

Active Member
May 1, 2003
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How do I send a PM (from buddy list) to multiple members?
How do I attach an image to attachments?
What is , and ?

I can't find the answers on FAQ. Thanks!
How do I send a PM (from buddy list) to multiple members?
When you're typing in the member's name in the "To:" box, add a ';' between multiple names.

For instance, I want to send a PM to 5 people named Jake, Jill, Jack, Julia, and Joe. In the box labeled "Recipient Username(s)", I would write this...


Now, my message will go to all 5 of those people. :thumb:

How do I attach an image to attachments?
When you are replying to a thread (using
) or creating a new thread (using
), scroll down and you will see a button labeled with "Manage Attachments". Click on that and a pop-up window will appear so that you can upload files. That same window will have a list of file size restrictions for certain file types.
What is , and ?
Where did you see that?
On the top right side of the compose section (reply/post) are two icons; (1) one is an icon of a page dog-eared on the its top right corner; it has the letters PHP on it, and (2) right next that icon (to its left) is another icon (#) that when you click it you get tags. What are these symbols, how can I used them?
On the top right side of the compose section (reply/post) are two icons; (1) one is an icon of a page dog-eared on the its top right corner; it has the letters PHP on it, and (2) right next that icon (to its left) is another icon (#) that when you click it you get tags. What are these symbols, how can I used them?
Are you talking about

Okay, for

This is what the CODE tag will give you...

Here's my comment using the CODE tags. Notice how the font appears? Yep, that's using Courier New as the facetype for fonts.

Also, you may notice that you have to scroll sideways to read more.

That's because CODE tags are almost like PRE tags in HTML with the nowrap attribute.

The CODE tags is something you can use if you wanted to post something not-too-wide, but in a perfectly straight format.

Here's an example...

Name      Age  Location
Bob       23   New York
Joseph    30   Dallas
Jessica   19   Chicago
Phillip   25   Miami

If I were to use the exact same thing without using CODE tags, it would look like this...

Name Age Location
Bob 23 New York
Joseph 30 Dallas
Jessica 19 Chicago
Phillip 25 Miami

Yep, CODE actually looks at 5 spaces as 5 spaces... while without CODE is like looking at 5 spaces as 1 space.

Okay, for

This is the PHP tag will give you...

Here's my comment using the PHP tags. Notice how the font appears? Yep, it looks the same as it does using CODE tags.

However, what makes it different is that it's in color.

Yep, it also scrolls sideways for the same reason.

But, what's the real reason for PHP? It's for the purpose of showing actual PHP coding.

Notice how the color changes for some things?

Some symbols and words show up differently. That's because they are actually PHP commands.

They won't benefit us since we don't use PHP coding, but it does benefit us when it comes to showing others what tags we are using.

Know the tags for bold, italics, color, etc? Those don't work because the PHP turns of the outcome of the tags.

Here's an example...


If I didn't use PHP tags, this is what I would get...


Notice the differences?

People don't really use the CODE and PHP tags.

Some people use the tags wrong such as copying-&-pasting articles. What happens? We have each paragraph as one long line that scrolls forever to the right.

I do use the CODE and PHP tags... rarely. If I wanted to show someone a chart, I would use CODE. I can still use BOLD and COLOR tags, but maintain the proper alignment of everything just as I want it...

Here's the post I used CODE in:

AllDeaf.com - View Single Post - Shocking News!

As for the PHP tags, I use that sometimes when I am trying to explain to a member what tags to use when posting something. For instance, I want to explain to a member how to post a picture in the forums. I can either do this...

[ IMG]http: //www.somewebsite. com/your image.jpg[/ IMG]
(Members could copy & paste, but would have to remove the spaces.)


(Members could copy & paste this perfectly.)

Does all of that make sense? :)
Yep. It makes perfect sense. Thanks a million for the info. You should be a teacher.