5 Types of Women that Men Avoid


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May 20, 2003
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1) The Flirty-Bird

Men love women who flirt. Men are drawn to a good flirt because besides being fun and charming, she’s definitely not shy. The flirter shows interest right off the bat, making the “getting to know you” aspect of courtship all the more easy. For a guy, not having to do all the work is a relief.

But there’s a difference between a situational flirt and a serial flirt, and the latter is something that men just don’t want to deal with. A serial flirt giggles, touches, and tosses her hair at everyone: the best friend, the boss, the father. A woman who bats her lashes indiscriminately seems like a challenge at first—How do I get her to just pay attention to me?—but that game gets old really fast.

After a while guys realize that the Flirty-Bird needs constant attention because she’s stricken with major self-esteem issues. An extremely confident and patient man may be able to deal with this kind of behavior, but he’ll probably run himself ragged before realizing that the Flirty-Bird isn’t worth his time.

2) The Commitment-Phile

Imagine that you’re a guy for a second. You meet a fantastic woman and you’re having a great first date. The lighting is just right and the food is perfect. You’re sharing a great conversation and just beginning to get comfortable when…WHAM! Your date starts talking about your wedding location, how many kids she wants and Big Lug, the name of your future dog.

It puts a lot of pressure on a guy right off the bat. In any healthy relationship, the first couple of months—and especially the first couple of dates—should be kept light. A woman who fast-forwards to the happily ever after makes guys wonder if they really are her perfect match. With such a speedy narrative, perhaps her plans are all about fulfilling her dreams regardless of who is standing across from her at the altar.

3) The Cling-On

A needy nuisance, this gal can’t go anywhere or do anything without the company of her man. She adopts his interests, calls 15 times a day and flies off the handle anytime she’s not around to monitor his behavior. The Cling-On is more work than a relationship deserves. She is there at your beck and call and relies on you to entertain her because she basically has no life of her own. The Cling-On smothers any chance of a guy missing her by robbing him of energy and exhausting his patience with her demands.

4) The Party Girl

When men meet this ball of fun, they think she is the life of the party. She’s carefree, maybe a little wild, and from the outside looks like a person they may be interested in. Once they get a closer look, however, they realize that her entire life is a party. While a guaranteed good time may seem like a good idea, what will she be like in the sobering light of day?

Her hilarious antics, outgoing personality and righteous dance moves are good in small doses, but the Party Girl doesn’t know the meaning of “closing time.” It’s hard to have a healthy relationship with a person who is masking major problems underneath his or her party hat. Plus, we all know that people who can't amuse themselves without mind-altering substances just aren’t any fun when the party is over.

5) The Windbag

Yakkity Yak. The Windbag is the woman who never shuts up, barely stopping to breathe. Seeming only concerned about what is going on in her life and sharing her prattling insights, this Chatty Cathy also has Drama-Queen tendencies (not good).

The Windbag’s rambling renditions drive men crazy for obvious reasons, but they also make men feel a little obsolete since they can go on and on without anyone else’s input. Most people think it takes two to have a conversation, but not The Windbag.

Women are more verbal than men and get a bad rep for being garrulous. The Windbag, however, doesn’t know that the sound of silence is golden. She needs to learn that the more you talk, the less you learn.

Finding Ms. Right

While there are exceptions to the aforementioned personality types, these gals present a tough road ahead. Although avoidance of women with potent personality types may make things easier, keep an open mind and remember that your perfect match may not come in the tidy little package that you envision.
:laugh2:!!! Thank gawd ....... I am not alike that!! lol!! :D
6. The Firecracker

When you drive to Sonic and you order a cherry coke for your woman, come back and she stabs you 50 times with a fork because you "forgot to check" if they added real cherries or not.
Don't forget.....

7. The Spender

This type of woman loves to spend her money as well as your money on frivilous things without thinking.....
LOL at deadmoney and byrdie...I can't wait to see what the other guys add to the list. hahaha
LOL at deadmoney and byrdie...I can't wait to see what the other guys add to the list. hahaha

. . . or the flood of denials from ladies guilty of one or more. I went with one afflicted with all seven.

