10000 BC Movie


Active Member
Aug 16, 2006
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10,000 BC

Looks it gonna to be a great movie. It s interesting that movie is set in 10000, I thought it should be 4000 bc according to religion fanatics :confused:
10,000 BC

Looks it gonna to be a great movie. It s interesting that movie is set in 10000, I thought it should be 4000 bc according to religion fanatics :confused:
Uh oh... I can see a religious protest coming to movie theaters! Remember the protests then they had The Last Temptation of Christ? ;)

But then again, it's just a movie. ;)
Ah I wasn't familiar with that movie. Yea "the Passion" was controversial because of portraying Jews in negative lilght.

I dont think there's gonna to be any controversy for this movie unless movie claimed , "this is based on the true story." lol
Oh yeah. I have heard of that two months ago. I'm going to watch it someday since it's just a movie. I bet it would be cool. :)
Uh oh... I can see a religious protest coming to movie theaters! Remember the protests then they had The Last Temptation of Christ? ;)

But then again, it's just a movie. ;)

How about Hail Mary?

I dont know anything about this movie regarding to religion-related issue, and I dont care. I am just looking forward to check this out. This looks like a similar type of film as Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto."
The preview looked interesting.

Between the synopsis and the video, it seems like a cross between Braveheart and the Geico cavemen meet at Jurassic Park during the Ice Age to duke it out with the gang from The Mummy, with cool special effects. :D
I couldn't wait to see 10,000 B.C. The day it became available on DVD I bought it. What a HUGE disappointment and waste of twenty bucks, which rhymes with "sucks" and did it ever!

The hype about religious fanatics causing protests was just that--pure hype to build anticipation.

The people most ticked off by the movie were history fanatics. The Flintstones cartoon series was far more historically and geographically accurate . . . and much more true to life.

I'll bet 10,000 B.C. will make the list of the top ten worst movies of 2008.
You can eventually sell it on ebay for 20 cents :lol:
i just saw it this morning before returning to back to blockbuster
it is good movie
I thought it was okay. But it's definitely not a must watch. Is it worth my cents? Well, it's really neutral. I don't mind spending a ticket to see it on the theater but I'm not that fired. Not the best one. It can easily makes the list being one of the ten worst movies.
just saw it tonight, it wasn't bad, story bit simplistic though, but given its 'mystery' air about the prehistoric times i thought it was good as an attempt to answer smoe questions of lost civilisations, and in a way they purposefully left some to imagination.
Like if a movie is made to say adapt "chariots of the gods" type book which the book is excellent however it would be fair to say translation would be a flop, so its not surprising to see what Chase said above. But for entertainment value, and if you can entertain some 'armchair anthropology study' you would find it was stimulating and fun, even some magical quality is throw in, just for to show how in the olden times when people actually DID came to believe and explained things in terms of magic. it all kind of boil down to how you take it, and how you want to elaborate what you percieve from the film. I liked it. It wasn't the best, but surely doubt its a potential to be the worst 10 movies, special effects, the way they take viewers with the travellers on a journey to rescue the eslaved villagers/hunters to me was damn good, well done. I think it had a good underlying messages like fate of civlisation, that comes and goes (the features was particularly educational) and yeah I have always pondered on that sort of thing, I would like to see some sort of story written up on a large scale mega-narrative on the 'story of the human race' but hmmmm little chance of successful story to be conjured up, except only one i can think of is the the old arthur C. clark film -2001 Space odyessy that made a good attempt to connect ape to man and space and machine.... but do it with civilisation and technology and society is quite another challenge