A day in your shoes...

Well thank you! That's some wonderful praise! :ty:

Part of what I do as a speaker is try to help people have those "AhHa!" moments. I specifically don't "preach to the choir" in terms of my audience, and I try to come up with various ways of connecting my audience to the experience that I'm trying to relate.

My Hero! :)
If everyone I met at the airport knew sign language as well as, if not better than I, the day would have gone completely unremarkably. I expect it would have been the same as any day I've gone there with my voice and English speaking skills intact.

I would love to have that kind of day everyday.
I get to try this tomorrow, since it appears that this sore throat of mine is getting worse. (At this point it's torture to swallow or even yawn... anybody know of any cold (NOT warm) drinks that are especially soothing for a sore throat?)

Not to mention my college's ASL club bake sale is tomorrow, and we're required to sign at that anyway. I'll be taking the flourless double chocolate chip cookies I made and signing away voice-off. :)