Yes, I have many faults of my own, and I'm thankful my present love has only #5. Yes, she's Ms. Yakity-yak. Sometimes in the evening, I want to say, "Shut up, learn sign, or just watch TV!"

#8, "the pot-stirrer." She's never happy with the status quo. Her guy can always make more money, wear different clothes, have better friends, stand straighter, read more (or less), be more sensitive (or more macho), play poker less, shop more, etc. No wonder she likes Obama . . . she loves CHANGE!!!!!
. . . or the flood of denials from ladies guilty of one or more. I went with one afflicted with all seven.

Yes, I have many faults of my own, and I'm thankful my present love has only #5. Yes, she's Ms. Yakity-yak. Sometimes in the evening, I want to say, "Shut up, learn sign, or just watch TV!"

#8, "the pot-stirrer." She's never happy with the status quo. Her guy can always make more money, wear different clothes, have better friends, stand straighter, read more (or less), be more sensitive (or more macho), play poker less, shop more, etc. No wonder she likes Obama . . . she loves CHANGE!!!!!

That pretty much explains my ex wife. :giggle:it didn't realy bother me all too much though. Im a pretty tolerant guy....there's just 1 thing Im not tolerant of. I was lucky bout the poker part cuz she loved to go play + I love to shop too so that wasn't issue. I laugh so hard when I think about those times when I come out of closet and she just shakes head and says NO WAY :D
. . . or the flood of denials from ladies guilty of one or more. I went with one afflicted with all seven.
Yes, I have many faults of my own, and I'm thankful my present love has only #5. Yes, she's Ms. Yakity-yak. Sometimes in the evening, I want to say, "Shut up, learn sign, or just watch TV!"

#8, "the pot-stirrer." She's never happy with the status quo. Her guy can always make more money, wear different clothes, have better friends, stand straighter, read more (or less), be more sensitive (or more macho), play poker less, shop more, etc. No wonder she likes Obama . . . she loves CHANGE!!!!!

And you didn't swear off realtionships forever?:shock:
1) The Flirty-Bird

Men love women who flirt. Men are drawn to a good flirt because besides being fun and charming, she’s definitely not shy. The flirter shows interest right off the bat, making the “getting to know you” aspect of courtship all the more easy. For a guy, not having to do all the work is a relief.

But there’s a difference between a situational flirt and a serial flirt, and the latter is something that men just don’t want to deal with. A serial flirt giggles, touches, and tosses her hair at everyone: the best friend, the boss, the father. A woman who bats her lashes indiscriminately seems like a challenge at first—How do I get her to just pay attention to me?—but that game gets old really fast.

After a while guys realize that the Flirty-Bird needs constant attention because she’s stricken with major self-esteem issues. An extremely confident and patient man may be able to deal with this kind of behavior, but he’ll probably run himself ragged before realizing that the Flirty-Bird isn’t worth his time.

I don't like flirty-birds. I prefer a woman who doesn't flirt with other guys while we are on a date or dating in general.

2) The Commitment-Phile

Imagine that you’re a guy for a second. You meet a fantastic woman and you’re having a great first date. The lighting is just right and the food is perfect. You’re sharing a great conversation and just beginning to get comfortable when…WHAM! Your date starts talking about your wedding location, how many kids she wants and Big Lug, the name of your future dog.

It puts a lot of pressure on a guy right off the bat. In any healthy relationship, the first couple of months—and especially the first couple of dates—should be kept light. A woman who fast-forwards to the happily ever after makes guys wonder if they really are her perfect match. With such a speedy narrative, perhaps her plans are all about fulfilling her dreams regardless of who is standing across from her at the altar.

I don't mind talking about some things with a woman I've just met. There's no guarantee that we are going to even do anything so there's no real worry. I agree that it's best to save certain details for much later.

3) The Cling-On

A needy nuisance, this gal can’t go anywhere or do anything without the company of her man. She adopts his interests, calls 15 times a day and flies off the handle anytime she’s not around to monitor his behavior. The Cling-On is more work than a relationship deserves. She is there at your beck and call and relies on you to entertain her because she basically has no life of her own. The Cling-On smothers any chance of a guy missing her by robbing him of energy and exhausting his patience with her demands.

