Gateway product was really great but initially they were sucky because you never knew what product was actually in the towers (harddrive, memory, etc.). They certainly were superior to Dell.

Congrats on getting it up and ready for travel. That's really cool.
I thought Gateway died 15+ years ago! We used them at a company that did software pushes to I don't remember how many different computers (we even used OS/2 Warp and ick ... Novell). The final Gateway product was really great but initially they were sucky because you never knew what product was actually in the towers (harddrive, memory, etc.). They certainly were superior to Dell.

Congrats on getting it up and ready for travel. That's really cool.

Nope. Alive and well. That reminds me-- I need to see if I can add a couple of other things at a later date. In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out how to link my Skype and Microsoft accounts into one-- the only answer I have currently is to un-install and re-install the software. :| That's the only answer I'm coming up with.
I decided to see if I could add my Logitech C310 webcam to my Gateway laptop, and much to my surprise, it worked, so now both my HP laptop and my Gateway laptop use the same camera, for equal quality.

Now if I could just get Microsoft to work on my HP laptop (Skype, that is), I'd be in good shape. Still trying to get that worked out. I suspect that once I get out of this area and into a stronger one for MiFi reception, it should work.

I'm also looking to add a text messaging app from the web, and I can add one on my HP laptop, no problem, but here? Similar to the Skype situation, I suspect my area I live in isn't strong enough.
I thought Gateway died 15+ years ago! We used them at a company that did software pushes to I don't remember how many different computers (we even used OS/2 Warp and ick ... Novell). The final Gateway product was really great but initially they were sucky because you never knew what product was actually in the towers (harddrive, memory, etc.). They certainly were superior to Dell.

Congrats on getting it up and ready for travel. That's really cool.
I was pretty sure it did too - Gateway just started going completely downhill around 2000-2002. I had both a Gateway laptop(Windows ME- shoot me...) and PC tower back around 2002... lost the PC tower (don't ask- it's a bizarre story...)... laptop...ugh. Oh I gave it to a friend of mine when she was considering learning how to do laptop repair. I have no idea what she did with it though- I'll have to ask her. By the time I gave it to her it was moving as slow as a herd of turtles in molasses anyway. Switched to Dell in 2002 and haven't looked back- both towers and laptop are Dell.

hahaha Novell.. oh ick.. used that at many of my jobs and if I remember right I think they still had it at my last job but finally started switching to MS server or something non Novell by the time I left there.
Okay, so I finally figured out why I was having a downloading problem with one of the laptops, and it turns out there were several reasons for that.

One was that my Internet security was at maximum high, which it should have been at medium high.

Another was that I didn't realize that the desktop downloading was disabled, so I enabled that, along with a couple of other things, and sure enough, there was the problem. I have since been able to download a couple of other things. I also did the same for my HP laptop, but I have't yet tested the download portion on there yet-- might do that tonight.