6 dead in N. Illinois U. hall shooting

I'd say the exact answer to his reason died with him. He had recently stopped taking medication for a mental illness, so it's reasonable to think that his reason probably had nothing to do with rational thought. They didn't say what his mental illness was,though, but it sounds as if he probably suffered a psychotic break after stopping his meds (probably schizophrenia).
It's the world, not just the American continents.

I think Australian gun laws need to be changed, too. Sheeple always feel safe with more and more laws.

Northwestern campus has a strict no-gun policy. Look how well it worked!

Even though these campus-shooters eventually commit suicide, they are cowards. That's why they pick places where guns are banned--so no one will be able to shoot back. When campus administrations wake up to this phenomenon, maybe campuses will not be such a favored target.

One more thing, when all guns are banned, the sick people who want to take others out along with themselves will use explosives, as more and more are already doing. Most kitchens have enough chemicals to make a huge bomb.

People have tried to blow me up, and I've been shot at a lot. Personally, I'd rather deal with the latter. Sheeple will wish for the good ol' days when all they had to cry about was bullets.

:gpost: Chasie!! btw I'm curious here, are you a police officer?. I thought you were an English teacher. :dunno:
:gpost: Chasie!! btw I'm curious here, are you a police officer?. I thought you were an English teacher. :dunno:

With all the school shootings going on, I'm not sure an English teacher doesn't have a more dangerous job than a police officer!:giggle:
It's the world, not just the American continents.

I think Australian gun laws need to be changed, too. Sheeple always feel safe with more and more laws.

Northwestern campus has a strict no-gun policy. Look how well it worked!

Even though these campus-shooters eventually commit suicide, they are cowards. That's why they pick places where guns are banned--so no one will be able to shoot back. When campus administrations wake up to this phenomenon, maybe campuses will not be such a favored target.

One more thing, when all guns are banned, the sick people who want to take others out along with themselves will use explosives, as more and more are already doing. Most kitchens have enough chemicals to make a huge bomb.

People have tried to blow me up, and I've been shot at a lot. Personally, I'd rather deal with the latter. Sheeple will wish for the good ol' days when all they had to cry about was bullets.


:eek3:that people tried to blow u up.
Didn't mean to be cryptic. Thought I'd mentioned I was an army weapons specialist through the '60s and didn't go to college on the GI Bill until I was 30. Anyway, after all these years I still hold credentials to teach home firearms safety and personal protection.

I stay current on all the bogus statistics the gun banners invent to convince us to give up our guns. Due to space, I'll only point to two obvious facts:

Cities having the most problems with crime with and without guns are those cities where honest citizens have been systematically disarmed. In areas where the constitutional right to keep and bear arms is less infringed has less crime and fewer gun crimes.

Almost every coward who goes on a shooting spree carefully chooses a place where guns cannot be. For a while it was post offices, then municiple offices. Now gun-free malls and school zones are the best places to find herds of helpless sheeple.

Churches would be popular, too, except more than one shooter has been stopped dead in his tracks because members now arm themselves.

Notice these pathetic bad-asses don't go on shooting sprees at shift-change time at a police station or in the middle of a cowboy action shoot where most of the men and women are armed to the teeth.