I have a friend who has a girlfriend that is exactly like this. She tags with him wherever he goes, won't allow him to be on his own and easily gets jealous whenever he's around other women. Poor bastard.

4) The Party Girl

When men meet this ball of fun, they think she is the life of the party. She’s carefree, maybe a little wild, and from the outside looks like a person they may be interested in. Once they get a closer look, however, they realize that her entire life is a party. While a guaranteed good time may seem like a good idea, what will she be like in the sobering light of day?

Her hilarious antics, outgoing personality and righteous dance moves are good in small doses, but the Party Girl doesn’t know the meaning of “closing time.” It’s hard to have a healthy relationship with a person who is masking major problems underneath his or her party hat. Plus, we all know that people who can't amuse themselves without mind-altering substances just aren’t any fun when the party is over.

Agreed. I've never really met any party girls though.

5) The Windbag

Yakkity Yak. The Windbag is the woman who never shuts up, barely stopping to breathe. Seeming only concerned about what is going on in her life and sharing her prattling insights, this Chatty Cathy also has Drama-Queen tendencies (not good).

The Windbag’s rambling renditions drive men crazy for obvious reasons, but they also make men feel a little obsolete since they can go on and on without anyone else’s input. Most people think it takes two to have a conversation, but not The Windbag.

Women are more verbal than men and get a bad rep for being garrulous. The Windbag, however, doesn’t know that the sound of silence is golden. She needs to learn that the more you talk, the less you learn.

I nearly ended up with a windbag but it's a good thing we decided to stay friends. She could never get enough of the drama, constantly yakking about our friends in a negative light and playing "Poor me, poor me" all the time.
I've dealt with all of these during my time at RIT. :roll:
1) The Flirty-Bird

Men love women who flirt. Men are drawn to a good flirt because besides being fun and charming, she’s definitely not shy. The flirter shows interest right off the bat, making the “getting to know you” aspect of courtship all the more easy. For a guy, not having to do all the work is a relief.

But there’s a difference between a situational flirt and a serial flirt, and the latter is something that men just don’t want to deal with. A serial flirt giggles, touches, and tosses her hair at everyone: the best friend, the boss, the father. A woman who bats her lashes indiscriminately seems like a challenge at first—How do I get her to just pay attention to me?—but that game gets old really fast.

After a while guys realize that the Flirty-Bird needs constant attention because she’s stricken with major self-esteem issues. An extremely confident and patient man may be able to deal with this kind of behavior, but he’ll probably run himself ragged before realizing that the Flirty-Bird isn’t worth his time.
There was one gal that I really liked, but as time went by... I noticed she was flirting with every other guy she came across. This turned me off big-time. :(
2) The Commitment-Phile

Imagine that you’re a guy for a second. You meet a fantastic woman and you’re having a great first date. The lighting is just right and the food is perfect. You’re sharing a great conversation and just beginning to get comfortable when…WHAM! Your date starts talking about your wedding location, how many kids she wants and Big Lug, the name of your future dog.

It puts a lot of pressure on a guy right off the bat. In any healthy relationship, the first couple of months—and especially the first couple of dates—should be kept light. A woman who fast-forwards to the happily ever after makes guys wonder if they really are her perfect match. With such a speedy narrative, perhaps her plans are all about fulfilling her dreams regardless of who is standing across from her at the altar.
Now, this is scary. There was actually one gal like this at NTID. She was always telling everyone about how we were dating and how I was going to father all of her children. (We never dated!) She told people we slept together and how I wanted to be her husband. Ugh!
3) The Cling-On

A needy nuisance, this gal can’t go anywhere or do anything without the company of her man. She adopts his interests, calls 15 times a day and flies off the handle anytime she’s not around to monitor his behavior. The Cling-On is more work than a relationship deserves. She is there at your beck and call and relies on you to entertain her because she basically has no life of her own. The Cling-On smothers any chance of a guy missing her by robbing him of energy and exhausting his patience with her demands.
My ex-girlfriend. Need I say more? ;)
4) The Party Girl

When men meet this ball of fun, they think she is the life of the party. She’s carefree, maybe a little wild, and from the outside looks like a person they may be interested in. Once they get a closer look, however, they realize that her entire life is a party. While a guaranteed good time may seem like a good idea, what will she be like in the sobering light of day?

