2011 AllDeaf National Meet

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Looks like tough going getting this off the ground. :lol:
Any objections to July 15th through 17th?

Hm.. I guess I have to throw this in - I've been watching this thread - I've been wanting to go.

If its on the 15th-17th, please make the event on the night of the 16th. I will be in St Louis on 15-16. I can arrange to be in NY the night of 16th, then fly out on the 17th. Sounds great to me.
I think 15th through 17 of July sounds good. I can't promise if I can go but the date sounds great to me. I will have to check with my brother to see if I can crash his place. hehe or one member from here that I d love to crash this person's place but I do not know if this person is available for it. :)
That's the time of one of my high school reunions, but then again, I would not have been able to go anyway. :(
Hm.. I guess I have to throw this in - I've been watching this thread - I've been wanting to go.

If its on the 15th-17th, please make the event on the night of the 16th. I will be in St Louis on 15-16. I can arrange to be in NY the night of 16th, then fly out on the 17th. Sounds great to me.

you high-roller.

u rollie? i rollie!
If it makes you feel any better, I can leave on Monday the 18th. But on the 17th we must bankrupt one of these buffet in Chinatown if we can find one...

they have a photo of us on their ban list :(

Good one, but unfortunately, I'm still out :aw:
That's the time of one of my high school reunions, but then again, I would not have been able to go anyway. :(

KristinaB: I'm confused...sometimes slight indirect statements slip by me and I want to make sure you are you included if you want to go: No dates would work for you between June and October? I'm trying to include everyone and will go to the extreme length of inventing a weekend for it ;)

nah...If one person objects to the proposed July 15th-17th weekend -doesn't matter who- I will set up a fancy schmancy Google Spreadsheet and try to find a weekend where everyone (who is interested and turns in a Calendar by a certain date) is somewhat happy with the date but present! ADers please let us all know soon, because people need to start planning their trips!

sidenote: I'm open to sharing hotel rooms/crashing a couch, driving or flying from CA to NY and/or DC for 2-4 week trip.
Need confirm date as soon possible instead too last minute!! :eek:
Bummer, I can't. How about next year 2012? Deafexpo at LV? There is also the deaflympics in Greece and a deaf cruise.
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