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No Fear 23

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Dec 26, 2005
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Why are there so many different religions? like catholic, methodist, buddhism, muslim, etc. If there was really a God, should everyone in the world be focusing on one religion?
No Fear 23 said:
Why are there so many different religions? like catholic, methodist, buddhism, muslim, etc. If there was really a God, should everyone in the world be focusing on one religion?

Because a mortal has a different opinion from the peers. Just like why everybody doesn't speak the same language-- people just split up and form their own niches with their customs, languages, and a belief system. :)

Quite complex, I know but wouldn't it be bland and bored if everybody is an ordinary??
That is becuase of the great apostacy. After the 12 apostles were all killed and christ was killed.. the church, the order and the preisthood that he established here was gone. The authority was gone. That is also refered as the dark ages.

We learn in the scriptures that before the second coming, we would have that church restored again to the earth to help prepare the world for the second coming. Many of your older churchs, such as Lutherans were started like from Martin Luther who started the church, trying to implement the same gospel that was here when Christ and his apostles were here.... He did the best he could but he did not have the WHOLE truth. Catholics were not established by Peter, becuase Peter was DEAD when the Catholic church was established. I dont know where they come up with this church was founded by Peter. DUH.. anyway.. it goes on and on and on.......

You can read in the new testament, there are 17 points to the church that christ established. IF you can find the church that has all those 17 points== then you have found the restored church. The restored church is here again. It was restored, the preisthood was restored, the apostles are here again and the Prophet is here again. Oh, and let us not forget.. christ IS coming!!

Your question is normally considered by many but most dont care to try and figure it out any more........The Lord has not forgotten us, he still speaks to his people as he did in the olden days......he loves us and feels we need direction just like they did in the bible days........prophets such as noah, moses, abraham just to mention a couple.......we have them here again today.

I will say to you to pray about it--and go to mormon.org = 17 points!! :angel:

Well, I dont know about you but I Think the Lord is unchanging...he says so in the scriptures so I dont think that HE agrees with every church that has different teachings..if so he woudl be devided against himself. How can he give us commandments and such if we all beleive them differently??? makes no sense. He is a god of order not a god of confusion.

First indicator of apostacy is things that are contrary to when Christ was here....he set up his church. He showed us that baptism is by complete immursion. He showed us that Proper Preisthood authority was absolutely mandatory. He explained to us about healing the sick by the laying on of hands again with the PROPER authority. Men must be called of GOD and not themselves to do his work here. For instance, i hear people say well......god otld me one night to start a church and baptize people. WRONG.......show me one place in the scriptures whene he was here and established his church here when someone did that and acted in his name on their own? it wont happen.....they were called by men who had the preisthood that came from christ himself.....they then passed it down and so on.........again, order, not confusion.

One must be worthy to act in his name and have callings in his church to perform his work here. You dont just wake up one day and say, yah I'm gonna get a church going and make soem money off the savior. It doesn't work that way.

Further, to get paid to teach anyone the gospel is the first sign of apostacy. Show me one place in the scriptures that anyone got paid for it?? the gospel is free----when men are called of GOD they dont take a dime for it.

You will also see that god does answer prayers........he will help you find the true church for there can only be ONE...if you pray in earnest faith. james 1:5

I KNOW there is ONE true church. I KNOW if you wanna know too you can find out. By asking in faith for him to show you. He is ONE god, there is but ONE faith, ONE Gospel, ONE baptism.

there are missionaries around the world......wearing suits and black name tags that say the "church of jesus christ of latter day saints"........there you will find your answers. I did...and millions of others have also.

We are a peculiar people we mormons....its because we live the gospel. We live the truth.......the world understands it not.