Her hilarious antics, outgoing personality and righteous dance moves are good in small doses, but the Party Girl doesn’t know the meaning of “closing time.” It’s hard to have a healthy relationship with a person who is masking major problems underneath his or her party hat. Plus, we all know that people who can't amuse themselves without mind-altering substances just aren’t any fun when the party is over.
*groans* I deal with this at every party I go to. I'll be at a party and see these gals who are fun and wonderful. They're fun to talk to. Later, they start speaking like they don't know what they're talking about. The next day, I'll see them again and say, "Hi." Yet, they don't know who I am. :roll:
5) The Windbag

Yakkity Yak. The Windbag is the woman who never shuts up, barely stopping to breathe. Seeming only concerned about what is going on in her life and sharing her prattling insights, this Chatty Cathy also has Drama-Queen tendencies (not good).

The Windbag’s rambling renditions drive men crazy for obvious reasons, but they also make men feel a little obsolete since they can go on and on without anyone else’s input. Most people think it takes two to have a conversation, but not The Windbag.

Women are more verbal than men and get a bad rep for being garrulous. The Windbag, however, doesn’t know that the sound of silence is golden. She needs to learn that the more you talk, the less you learn.
My ex-girlfriend... sorta. She almost always had to have the final say. :roll:

I knew a few gals like that at RIT/NTID. Most of them are part of an all-girls club and, sadly, most of them are single. I guess that explains everything. ;)
Finding Ms. Right

While there are exceptions to the aforementioned personality types, these gals present a tough road ahead. Although avoidance of women with potent personality types may make things easier, keep an open mind and remember that your perfect match may not come in the tidy little package that you envision.
The one thing I think is important in any relationship is communication.
10. The PETA lover.

She may love you, but face it you're never gonna be her #1. Her 4 dogs and 6 cats are her world, and youre just an obiedient helper who she has sex with here and there on an occasional basis She expects you to share her dedication for the protection of ALL animals no matter how foul and wicked they may be. And dont you even dare think about bad-mouthing squeaky or being irresponsible with fido because you just may wake up castrated the next morning.
10. The PETA lover.

She may love you, but face it you're never gonna be her #1. Her 4 dogs and 6 cats are her world, and youre just an obiedient helper who she has sex with here and there on an occasional basis She expects you to share her dedication for the protection of ALL animals no matter how foul and wicked they may be. And dont you even dare think about bad-mouthing squeaky or being irresponsible with fido because you just may wake up castrated the next morning.

So now what? All women who support PETA are going to castrate you? :roll:
#11 - The Guilt Tripper! She will make you feel at fault and literally worthless if her guy does not do every god damned thing her way, every day, 24/7! Doesn't she know that there are other better things to experience aside from endless drink binges and possessiveness?
all i want a lady who play sports that i can cheer.

other than sports, i would like to know a lady who is honest, respect, true to herself, common sense, heartful, communicate, beautiful inside and outside, able to talk all the day together, outdoor, try something new, traveler, sparkle personality, crazy, fun to be with, laugh with, and smile everyday.

If a lady want to grow to get know more and carpe diem!
I've dealt with all of these during my time at RIT. :roll:There was one gal that I really liked, but as time went by... I noticed she was flirting with every other guy she came across. This turned me off big-time. :(Now, this is scary. There was actually one gal like this at NTID. She was always telling everyone about how we were dating and how I was going to father all of her children. (We never dated!) She told people we slept together and how I wanted to be her husband. Ugh!My ex-girlfriend. Need I say more? ;)*groans* I deal with this at every party I go to. I'll be at a party and see these gals who are fun and wonderful. They're fun to talk to. Later, they start speaking like they don't know what they're talking about. The next day, I'll see them again and say, "Hi." Yet, they don't know who I am. :roll:My ex-girlfriend... sorta. She almost always had to have the final say. :roll:

I knew a few gals like that at RIT/NTID. Most of them are part of an all-girls club and, sadly, most of them are single. I guess that explains everything. ;)The one thing I think is important in any relationship is communication.

