2010 Election Results

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He did that to himself. He ignored all the signs pointing out to him that he ought to change course. He didn't. His failure is his own on sitting on the far left with his nose in the air.

Blah blah blah. I recall you saying "you wanted him to fail" around early February of 2009, a couple of weeks into his Administration. And no, I am not going back there to find it. The stench is still hovering over that pile of fecal matter.
It's hilarious how people complain about the Congress but they're the ones that ELECTED the officials in Congress.
It's hilarious how people complain about the Congress but they're the ones that ELECTED the officials in Congress.

They didnt' do their job in the first place and against their constituents' wishes. In other words, voters fired them. Just like how Nancy Pelosi got fired. Congress people are not the bosses but the voters.
They didnt' do their job in the first place and against their constituents' wishes. In other words, voters fired them. Just like how Nancy Pelosi got fired. Congress people are not the bosses but the voters.


"The percentage of Americans eligible to vote who did, in fact, vote was 63% in 1960, but has been falling since, although there was a slight upward trend in the 2008 election. Public opinion polls asking people if they approve of the job Congress is doing have, in the last few decades, hovered around 25% in the last two decades with some variation. Scholar Julian Zeliger suggested that the "size, messiness, virtues, and vices that make Congress so interesting also create enormous barriers to our understanding the institution ... unlike the presidency, Congress is difficult to conceptualize."Others scholars suggest that despite the criticism, "Congress is a remarkably resilient institution ... its place in the political process is not threatened ... it is rich in resources" and that most members behave ethically."

No matter who they elected, they complain.
There are a lot of Conservatives that are praying for Obama's failure so they can get their people back in power, despite the implications on the rest of us. Sad. Moderate Democrats are the first to go, because the line is not far enough away from center. Seems people prefer the guys with "no doubt" party platforms.

I like driving down the middle. The left and right sides are filled with weeds and trash.

I like driving down the middle as well! It seems more balanced that way. At least, to me. Although, on social issues, I am more liberal than I am conservative.
It's hilarious how people complain about the Congress but they're the ones that ELECTED the officials in Congress.
Well, when you consider that perhaps 49% of the people represented might have voted for "the other guy" and add that some elected officials take on their own agenda, there is some justification to the whining. That is why people need to get out there and make those decisions in the voting booth. If you stay home, you have to live by the decision others have made.
There are a lot of Conservatives that are praying for Obama's failure so they can get their people back in power, despite the implications on the rest of us. Sad. Moderate Democrats are the first to go, because the line is not far enough away from center. Seems people prefer the guys with "no doubt" party platforms.

I like driving down the middle. The left and right sides are filled with weeds and trash.

I don't pray for his failure.....In fact quite the opposite. But is he continues down this path I fully expect him to fail.
I don't pray for his failure.....In fact quite the opposite. But is he continues down this path I fully expect him to fail.
It seems inevitable. The sad part in all of this is that I felt a Democrat would be the best choice in 2008. What we were given as a choice was not a good option. Now we are seeing the death spiral.
It seems inevitable. The sad part in all of this is that I felt a Democrat would be the best choice in 2008. What we were given as a choice was not a good option. Now we are seeing the death spiral.

I thought a Democrat was the best choice in 2008 too. But the one I was thinking of was shorter.....and more blonde
Glad to know that all the talk of getting things done was just a dream.

Make all the noise you like about the lack of bipartisanship. Point your crooked fingers at one side all the time. It shows how narrowsighted you are. Do you not realize it takes BOTH PARTIES to get where we are? The lack of cooperation works both ways. There is no Sacred Cow party. Both parties have good and bad points. Too bad you are so determined to ignore half, just to remain faithful to your party. Do you really think that Democrats are so awful, and Republicans are so great?

Never mind. :eek3:

Exactly. People might be surprised to learn that I'm a Republican. I've been one since the age of 18, when I became old enough to vote. Being Republican does NOT mean that I believe in it's entire platform. I do not, but, I also don't agree with the Democrats all the time, either. As I said, I'm centrist. At least, most of the time. There are the exceptions, I will admit that. But, I also am not so short sighted as to think that one party is going to get things accomplished. That won't happen. It's NEVER happened. And, guess what? If people think that our Government isn't without corruption, they're dreaming.

Our goverment, on BOTH sides of the aisle, has been pandering to the special interest groups for YEARS. That's not going to change, either. But, our Government is all we have. We have what a lot of others DON'T. So, why complain?

The AMERICAN PEOPLE voted last night and we're seeing the result of the country's discontent. It's not with one party or the other. It's the way things are done. I say stop complaining. Stop gloating, and, accept what IS.

If you don't like it, write your Congressmen.
Exactly. People might be surprised to learn that I'm a Republican. I've been one since the age of 18, when I became old enough to vote. Being Republican does NOT mean that I believe in it's entire platform. I do not, but, I also don't agree with the Democrats all the time, either. As I said, I'm centrist. At least, most of the time. There are the exceptions, I will admit that. But, I also am not so short sighted as to think that one party is going to get things accomplished. That won't happen. It's NEVER happened. And, guess what? If people think that our Government isn't without corruption, they're dreaming.

Our goverment, on BOTH sides of the aisle, has been pandering to the special interest groups for YEARS. That's not going to change, either. But, our Government is all we have. We have what a lot of others DON'T. So, why complain?

The AMERICAN PEOPLE voted last night and we're seeing the result of the country's discontent. It's not with one party or the other. It's the way things are done. I say stop complaining. Stop gloating, and, accept what IS.

If you don't like it, write your Congressmen.
My dad is a Republican and he has not always agreed with the Republican platform. For example he was very anti gun for many years and he believed guns should be used only for hunting and for the police and the army. I've been pro 2nd amendment even though I tend to lean more democratic than Republican.

I have not voted for any president since the Clinton first term as my political beliefs is decidedly anarchistic in nature. I am well aware of the argument if you don't vote you shouldn't complain. For the record, anarchy means without rulers so if I vote, I acknowledge that I'm being ruled. I will grant that I could do a better job of living out my beliefs though. I am not indifferent though.

I don't like having conservatives telling me what do in bed nor do I like liberals telling how I should eat though I try to eat healthy.

For the record, my beliefs are not always congruent with some schools of anarchistic philosophy. The notion of collective ownership is something I strongly disagree with. It should also give a good idea what school of anarchism to which I belong.
There will always be different levels of hierarchy in an anarchistic environment. There are inherent set of rules in such an environment and in that environment you will still have rulers or leaders on setting the tone and direction for you. Leaderships and set of rules will eventually come about even in times of anarchy.
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My dad is a Republican and he has not always agreed with the Republican platform. For example he was very anti gun for many years and he believed guns should be used only for hunting and for the police and the army. I've been pro 2nd amendment even though I tend to lean more democratic than Republican.

I have not voted for any president since the Clinton first term as my political beliefs is decidedly anarchistic in nature. I am well aware of the argument if you don't vote you shouldn't complain. For the record, anarchy means without rulers so if I vote, I acknowledge that I'm being ruled. I will grant that I could do a better job of living out my beliefs though. I am not indifferent though.

I don't like having conservatives telling me what do in bed nor do I like liberals telling how I should eat though I try to eat healthy.

For the record, my beliefs are not always congruent with some schools of anarchistic philosophy. The notion of collective ownership is something I strongly disagree with. It should also give a good idea what school of anarchism to which I belong.

My father is used to be Republican in 1970's but abandoned in 1988 after Republican Party became into more right due rise of social conservative so the Republican platform is usually fiscal conservative in 1960's and 1970's but went into more right in 1980's. My mother supported majority of Republicans until 1992 so went first vote on Bill Clinton because of disagree with Republicans, especially H.W. Bush.

For me, I used to be hardcore liberal, probably 95% when I was teenager but went into more moderate of liberal, probably 70% now. I voted few Republicans, especially for house of rep in our district.
There's a big difference between choosing not to vote to acknowledged a flawed system, and being apathetic.

Those who don't vote for political reasons are in the minority; that is their rights not to vote and they choose to express their ideology through that. That is acceptable, and understandable. The Mennonite side of my family didn't vote for this reason since they feel that their loyalty transcend above the government.

However, those who don't vote due to lack of faith because "the ____ Party will never win a seat, and the Republicans would win anyway" are the ones who are directly contributing to the lack of changes. Not to mention backward when they further apply the circular logic to: "I will vote when my favourite party stop dicking around."
There's a big difference between choosing not to vote to acknowledged a flawed system, and being apathetic.

Those who don't vote for political reasons are in the minority; that is their rights not to vote and they choose to express their ideology through that. That is acceptable, and understandable. The Mennonite side of my family didn't vote for this reason since they feel that their loyalty transcend above the government.

However, those who don't vote due to lack of faith because "the ____ Party will never win a seat, and the Republicans would win anyway" are the ones who are directly contributing to the lack of changes. Not to mention backward when they further apply the circular logic to: "I will vote when my favourite party stop dicking around."


I have far more respect for someone who doesn't vote out of conviction over someone who's voting just so the "other guy" doesn't win, or like you said, they just don't care.
My father is used to be Republican in 1970's but abandoned in 1988 after Republican Party became into more right due rise of social conservative so the Republican platform is usually fiscal conservative in 1960's and 1970's but went into more right in 1980's. My mother supported majority of Republicans until 1992 so went first vote on Bill Clinton because of disagree with Republicans, especially H.W. Bush.

For me, I used to be hardcore liberal, probably 95% when I was teenager but went into more moderate of liberal, probably 70% now. I voted few Republicans, especially for house of rep in our district.

I'm considering changing my party affiliation and becoming an independent.
That's always been my thinking. Extremes of both sides are off to not use thier own brains and choices. Following one party in lockstep is only fighting with your ego against others.
Use your own brain or I'd truly rather you not be in politics running my country.
Congrats Repubs.
And you won't hear me whining about your win for the next 2-4 years or forever. And that is what I see a lot of. Whiners. Move on. It's only the nature of american politics to go back and forth. And watch ignorants (sic) vote. People want change and think vote is going to make it happen. pphhtt.
Senate is still blue and has more power than house. But lame duck time which is wasteful.

hat I believe in it's entire platform. I do not, but, I also don't agree with the Democrats all the time, either. As I said, I'm centrist. At least, most of the time. There are the exceptions, I will admit that. But, I also am not so short sighted as to think that one party is going to get things accomplished. That won't happen. It's NEVER happened. And, guess what? If people think that our Government isn't without corruption, they're dreaming.

Our goverment, on BOTH sides of the aisle, has been pandering to the special interest groups for YEARS. That's not going to change, either. But, our Government is all we have. We have what a lot of others DON'T. So, why complain?

The AMERICAN PEOPLE voted last night and we're seeing the result of the country's discontent. It's not with one party or the other. It's the way things are done. I say stop complaining. Stop gloating, and, accept what IS.

If you don't like it, write your Congressmen.[/QUOTE]
right. when I refer to a company, I am referring to people. Technically - a "company" is legally defined as an "entity", not a thing as clarified by court. For that reason - anybody can sue a company as an entity, not a thing.

A company can be convicted for criminal offenses like manslaughter, depraved indifference, etc and it is subjected to fines/penalty. It can die just like a person.
A company is still a thing, not a living being. (The definition for "entity" includes the words "thing" or "something".)

A company can be financially liable in a civil suit but it can't do time or be executed for a crime. Individuals of a company can be charged with crimes.

A company can't know the difference between right and wrong; its board members and executives can.
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