104 year old parrot?


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Mar 16, 2005
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By Bill Borrows
SHE WAS at Winston Churchill's side during Britain's darkest hour. And now Charlie the parrot is 104 years old...and still cursing the Nazis.

Her favourite sayings were "F*** Hitler" and "F*** the Nazis". And even today, 39 years after the great man's death, she can still be coaxed into repeating them with that unmistakable Churchillian inflection.


Many an admiral or peer of the realm was shocked by the tirade from the bird's cage during crisis meetings with the PM.

But it always brought a smile to the war leader's face.

Churchill bought Charlie - giving him a boy's name despite the fact she was female - in 1937.

She took pride of place in a bizarre menagerie of pets including lambs, pigs, cattle, swans and, at one point, a leopard.

He immediately began to teach her to swear - particularly in company - and she is keeping up the tradition today.

The blue and gold macaw is believed to be Britain's oldest bird.

The title was previously thought to belong to 80-year-old Cokky the cockatoo.

But it can be proved Charlie is at least 104 and was born in the 19th century.

Peter Oram bought her for his pet shop after Churchill died in 1965. But he was forced to move her into his home after she kept swearing at children.

For the last 12 years, she has lived at Mr Oram's garden centre in Reigate, Surrey.

Centre worker Sylvia Martin said: "If truth be told, Charlie is looking a little scruffy but she is very popular with the public. We are all very attached to her."

James Humes, an expert on the late PM, said: "Churchill may no longer be with us but that spirit and those words of defiance and resolve continue."


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That is really amazing, especially being connected to someone famous and still carrying on the 'spirit' of Winston Churchhill....

Chances are that this parrot will be placed in the record books and dedicated with much admiration and awe--despite its constant usage of profanity....
Thats why I posted this, I found it really interesting... Still alive at 104? I knew parrots got old, but not that old. It is a pretty rough looking parrot though, but I admit, it looks pretty darn good for 104!
oh god! 104, that's really OLD for a parrot, wow! She looks good for her age,. :P
I never knew parrot can be that old!! Wow! He must be fed good quality bird food and be in good atmosphere to be living that long, also in right company. Can't believe he was connected to Churchill! That's so far back in history!