I noticed you keep obsessed about your exgirlfriend. Why you dont move on?

:roll: is annoying each time you post anywhere.

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1) The Flirty-Bird

Men love women who flirt. Men are drawn to a good flirt because besides being fun and charming, she’s definitely not shy. The flirter shows interest right off the bat, making the “getting to know you” aspect of courtship all the more easy. For a guy, not having to do all the work is a relief.

But there’s a difference between a situational flirt and a serial flirt, and the latter is something that men just don’t want to deal with. A serial flirt giggles, touches, and tosses her hair at everyone: the best friend, the boss, the father. A woman who bats her lashes indiscriminately seems like a challenge at first—How do I get her to just pay attention to me?—but that game gets old really fast.

After a while guys realize that the Flirty-Bird needs constant attention because she’s stricken with major self-esteem issues. An extremely confident and patient man may be able to deal with this kind of behavior, but he’ll probably run himself ragged before realizing that the Flirty-Bird isn’t worth his time.

2) The Commitment-Phile

Imagine that you’re a guy for a second. You meet a fantastic woman and you’re having a great first date. The lighting is just right and the food is perfect. You’re sharing a great conversation and just beginning to get comfortable when…WHAM! Your date starts talking about your wedding location, how many kids she wants and Big Lug, the name of your future dog.

It puts a lot of pressure on a guy right off the bat. In any healthy relationship, the first couple of months—and especially the first couple of dates—should be kept light. A woman who fast-forwards to the happily ever after makes guys wonder if they really are her perfect match. With such a speedy narrative, perhaps her plans are all about fulfilling her dreams regardless of who is standing across from her at the altar.

3) The Cling-On

A needy nuisance, this gal can’t go anywhere or do anything without the company of her man. She adopts his interests, calls 15 times a day and flies off the handle anytime she’s not around to monitor his behavior. The Cling-On is more work than a relationship deserves. She is there at your beck and call and relies on you to entertain her because she basically has no life of her own. The Cling-On smothers any chance of a guy missing her by robbing him of energy and exhausting his patience with her demands.

4) The Party Girl

When men meet this ball of fun, they think she is the life of the party. She’s carefree, maybe a little wild, and from the outside looks like a person they may be interested in. Once they get a closer look, however, they realize that her entire life is a party. While a guaranteed good time may seem like a good idea, what will she be like in the sobering light of day?

Her hilarious antics, outgoing personality and righteous dance moves are good in small doses, but the Party Girl doesn’t know the meaning of “closing time.” It’s hard to have a healthy relationship with a person who is masking major problems underneath his or her party hat. Plus, we all know that people who can't amuse themselves without mind-altering substances just aren’t any fun when the party is over.

5) The Windbag

Yakkity Yak. The Windbag is the woman who never shuts up, barely stopping to breathe. Seeming only concerned about what is going on in her life and sharing her prattling insights, this Chatty Cathy also has Drama-Queen tendencies (not good).

The Windbag’s rambling renditions drive men crazy for obvious reasons, but they also make men feel a little obsolete since they can go on and on without anyone else’s input. Most people think it takes two to have a conversation, but not The Windbag.

Women are more verbal than men and get a bad rep for being garrulous. The Windbag, however, doesn’t know that the sound of silence is golden. She needs to learn that the more you talk, the less you learn.

Finding Ms. Right

While there are exceptions to the aforementioned personality types, these gals present a tough road ahead. Although avoidance of women with potent personality types may make things easier, keep an open mind and remember that your perfect match may not come in the tidy little package that you envision.

Obviously written by a woman who has no clue what a man like me is looking for. Believe it or not, when I meet a woman for the first time (including seeing her first before an introduction is made), she has less than five seconds to make a good impression. After that amount of time and she hasn't awaken up to the fact that she is being scrutinized, there's no redemption. In other words, dear, I'm gone. :wave: