A new member enters the fray!


New Member
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

This is my first time being a member at alldeaf.com. About me, I am an art student in portland. My major is in 3D animation as I aspire to work for Pixar or Dreamworks after I graduate. The animations they produce are always inspiring and I'd like to be able to do that someday. Since my birthday has passed recently, I am now 22. Four years ago, I went through my first surgery and got my first CI on the right side. I was born with bilateral hearing loss. To those interested in learning a bit more, feel free to shake my inbox. I'm a bit lonely there at the moment. ;)

I want it to be known that a noted member, Kaelei has welcomed me to this site.

Thank you for the invitation, Kaelei.

Cheers to you all and have a great day!
Welcome to AD!!

Were you born deaf/

Enjoy your stay!!
People in my age group has come! Haha.

Welcome to AD..

and by the way, PM (private messaging) on AD won't happen until you reach 50 posts.
Welcome to AD! My sister lives in Portland. I love beautiful mountains in Oregon.