
Lets ride horses!
Premium Member
Aug 10, 2006
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I can't wait for 2006 to be over, what a tragic year for me!

My four friends lost their horses.. I lost my 10 years old persian cat killed by wild animal? My two cousins passed away plus Great person Andy too I really like my neighbor who couple are 24 years old and give delivery son last Aug .... Our houses are brand new building 2005 but They re on Market sale because mistake with refiance and stuck with high mortgage etc..... War and lost soldier's life... and others

So I am praying that next 2007 will be Great year for me!

sorry for my vent!!!!
2006 was a wild year for me also.

My dog kyle passed away at 14 years old.

My 2 rats, Pepper and Nike died in 2 month span

My mouse, snowball died also

few fish died earlier this year

A dry summer for Seattle area and it was HOT, it reached 96 degrees that day in July.

We had a busy June doing a bunch of vacations, including a trip to Michigan.

All the war in mideast, wild weather going on around the world, weak hurricane season....we'll see what's in store for Nov and Dec '06.
Yea, I have notice that. This year is bad one.
Hopefully next year would be better.
We had heat wave last July, it was horrible for two week heat wave. We had 110 degrees in last July.
We couldn't go outside, it is too hot to go out.
I have notice hurricane is weak this year. Not much going on.
I have notice Tax is really high now than before. We have to pay tax on our property. Geez it is expensive.
More crime and it had been increase. Thanks gawd not much crime in my hometown.
Gas price was up to the roof everywhere and aslo in Europe too.
More people died and animals too.
House market is weak economy, cause people cannot afford it right now.
The economy is weak this year.

So, let pray next year would be better.
Yeah, 2006's been a hard year, actually 2005 and 2006 had been very rough for me...6 people died, 2 of them died on christmas day, 1 a few days after christmas...

I had 3 of the most rudest, inconsiderate roommates I have ever encountered!

I had to move away at the very last minute. Thanks to my immature ex-roommates, I lost my apartment and had to move 1 1/2 hours away to a farm or otherwise I would be homeless. I had no choice.

As a result of the enormous stress inflicted upon me by those 3 roommates I got very sick (my health always suffers whenever there is too much unnecessary stress).

I tried for the entire damn summer to find a decent place to live in Minneapolis, no luck at all. Extremely frustrating! I did not want to go back to Saint Cloud because there were just too many toxic people there and I never wanted to see their faces ever again.

I had to put up with several crazy people who lived on the farm, and their little bratty kids (they are old enough to know better, but their mother doesn't disclipine them at all!)

Finally I said "fuck this" and flew to Texas to find a decent place to live, and I did find a nice place! Yay! So 2 months later I moved down here (in April) and things are getting better now.

Even if things are looking up, 2006 still has been a pretty rough and emotional year...I had to make a lot of hard decisions regarding where I am gonna go live, whether I want to go to school and finish college or not, my CI, who I should be friends with, who I should not be friends with, I had to cut out a LOT of toxic people, etc. But I know all those decisions are for the best and as a result of those hard decisions I have had to make, my future will be a lot better.
Oh geez, I dont like 2006,

My stepson gave us hell. He got in lot of troubles. We had to pay his fines. We had to kick him out from our house. in Jan. Our christmas was not good because of him.

In march, I lost my grandma because she passed away. I lost my best friend that she still is alive.

In May, My husband lost his job that he worked for coca cola 13 years. Our water heater broke. My car broke down.

In June, my husband let my stepson to move in, I was so mad at my husband for let him. I had to kick stepson out again. He will never live with us again. He ended up jail for 3 weeks. We refuse pay his mistakes! He is 19 years old and he still not have job. He is not good resonbility. We dont care if he live on street because he damaged our family's retionship (sp?) We want him to learn his lesson and understand that life is not easy at all.

I cannot wait to see 2007 and hope our 2007 will be much better.
I think 2006 was just a bad year for everyone I have spoken to. In the last year I have been fired from my 3rd job, and spent most of 2006 unemployed and relying on others to pay my way, which is not fun.

I also did not get to go to school as planned. :( I have to wait until Aug. 2007 and pay off the outstanding bill. hopefully I will find work between now and Aug. and make some head way on bills.
Dont liked in 2006. Because, My father in law passed away by heart attack in last June.

We arent excepted that quick happened!

We do miss him alot. My kids miss him papa.:tears: .. Worst thing is this thanksgiving and xmas.. Dad will be not there.. That is hard part... But We have to get thru...

My 2006 is wonderful.

Got a girlfriend
Visited my gf for the first time last summer.
Went to my good friend's wedding, it was so beautiful.
Went to Myrtle Beach last summer, I had a blast time.

I am not hurry for 2007 since 2006 isn't over for me. I still have going on till 2007.
year 2006 was ok

jan i went to california for first time to see my then one month old niece for first time since she was born

in march i broke up with the jerk
and in june went back to california to help my brother and his family move to SF area

in sept met someelse better than the jerk

hope 2007 is better year for me
good and bad


i got new apt finally to live on my own

got a wonderful bf and happy so much


my health is down more sigh...

few my friends dead

my mom health is down .. i am worried abt her..
Up and down year

It was wild year for me


I have volunteer job at New England Historic Genealogical Society.


My neighbor dies from lung cancer after 2 months battle.

I had issues with my job search

My uncle Mac splits with his wife

My cousin had ulcerative colitis
Oh theres more


Got me a new laptop
VP installed

Only one bad is my neighbor got biopsy and is on treatment. Shes doing well.
2006 is DOG YEAR, Chinese Year...


I got a job, to act like a Zombie in Independent Film, yay!!!

I went to California for Family Reunion, and me and my family
went to Knott Berry Farm, Univ Studio, and we have fun rides and
good food.


I didn't get the William Sonoma job

My dog bled everywhere early this year and finally we spayed her.

So, I guess that about it.
2006 was a so- so year lots of ups and downs

Good parts

Celebrated my first wedding anniversary

My baby turned 1

we got our own place. No more roommates after 7 years!!!

My deaf brother stayed with us for 6 weeks over the summer to go to grad school at McDaniel's

My heart problems went away

Bad parts

Missed going to my annual summer trip to AZ and seeing my family

My friend Andrew's passing away

My ex husband announcing that he will move to AZ next year and taking our daughter with him...means will have to go to court for a custody battle soon. :(

My old ankle injury getting inflammed again after being so well for 2 years:pissed:
A good year for me, I'll say...

• Got a full-time job as a graphic designer (Ad Builder)
• Bought a brand new car
• My fourth niece was born last May
• A great-nephew on the way by end of the year

and more
I have ups and downs in year of 2006


I still have a job with VR
I got a new job in NJ and starting to work on Dec 4
Found me an apt in NJ
Sold some items on Ebay and earned $$$
I was asked to "work" in thanksgiving bash party in NYC


I was bitten by a CUJO and still have scars
Inexperienced EMT trainee poked IV into a wrong vein.. it is swollen..I will see my dr this wednesday. it hurts like hell for two weeks :pissed:
My dad had surgery (he is fine and dandy)
bills galore.. yuck...i wish damn bills zapped now! :rl:
MY year of 2006 is best for:
1)FCC require all-new programming must be closed-captioned and in addition FCC require all news must be providing with real-time captioning in
DMA top 25 markets also local sports such as Timberwolves, and other
sports sources must be captioned by Telecommunication Act of 1996! YAY!

2) I got my new job at apartment, and my along goes well with my job also
shredding at my home is best my job ever than I had ever been before!

This good year for:
1) I never met my mother's cousin named Jimmy until
I went to my grandma's sister's, her grandchildren...
is Jimmy or beyond of her grandchildren-- I don't know her family
which is family tree are in... Because I not asking to my mother yet,
or I am deaf.
I cannot understood what they are saying, or else I have a confusion with meeting of new people at her family.

This is my sad of this year for:
1) I missed my old friends including my teacher, social worker, deaf friends and Alison from this school, because I graduated at this school.
But yet, I am very happy I have completed my education!
And, however, I have keep in touch with Alison that make me happy. She named Alison, she is now 21 year old from VECTOR. In that addition recently, I already keep in touch with my best teacher, and my social worker. :)
2) My uncle's cousin passed away on July 25, 2006. :( We don't know why she died from causes,
maybe she had a stroke or died in her sleep? Who knows?

I will have a disaster of the year 2006 in my life for:
Nintendo Wii will became no longer classic controller! NOOOO! :hyper:
I will missing playing classic controller. And it may be worst or bad issue
about Nintendo:
I am worrying about Nintendo will be failure because it might not good sale for Nintendo Wii.
I really hope Nintendo will listening to us, fans of Nintendo,
and video-gaming community.
If Nintendo Wii become a failure console, so Nintendo will change their mind, or probably be dead just like as Dreamcast? :Ohno:
Also, XBOX-360 requires to have a HDTV as least 720p or more,
but my TV is standard don't have a 720p or more.
I very glad XBOX360 before they investing new motion-sensing controller
like Wii. That this console is still exist for classic controller, but there are more cons that I heard about them:
Overheating, expen$$ive for this console along the HDTV. :whip: So I can't afford it.
One day as in year of 2009, it will be probably or maybe it could be better to have a new HDTV or DTV least 30" would can playing fitting-in for Nintendo Wii when I have an afford for HDTV or DTV.
Or, I will have a re-issue console of XBOX360 without worrying about overheating or other problems around here, etc. If have a HDTV.
Or maybe I would be cancelling for a planning to buy a XBOX360 if too many people who would complaint on many webs on the surf about
they would have too much problems due the overheating, crashes, or
etc. I will have to wait and see. I am looking forward about this future
for DTV or HDTV also Nintendo Wii.
I want to tell you one more something about this year of

It's greatest year is...
I haven't getting sick for one year! Yay! :P
I have been travel few diffy states to see WWE events for my first time in my life, it was good experience for me

One resident from Ballard West threw full, unopened soda can and almost hit me... It really very scared me, after that I told CRE I am ready to quit work, but they moved me other dorm, so now here I am at Benson... Now much better than West!