13 year old boy becomes...

and come to worse, the relationship will stir them up and go mad, no matter what it is. It happened to the other younger one in British, a 15 year old father with an 18 year old girlfriend or some related article I can't remember was together for 6 months after their child were born and they split. :roll:

Yep not surprised it may happen with the 13 yr old and the 15 year old couple...I mean honestly, they cant be together like this forever. they are still young and plenty of other people to meet in years to come. >.>
Yep not surprised it may happen with the 13 yr old and the 15 year old couple...I mean honestly, they cant be together like this forever. they are still young and plenty of other people to meet in years to come. >.>

Excatly, what I was referring to. They sure do have 80 or 100 years to go, eh
i can't image how he already is in having sex with a gal over the new technology toys that he could have played with video game or sports. He got his own new toy is a baby. :shock:
Oh, geez, The 13 years old old is too young to become a father first time. :roll: I am not surprised.
It is common to see a 13 years old kid now these days getting knocked up.

Well, Maybe it is not sorely recognized but it is out there whether you realize it or not.

There's babies having babies. I do agree that it is imperative to have sexual education for these youngsters but then again - there are some youngsters that just does not really "care" about it which is really sad.
and come to worse, the relationship will stir them up and go mad, no matter what it is. It happened to the other younger one in British, a 15 year old father with an 18 year old girlfriend or some related article I can't remember was together for 6 months after their child were born and they split. :roll:

Actually but I read the magazine few years ago that the 14 years old girl fall in pregnant by 18 years old guy. They have a baby boy... They got married when she was 18 years old... Now they are happily married for 38 years... :shock:
I showed the article to my both boys few minutes ago. They appalled and have hard time to beleive he is really father at age 13... I told them that it´s rare like him who had child. Example: a 9 years old girl fall in pregnant somewhere in Mexico or ?

Of course we talked about sex issues after look at the article together...
I do understand that sex education is important but then again...there are some kids who ignore the facts about sex and go ahead with it or some parents do not want their kids to get into sex ed classes due to reglion or whatever. :roll:
Actually but I read the magazine few years ago that the 14 years old girl fall in pregnant by 18 years old guy. They have a baby boy... They got married when she was 18 years old... Now they are happily married for 38 years... :shock:

Yeah...I've read afew other stories like that with even with some 18 year old girls getting married that young and still have an successful marriage going on 20 years or more.
They just put more in their hands than they could handle - I wouldn't be surprised if the taxpayers pick this one up.
Right now the best thing that these two kids can do is study their butts off in school, get part-time jobs, and spend their 'free' time with the child. Their choice had a consequence, they need to hunker down and start showing some responsibility. Maybe the loss of a social life can teach their friends that if you have sex, this is what happens. You lose your social life and you have to struggle twice as hard for even the most basic necessities.

Even the these two youths can only get part-time jobs, their paychecks should go towards the child first and foremost. This is lesson number 1 in parenting - children are VERY expensive!
What a shame that they are glorifying this.:roll:

And the kid fully admits that he had no idea what could happen. Just another reason we need comprehensive sex ed.

*smh* This is why I fully support sex education. That child had no idea that a dick in a vagina without a condom = pregnancy = baby. Sad, indeed. And that child looks like he is only 8 years old even though he is 13. And it's quite weird that his girlfriend, who is 15, had sexual feeling for a 13 years old that looks like he is 8. I know if I was under 18, and there was someone who was a couple years younger than me but still looks like he or she is still in elementary school who was interested in me, I wouldn't even consider going out with him or her. It's just too....weird. Feels pedophile-ish, if you know what I mean?

That boy looks like he has absolutely NO idea of the ramifications of this situation and no idea of how to care for and raise a baby.

I did go out with someone who was 2 years OLDER than me but looked like she was 10-11 years old only because she was born without an immune system, spent most of the first 8 years of her life in a hospital and went through many bone marrow transplants to save her life, was given medicine to save her life, and thus developed kidney disease, went through a successful kidney transplant in 2004, and a host of other health problems, so as a result she ended up looking quite young and quite short (4'6 feet tall and I'm 5'2) but it was OK with me because she had medical reasons for being so young-looking but is also still TWO YEARS OLDER than me, so I did date her. We were BOTH still over 18 (I was 18 and she was 20 at the time) so there was no ramifications from this. (We did later become best friends and then roommates and then later went our own different ways in 2005 due to what her friends did to me while they were living with us, very long story). But if I was in the same kind of situation as this young boy and his girlfriend is currently in...no way. Just feels so wrong. Just...no.

EDIT: I want to add that the girl I went out with, who looked like she was 10-11 years old, but that was only her face and her short stature. She was given hormones when she became a teenager so she could grow her private parts, so she did have a woman's body, however still looked quite young compared to a normal grown 18 years old's body. The reason she was given hormones was because the medications that she was given during her bone marrow transplants fried her ovaries and other internal girl parts as well as her pituitary gland, so she did not have the ability to grow her private parts on her own without hormones. She has to be on the hormones for the rest of her life. And because her internal girl parts were fried, she is unable to have children of her own.
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I find this topic very hard to understand. When I was 13 I wasn't worried about sex..probably stupid and didn't know what sex was..It's sad we have to tell our kids about sex and what happens at such an early age..
When I was 13, all I wanted to was have a boyfriend to hold hands with...never even really thought about going allll the way.