No Fear 23 said:
Why are there so many different religions? like catholic, methodist, buddhism, muslim, etc. If there was really a God, should everyone in the world be focusing on one religion?
Remember history of Catholic Church ( for one I grew up in Catholic and I am thinking about go back to CC, so I can say this) , used to be one big Church in Europe and look what it had done to people in old days for instance Joan of Arc, she was burned at the stake because of what she did for the Church and her country, alot people back then don't like it. too much power and control by man who run the church. We do not want one Church to control people alike CC did in old days. Today we have many choice and different faith to follow. Some people believe in bible only, for me the bible is a tool to look up not too much empahsis on it alike many Christians people do here nowdays. I am glad we have free of choice to go any Church. It is people who dislike CC , Mormon or any other religion and they try to destroy them. Freedom of religion is what make our country great today.
I have easy answer to this baffling question.

Over years, people read and interpret differently. In other word, no two person understand and interpret same sentence exact same way.
That is why one person on one side of planet would read and interpret and create a religious while other read and create different religious. Both based on same book. sigh, can it happen? Sure you can bet! I have done research and proved. I don't believe in any religious. PERIOD.
I've been seeing so many different issues Relgions so many direction their own belifts..

Only I known about the acident(sp) history about Cathohic who hates jews.. and decide murder them all jews long years ago while in WW1... Christians people who hid their safety.. I cannot remmy at all whole thing informaiton the acident history pretty quite interesting but not whole thing..

Today.. Let them preference choice their belifts and happy religions..
I do respect them everyone and prefer their choice.. and cannot critizite them change to Christians..
nor not do judge them.. that all I've seen once the bible versions..long time..
Only I believed and my favorite is... JOHN 14:6
gnarlydorkette said:
Because a mortal has a different opinion from the peers. Just like why everybody doesn't speak the same language-- people just split up and form their own niches with their customs, languages, and a belief system. :)

Quite complex, I know but wouldn't it be bland and bored if everybody is an ordinary??

Bingo. Cultures build religions accustomed to their culture. Religions don't develop cultures and societies, but quite the opposite.
2 sides differ each other: One VS many:

One God
One Bible
One true church


Many gods
Many bibles
Many apostate churches
Askjo said:
2 sides differ each other: One VS many:

One God
One Bible
One true church


Many gods
Many bibles
Many apostate churches

You make my head hurt.
GalaxyAngel said:
I've been seeing so many different issues Relgions so many direction their own belifts..

Only I known about the acident(sp) history about Cathohic who hates jews.. and decide murder them all jews long years ago while in WW1... Christians people who hid their safety.. I cannot remmy at all whole thing informaiton the acident history pretty quite interesting but not whole thing..

Today.. Let them preference choice their belifts and happy religions..
I do respect them everyone and prefer their choice.. and cannot critizite them change to Christians..
nor not do judge them.. that all I've seen once the bible versions..long time..
Only I believed and my favorite is... JOHN 14:6

I am Catholic, I don't hate jews, and I do not believe Catholic murdered jews during WW1 or WW2. But they did murdered jews back when the first black plauge hit in Italy. They did not know it was in water that caused plague not jews caused the disease.

Don't forgot many people whose faith in Catholic were murdered by nazi also.

During WW2 many priests and nuns hid jews in CC from nazi.

Early in 1900's, many places did not allow black, jews and Catholics in their public place alike park or building.
Askjo said:
2 sides differ each other: One VS many:

One God
One Bible
One true church
If you say so then:

CC does them all.
No Fear 23 said:
... If there was really a God, should everyone in the world be focusing on one religion?
There really is One God, and everyone should worship Him. The problem is, man has a sin nature that includes pride, and that pride often leads man astray. Also, Satan offers tempting false religions that draw people away from the truth.

There is only One True God but He doesn't force people to worship Him. He wants people to come to Him willingly.
Ya'll are missing a huge frickin' gap in your assertations.

According to Christianity and Judaism, we all started with 2 people who personally knew God, who obviously spoke the same language, and had children who grew up knowing their language and knowing God. They lived for "hundreds of years" and yet still developed their own language and religious system? The animals were all named yet each animal is called something different in each language? What was the "original" language, anyway? It definitely couldn't be Hebrew.
chirowife03 said:
You can read in the new testament, there are 17 points to the church that christ established.

