A Horrific Crime did not get on news

akoutsourais said:
Not that it matters, as these two souls were still murdered, but maybe the corporate made national media did not pick up on this story because it WASN'T as horrific as was first reported.
While they did not have their genitals mutilated as described, the rest of the account is accurate, and that is horrific enough to caught the national eye IMO.
While they did not have their genitals mutilated as described, the rest of the account is accurate, and that is horrific enough to caught the national eye IMO.

Really? You think every carjack gone bad deserves national attention? Every rape? I live in Florida, second only to the state of Texas, for horrible news (seriously every weird/horrid story seems to come from those two states) and if the national news talked about every single one nothing else would be reported.

The corporate media only cares about pretty single white blond women/girls who go missing, more so if they are pregnant. When is the last time you heard about any white male, or either gender black person, who went missing? The last one I heard about was the Hispanic little boy who went missing, and that was only because there seemed to be pedophilia involved, and even his poor soul didn't get 24hr coverage like Natalie Holloway.
Oh my God, it´s disguistly and worst, I ever read here... I feel bad for victims... *shake my head disguistly*...
akoutsourais said:
Really? You think every carjack gone bad deserves national attention? Every rape?

snopes said:
(This is the version of the crime initially presented in press accounts. Subsequent reports have contradicted some of the details, chiefly that neither Newsom nor Christian was mutilated as described, that Christian was killed within a day of the kidnapping rather than being held captive for four days, and that cleaning solution was poured into Christian’s mouth post-mortem to eliminate DNA evidence rather than as a form of torture.)

Even with the above issues being disregarded as untrue, this was still MUCH MORE than just a mere “car jacking gone bad” or a simple case of “rape”. I am from TEXAS and can assure you, I have seen plenty of bizarre crap on the news, but this one SHOULD have made the national news.

I can assure you that if it had been a black couple assaulted by a gang of white supremists, this would have caught the national media attention immediately.
Regardless of what did or did not happen, it's still horrible. :cry:

The corporate media only cares about pretty single white blond women/girls who go missing, more so if they are pregnant. When is the last time you heard about any white male, or either gender black person, who went missing? The last one I heard about was the Hispanic little boy who went missing, and that was only because there seemed to be pedophilia involved, and even his poor soul didn't get 24hr coverage like Natalie Holloway.

Stupid media bastards grining like idiots and staring at their rating bars. :mad2: