A Letter For An Interpreter (Personal)


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Oct 6, 2003
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This letter is not targeted for EVERY interpreter but rather to ONE SPECIFIC interpreter that worked for me in Turkey for my class.

I wish to disclose this draft I just typed up. THIS is the reason I am not SO ... willing to go on and on about my experiences in Turkey because this woman just ruined my entire trip by violating me numerous of times. I just tried to manage her and try to enjoy my trip, but overall I will say that if I have to FORGET about my interpters, that I DID enjoy my time in Turkey. But if you want to discuss about interpreters-- I will say HORRID. BAD. NEVER AGAIN. NOT HER. NOT ANYBODY *LIKE* HER!

Again, this is a DRAFT. This is an EXPRESSION. I didn't proofread or correct my grammar because I just want to take this off my chest. (It is 1:18am and my brain is racked about HER-- how to confront her, how to deal her, how to PREVENT her from interpretering for MORE Deaf people, how how how...). I need to stop thinking about her. I need your support. I need you to just LISTEN.
I want to know if I am correct to ask her employer to slap her straight...
I never felt so outraged like this. I am usually flexible with interpreters but, NEVER ANYBODY LIKE *HER*.

To WHom it May Concerns

I wish to sound off my concerns about a certain interpreter that is certified and registered in your organization. I hope because you care about the Deaf Community that you, as an organization, can help to promote the interpreting standards by enforcing the very ethics and procedures to be conducted by your interpreters.

I "hired" [NAME] whom was volunteering her interpreter services for my class. She wasn't paid any salary for her hours but I paid for her flight, boarding and registration fees.

I was told that [NAME] was a good interpreter and I relied on fellow interpreters' words to confirm [NAME]'s services for my class.

However after several weeks of having her as my interpreter, I realized that she is a very poor asset for your organization and I wish to bring this to your attention. She failed as an interpreter for the Deaf community in many ways that I felt that violated the code of ethics that your organization holds to everybody.

The so-called violations that I felt she needed to be aware and be corrected by the organization were her lack of culture-sensivity. [NAME] was very limited in her awareness of Deafhood and acted very offensive towards the Deaf culture. I can sum up those violation in one event which took place in my class. I was having a friendly chat with [NAME] and another interpreter who was teaming up with [NAME] for the class. I was actively listening to the another interpreter and I happened to use my voice when I replied: "Oh yeah, that's right..." with my hand propping out. I looked over to [NAME] and the first thing she did was to prop up her hand to mimic me and she started to move her mouth as if she was a gopher eating-- to mock how I sound. I was paralyzed with shock at her immecpable action that I just dropped my jaws and stared at her. She proceed to sign to me: "Your voice sounds SO funny!" I frowned and just clammed up and turned my back toward to her. She tapped my shoulder and I looked back to her-- she said: "I just thought it sounds weird." I gave her a somber look and went "oh." and looked away.
How could an interpreter for Deaf mock a Deaf client's voice?
How could an interpreter forget what Deaf people have been through in America's history in academics where they are constantly bullied by the hearing peers, being constantly underestimated, being constantly undervalued by hearing peers...
How could an interpreter think it is funny for a Deaf client to make fun of their "Deaf" voice?

I could go on and on with many other ignorant actions taken by [NAME] in terms of Deafhood (making fun of my infrequent slips of using PSE signs) and narrow-minded to Deaf Culture (frequent jokes about my voice after I told her that I didn't appreciate it) but I feel that single event does sum up her attitude toward the Deaf community.

I strongly impose you to mandate [NAME] to take a workshop (mulitple-workshops!) and/or courses to enchance her knowledge which must improve her empathy for the Deaf community because all of those factors are vital for her job as American Sign Language interpreter. She cannot preform the job of an interpreter for Deaf if she doesn't understand the culture of the language she interprets for. I strongly impose you to educate her and correct her actions because you are her, among many other interpeters, role model to achieve the most ideal interpreter. Your organization is setting the standard for the Deaf people to interact with the hearing worlds which is an important bridge for Deaf people. Your organization cannot afford to be tainted with interpreters like [NAME]. Take actions with [NAME] or she will affect the large numbers of Deaf clients on your list due to her lack of understanding and empathy.
Please. Spare many Deaf people what I have went through with [NAME]. She does have potential as an interpreter but her ignorance will finish her off VERY SOON if no action is being taken.

