80,000-years trip to Alpha Centauri with Human DNA?!


Active Member
Feb 26, 2008
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The 80,000-Year Voyage to Alpha Centauri: Carrying the DNA Necessary to Recreate Humans

It sounds very much far-fetched to me!

What if there is no habitable planet in the system?

What if there is no life in any of the planets in the system?

What if the Human DNA becomes mutilated or decayed?

What if the Human DNA is taken and looked up by aliens before it arrives there?


What do u think?
80,000 years. I doubt unmanned ship would make it. Remmy there's plenty of debris in space. Electronics and fuel of ship would expires for short time and leaving ship tumble then crash into asteroids and that's end of it. It ain't worth it..

It is impossible to transport DNA

This is silly. It is not possible to send DNA to another planet. Besides if ETs already collect our DNA as well as using Human females as carriers of ET Hybrids, why need to do this then?

There are too many factors can go wrong.

First of all, in space, the radation is so strong that can kill tiny bit of life. Sure, Humans have flown into space, it is not healthy to stay there for years. Most return back within six months to a year due to no-gravity, solar radation, darkness, monocromatic space vessels, weaking eye sights, and bone stretching.

DNA will not work itself to make into Humans. You need a human to procreate with another human to make babies! I know they have vitro but the point is you need embryos to put babies in. Seen a movie called "Embryo" back in 1970's? Things can go wrong.

That was second reason. Third reason is, chance of survival for 80,000 is not that awesome. Decaying of specimans, the decaying of DNA, fuel expired, "wandering" extoplanets, metors, comets, gravity pull, and gamma rays can really destroy the craft carry DNA. Gamma Ray is most powerful radation in space and if it flies in direct of a extostar gone nova or implosion, gamma ray will shoot out like a laser beam but much bigger and deadly which can even kill us on Earth if that ever happen, let alone the craft carrying DNA.

It is like shooting in the dark to send DNA so the odds is not that good. We need to give that up concept of sending DNA. That is our opinion.