A minor frustration..


Mar 12, 2012
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So I was talking to a friend today online. He says that he is listening to an audiobook and telling me how great it is. Then he suggests that I sign up for some website that will give me 2 free ones. *sigh* I've known this guy for 20+ years. He knows that I am HoH. So I tell him that I don't do audiobooks. He tells me I should. So when I explain that while I can hear the words to an extent, it's not clearly enough to understand them.. he tells me to get headphones.

It doesn't work like that for me. Headphones make it louder but I still can't understand the words. I think my brain is broken. My audi explained it to me that I spent 30+ years with hearing loss and no hearing aids so my brain doesn't know how to hear on my worse side.

Now he thinks I'm being all negative and down on myself and I just need to try harder and have a CAN DO! attitude about things.. that I'm just scared and I need to not be so scared of things.
I would bring that friend to the audiologist and let the audiologist explain. Sometimes it takes someone else say the same thing you are saying in order for the friend to understand. I am amazed that it seems so impossible for some people to understand what it is like not to hear or to be hard of hearing. Make sure you have a lot of friends who do understand, otherwise you will only get frustrated with those who don't. Honestly, bring him to the audiologist. Or maybe find some good books about hearing loss for him to read. Make sure he/she understands you are serious about this.
I live too far away now for the audiologist visit. 1500 miles nearly! But I could suggest a book. I honestly can't figure out why he's so dismissive. I've never made my hearing an issue but it's always been a known thing. Sometime over the past few years he's become less human and more zombie cheerleader and it's really odd. Any mountain can be overcome with a bit of elbow grease and a great attitude he says. I think he's drinking some cults koolaid because this is something that can not be fixed and can possibly get worse lol
Laughing at the description of the "positivness". Perhaps you could direct his energy into something more constructive, like learning sign language with you or so. Being positive and realistic would be a great skill to have...
what happen to good old fashion book...I becoming real old fart