13-year old girl kidnap 3-year old boy

"You are GUILTY of kidnapping! oh wait you are a middle school straight A student? OKAY! you are good to go!"

... :roll: fucking retard.

Zeus Aponte, the boy's uncle, said he once overheard the teenager tell his nephew, "I'm your mommy."

I can't tell if that was bullshit.
I agree with Steel X.

She may be young, but a dangerous freak in the making....string 'er up!
All children, and people (young and old) are also innocent.... No one is perfect on this earth.... except God. maybe 3rd years old boy kidnapped her in the last birth..... if he did nt do in the last birth, he will kidnap her in the next birth....
Wow... this is fucked up. What is the world getting to these days? :roll: