1st set of hearing aids...nervous


New Member
Aug 9, 2015
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Guys I'm a bit scared..
I'm getting really nice hearing aids on the 25th. The audiologist told me what to expect, but how can I prepare myself for somethingg so different? Will it hurt??? All the new sounds and pitches?

Nah, don't sweat it. My daughter got a HA. She was like, "Cool, now I can here stuff." Then, went on her merry way.

Now, what we got nervous about, was when she had to get a Cochlear Implant in her other ear. That was nerve racking from surgery to activation. Even now, I constantly get on her case to take care of that thing, and make sure she wears it all day.
You will get used to the sound even if the first impression is not fun at all. :) just be patient and go back for adjustments. It wasn't until my second pair of hearing aids I knew what I wanted from settings and accessories. The biggest challenge to me was actually realizing how much I was missing, for example in group conversations. I was more annoyed with not hearing things after I got the hearing aids than I had been before.
There is nothing to be scared about, it doesn't hurt and other than being able to hear better the whole process is pretty uneventful. Once you get your HA's begin keeping a journal listing any problems you are having and when you are having them and show it to your audi on each visit and it will help them make the necessary adjustments. Good luck!
Getting new hearing aids is the fun part. Yes, there's a breaking in period, adjusting to the sound but wear them 27/7 so you can get used them quickly. Fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride....there's no need to worry. It'll be a wonderful adventure and after a short time you'll wonder how you made it this long without them. Congrats on the new hearing aids....

It's going to be the worst experience ever get rid of them while you can!

Just kidding, you'll be fine, there's an adjustment period, it's kind of like getting new glasses, you'll probably notice sounds you didn't hear before and just takes time to get used to it.

Think of it as an excuse to listen to new songs, have fun with it!