I will say to you to pray about it--and go to mormon.org = 17 points!!

Wow! 17 points equals legitimacy! Bullshit. There's nothing in the bible that legitmizes 17 points = the true church. Where's your proof in the bible?
Dennis said:
...According to Christianity and Judaism, we all started with 2 people who personally knew God, who obviously spoke the same language, and had children who grew up knowing their language and knowing God. They lived for "hundreds of years" and yet still developed their own language and religious system?
That's how they started out. However:

Genesis 11: 1 - 9

1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. 4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

5 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
Reba said:
There really is One God, and everyone should worship Him. The problem is, man has a sin nature that includes pride, and that pride often leads man astray. Also, Satan offers tempting false religions that draw people away from the truth.

There is only One True God but He doesn't force people to worship Him. He wants people to come to Him willingly.

I am aware that there are alot of false religions but yet, you hear about the Calvinism, Southern Bapist, Independent Baptist, so and on... How do you really know which religion is the right one? It is so confusing to hear different theories. I do believe that there is really one God, it's the religion that I am having a problem with.
Reba said:
That's how they started out. However:

Genesis 11: 1 - 9

Sounds way more like someone's storytelling version of an event to get around a question of why people speak different languages today. I really don't believe there was ever "one language" ever used by everyone on earth.

First off, you never find out how they were scattered. Here's the civilization, working together as one, being able to do anything. So, the Lord himself came down and said.... to whom? Himself? Jesus? That "nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them."

Somehow, God confuses these absurdedly intelligent people (remember, Reba, you claim they were much smarter and long lived than modern peoples) and their language is so uncomprehensible that they have no choice but to stop building and go their separate ways. Now, the only way I think this could happen is if these people developed some kind of mental disease that prevented them from even remembering how they talked to each other. These people talked to each other every day, they passed on oral histories and as far as I can tell there was no written language in place. Therefore, changing from one oral language to many would be silly unless there were already other languages in place.

It makes MUCH more sense that these people were not unified and under one language in the first place. Especially since ya'll keep thinking he was so obviously involved 6000 years ago and not so obviously involved today.
chirowife03 said:
there are missionaries around the world......wearing suits and black name tags that say the "church of jesus christ of latter day saints"........there you will find your answers. I did...and millions of others have also.

We are a peculiar people we mormons....its because we live the gospel. We live the truth.......the world understands it not.



I am an ex-Mormon.

According to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jesus and Lucifer were brothers of Heavenly Father. According to the Bible, there is only one God in three dimensions...God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Part of your scriptural references are correct, however, you and I both know that the Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great Price supercedes the Bible, and the LDS Church teaches that. Also, when each of us dies, according to the LDS Church, Joseph Smith will also be judge of all of us. That's not what the Bible says. Perhaps you'd like to discuss this with me off-line, pm me if you wish.
Dennis said:
Ya'll are missing a huge frickin' gap in your assertations.

According to Christianity and Judaism, we all started with 2 people who personally knew God, who obviously spoke the same language, and had children who grew up knowing their language and knowing God. They lived for "hundreds of years" and yet still developed their own language and religious system? The animals were all named yet each animal is called something different in each language? What was the "original" language, anyway? It definitely couldn't be Hebrew.

If Adam and Eve had a personal relationship with God where they dealt with Him face-to-face, doesn't that mean they didn't need the rituals we associate with religion? I think that need came with the Fall.

About the original language, Hebrew (and all other languages) would be a descendent of it. This even makes sense from a secular standpoint--there had to be 2 people who were first to have a spoken conversation, and to teach others. As people moved apart from each other (thanks to the disunity that also came with the Fall, and I think the Babel episode gets at that), change in languages is the inevitable result.
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