A Apology To All..

Shi-Ku Chishiki

New Member
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
Recently I made a couple of posts on the thread titled "Happiness". I'm sorry if I offended any and all of you who read my comments.. and in particular AdamsMommy, OceanBreeze, Hear Again and SteveESP52.

It was without any intention to cause the pain or anguish to those that I did. If I had realized my written thoughts would have caused the problems that it has, please be assured I would NOT have voiced them in such a manner as I did.

Needless to say, I will try to make extra effort to ensure to those who I have offended.. as well as others, that my thoughts and responses here are more in line of being (as they say), politically correct.

Once again.. sorry for causing all the pain and anguish that I brought to you and yours. Please Forgive.

Shi-Ku Chishiki ShiKu.Chishiki@Gmail.com
You don't have to apology to us or me. We all love to discuss what we want to talk about. This is a discussion forum and sometime we chat when we need to. Many of us are using opinions on the thread "Happiness" which Shel90 want to asked out of curious. This is your opinion and we want to say our pieces of what we think like I am very happy being Deaf and I was born with being Deaf. I get really mad at the hearing schools or mainstream schools that don't offer us to learn ASL, to provide ASL interpreters, and notetakers. It is not about you at all. So don't feel bad. There are other ADers who opt for us to be like hearing people. We argued with them and they are still here only I don't know if they do. They want to change our mind of getting the CI so that we are to train to listen. But that is impossible because there is no cure for us to listen except some who can listen just a few words instead of the whole sentences that we hear them speak. We rely on lipreading but lipreading is hard and not that accurate. ASL open up our world and understand better than lipreading. It is okay for mild to severe hearing loss people who can lipread while they hear the sounds from their voices. Anyway we love to debate, so come on and debate with us. It is good for you to air out what you are asking or wondering about. Hope that help. :fingersx:
You have nothing to apology for, you are entitle to your opinion. ;)
Don't worry. We all love to give our opinions here. You are just as entitled to tell yours as anybody.

You don't need to apologize just if your feelings are different from someone else.
I think the fact you apologized is admirable. Thank you. Like others said you're entitled to your opinion, as we all are. And obviously not everyone is going to agree 100% of the time. That's human nature.

So on the particular subject (happiness) you and I can agree to disagree, sound fair?? Lol....

I for one don't hold your opinion against YOU... ok?

(Btw, knowing me and my big mouth- won't be long before I offend someone if I haven't already lol)