A dream I had.


New Member
Nov 9, 2023
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A frustrating one unfortunately.

I don't remember what I was doing, or exactly where I was - just some vague "place" where I could see a few details, but nothing in particular. I guess some kind of vague facility.
I saw running water... and someone talking to me. I couldn't understand what the person was saying, despite it being said over and over - their voice itself was barely even identifiable as a voice. The water didn't sound like anything comprehensible either, more like static than water... And there were other noises I couldn't even identify or know how to describe to begin with.

When I woke up, I was already feeling the listening fatigue, and I've been struggling with it very badly all day.
I'm frustrated with people not believing me, I guess. Frustrated with having a problem but no name. (Even the name APD, I don't know, the way people describe it feels like that's all about speech, but this is every sound, not just speech.)
Very unfair that my brain seems to have used all of my processing power when it was supposed to be regenerating it... maybe tonight I won't have a dream like that and it'll be better.