I impose you, the organization as her mentor and role model, to take steps to help [NAME] to improve as an interpreter to ensure her continuing service to Deaf clientele.

Thank you.
A Traumizated Deaf Victim
A good rant, and I am sorry to see you went through with this, she don't deserved to be hired as Interpreter, very unprofessional.

I can related your feelings.

Its good to see you speak up - smart one!!
May I ask you one question, have you met her in person prior the Turkey trip?
Great Rant! ;)

You have every right to complain if you were not happy with the interpreter service that provided to you during your trip to Turkey. I'm surprised that she mocked about the way you spoke. That would be the first time I've ever heard an interpreter did that. I'm sorry that you had a very bad experience during your trip. :hug:

You're right about a lot of things that you've said on your letter to her boss, hopefully they will take the time to read, understand and an action should be taken to prevent from happening again to some one else <another deaf person>....

Thanks for sharing this with us. :)
I'm in awe. When we spoke while you were in Turkey, I realized you were frustrated with your interpreters, but I had no clue that it could have been that bad. I think this serves as a perfect example of how interpreters should not act. That is perhaps the most unprofessional thing anyone could have done, and you have every right to be offended. I implore you to take whatever possible actions to ensure this "interpreter" receives corrective action. Thank you for sharing this, also. It helps to serve as an example of how I, as a prospetive interpreting student, should never act; disrespectful, insensitive, and obviously detached from the community in which I am supposed to be serving. Good luck in your task. We'll see just how much this interpreting agency cares for the people it serves by the action it takes against this interpreter.
Hopefully goes through w/an interpreter's face turn into embrasement stock, how much your rights speak it out 'bout your an interpreter is doing their job unprofessional.

Truly I'm sorry hear every your details..
Make your an interpreter will wake up the call one day!
I hope that's not a common behavior ... terps should know this stuff better than anyone else!
Sorry to hear this, Gnarly. You obviously didn't know her; otherwise you wouldn't have asked her and paid her way half way around the world and be stuck with her. It's too bad someone didn't tip you off about her prior to going...if I recall, correctly, from previous posts, you were having a difficult time finding an interpreter to go with you, especially one who wouldn't be paid. Makes me wonder if, psychologically, because she wasn't getting paid, she relaxed a little too much, ethics-wise. If that's the case, the behavior's still wrong and gives you a glimpse into the kind of person she is. Ahh, I'm rambling...again, sorry this has happened. I'm sure someone will set her straight.
Well, I know you said this was a draft, but I definitely think you should send it, or something like it. However, if you do, instead of saying "I could go on and on..." DO go on and on! Include in your letter every single ethical violation you witnessed from this interpreter. A company can easily blow off a letter from someone who's just annoyed, but specific examples of all the bad behavior you had to put up with will be far less easy to ignore. Hopefully they will at the very least go in the interpreter's file, but more hopefully she will have to answer for ALL of them.

And if you do plan to send that letter, I'd be more than happy to copyedit it for free before you send it.
Interpretrator said:
Well, I know you said this was a draft, but I definitely think you should send it, or something like it. However, if you do, instead of saying "I could go on and on..." DO go on and on! Include in your letter every single ethical violation you witnessed from this interpreter. A company can easily blow off a letter from someone who's just annoyed, but specific examples of all the bad behavior you had to put up with will be far less easy to ignore. Hopefully they will at the very least go in the interpreter's file, but more hopefully she will have to answer for ALL of them.

And if you do plan to send that letter, I'd be more than happy to copyedit it for free before you send it.

That's very noble of you, Interpretator, very noble.
Interpretrator said:
Well, I know you said this was a draft, but I definitely think you should send it, or something like it. However, if you do, instead of saying "I could go on and on..." DO go on and on! Include in your letter every single ethical violation you witnessed from this interpreter. A company can easily blow off a letter from someone who's just annoyed, but specific examples of all the bad behavior you had to put up with will be far less easy to ignore. Hopefully they will at the very least go in the interpreter's file, but more hopefully she will have to answer for ALL of them.

And if you do plan to send that letter, I'd be more than happy to copyedit it for free before you send it.

that is so thoughtful and sweet of you ! :D
That was very nasty of her, and you should report her. Deaf people should not have interpreters who are ridiculous like that. I thought they should know deaf people can sound different like "duh!" She sounds immature.
Great rant, do send it, do list details. I'm so glad that you pointed out that she needs an understanding of the deaf community. I think most of the complaints I hear about are due to a lack of understanding. A hearing person can go to school and learn ASL and pass with flying colors, but if they don't know anything about the culture they are seriously lacking. This particular person is also just rude and inconsiderate which is totally inexcusable.
Wow! Your interpreter seems to neglect the code of ethics. He/she needs to be more professional and should maintain a better work ethics.
Opal>> Yes I have met her. She did intepretered for me twice prior to the trip to Turkey. She did act PROFESSIONALLY... which brought me to the next comment which Tousi posted:
"Makes me wonder if, psychologically, because she wasn't getting paid, she relaxed a little too much, ethics-wise. If that's the case, the behavior's still wrong and gives you a glimpse into the kind of person she is. "

EXACTLY. I was frustrated with her thinking that the class was a vacation and ended up acting INPROFESSIONALLY. I did "yell" at her that she needed to do her job and that this was not a free vacation-- she defended and disagreed with me. That's another problem I had with her. She won't listen to me. She was on her defense all the times ("no YOU misunderstood my intentions, I was meaing to DO that but somehow I ended up doing this..." Yak yak yak)-- won't adjust to my preferences, won't take my suggestions or advice yet SHE ASKED ME TO BE FRANK with her if I am not happy with her. So Whatever. That is why this interpreter has been haunted me. I just disliked how she tried to do HER way when I thought the itnerpreter is supposed to work *FOR* deaf people....

If somebody is selfish and self-centered, then that person shouldn't go into the interpretering field, IMO. Because it is not all about the interpreter, but about the DEAF people.
That is why I was so irrirated wtih her that she is considered as EXPERIENCED and GOOD interpreters... because to me, SHE IS NOT. I don't care how many years she got under her belt-- it is the QUALITY, not quanity!

SHe was 30 years old. Which shocked me because she was immature the entire trip.

But overall, I would say that after the class in Turkey, I DID LEARN a lot about myself (my ability to ask people to do what I want in a NICE way. Usually I bite people's heads off if they just do their jobs lousy.) and my preferences (in terms of interpreters-- which pet peeves I have et cetera. I never can tell what I prefer so I usually give interpreter an upper hand to regulate their job. BUt , now no more.). I realized that I was SO ready for Washington D.C. because then I can meet and interact with MANY Deaf and Hearing signers-- NO more "hearing-minded" people. NO more interpreters (hopefully). So I am beginning to look forward to DC just to get away from interpreters like her.
Interpretrator said:
Well, I know you said this was a draft, but I definitely think you should send it, or something like it. However, if you do, instead of saying "I could go on and on..." DO go on and on! Include in your letter every single ethical violation you witnessed from this interpreter. A company can easily blow off a letter from someone who's just annoyed, but specific examples of all the bad behavior you had to put up with will be far less easy to ignore. Hopefully they will at the very least go in the interpreter's file, but more hopefully she will have to answer for ALL of them.

And if you do plan to send that letter, I'd be more than happy to copyedit it for free before you send it.
couldn't have said it any better than intrepator, im so sorry u had the worst experince, the interpeter must no matter what adhere to the code of professional conduct and know that no matter what shes on the job until she returns home then she can do whatever she damn well please! as far as im concern that kind of professionalism that occurred, wld revoke her certification and inform her to go back to ITP if that was in my shoes....

DO SEND it and DO stand up for YOUR RIGHTS!
I am so sorry you went through this. I hope you will get a positive response from the company she works for and hopefully they will take appropriate action with her. You might want to consider filing a complaint with RID too, since she is certified. Here is the link for that:

On another subject, can I ask where you were in Turkey? I went on vacation there for three weeks in 2001, we traveled all around western Turkey, it's a beautiful country.