10 rules on realtionship with woman?! Bad?!


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Feb 11, 2006
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Oooh, some of them I thought that is crazy but for other guys who want to make they knows. Here is a copy from the guest writer.

Guest Writer: Mike - 3/27/2006 - 10 RELATIONSHIP RULES

Ok, I'll let you in on a little secret about relationships -they're a waste of fucking time. I'm talking boyfriend-girlfriend, in-love, out-of-love, dramatic high school, soap opera bullshit that accompanies our daily lives (whether we like it or not.) First of all, this excerpt will be from a male perspective because-last time I checked, I was a male. I know nothing of homosexual relationships (nor care to learn) so these rules are strictly heterosexual. The first (and biggest) rule of dating and relationships is simple-

1. Do not date someone who is better looking than you-(unless you're rich)

Obviously this one goes without saying. Let's say that you decide to date a girl that is more attractive than you....guaranteed you will turn into a jealous, controlling, paranoid asshole that can't have a moment's peace-unless you are babysitting her. The end result on her end is that she'll be pissed because you can't trust her-and you can't trust her cause you're insecure about yourself. Second rule of relationships is a little more subtle…

2. The hotter the girl you are dating-the worse she will be in bed

Now there are exceptions to every rule-but generally speaking the more attractive the female, the worse the lay is going to be. I attest this to several key factors. First factor, hot chicks have never had to be good in bed. They're used to being a trophy for the hottest (or usually richest guy) they can get their hands on. Sexual prowess has never be a strategy, it's never be a necessity…sex with them is something the best man wins, and that's it. Who cares if the sex is good or not? As long as Ms. America is fucking Mr. America everyone's happy. If you want amazing sex, I say find the nastiest, ugliest, greasiest, fattie-assed slut you can find, double-wrap the goods and pray the chick doesn't have anything lethal. Third rule is universal-

3. The girl will always date the asshole over the nice guy

This can be explained in one simple theory, 'class vs. ass.' When a girl first meets a guy she wants a well hung, stable, intelligent, rich and independent man she can show off to her friends-basically every chick is looking for James Bond. But one flaw in the 007's chick magnetism is his inability to keep the chicks. Females get bored if the man is 'too perfect' or 'too independent.' So I suggest, be an ass. (Basically if the guy can show that he doesn't need the female the balance of power is in the man's court-and the female, is now the bitch in the relationship.) In the beginning of the relationship if the man can show enough class to wow the chick, then slowly turn into an asshole, he's got her hooked for life. Women need a challenge, or they will get bored and dump the guy. They want to change their man for the better-and if they think they can turn their boyfriends back into the classy guy they fell in love with, they'll stick around. Just be careful of the fine line between class and ass-for every girl it's different. You don't want to be too classy or you'll end up alone or married, and you don't want to be too much of an ass or you'll end up in jail. Next rule-

4. Do not date a girl who is smarter than you

Ever been mind-fucked before? Nothing worse than a chick making you look stupid. Girls feed off of mind games, and if you're too dumb to play them, they will crush you.

5. Don't get into a relationship with a chick who has been in porn

Can you imagine the two of you hanging out sometime and some pimply-faced college kid recognizing her and asking for her autograph? 'Hey, weren't you that one chick that could take 2 dicks in her ass at once?" Yeah, not a pleasant thought. Next rule up-

6. Its easier to pick up on chicks, if you already have a girlfriend

I think the biggest turn-off for a lot of women, during the pick-up stage, is desperation. If you and your guy friends are out looking for ass-you'll rarely get ass. If however, you're indifferent to getting ass, then you'll get ass. Bottom-line. Chicks can sense the frustration, and mounting anxiety on an all out poon-tang chase, why give them that power? Besides, if you're out looking for chicks and you already have a girlfriend, its like having insurance in case you can't find anything better.

7. In every healthy relationship -there will always be a 'bitch'

Make sure that you are not that bitch.

8. Never admit you cheated, even if you did

This one should go without saying, but there are guys out there that think admitting to an affair, a fling or a fuck-session without your significant other is safe. Think again. You will forever be labeled as a 'cheater' (which makes it extremely difficult to get with her best friend once you and your girlfriend have broken up .... being a cheater is worse to a woman that being the anti-Christ…..) Some guys think if they admit to cheating they can move on -the whole, 'whatever doesn't kill the relationship will make it stronger line.' Guess again. You cheat on your girlfriend and try to stick it through with her-and you're asking for a breach of trust that will never be satisfied. You go to the store to get a roll of toilet paper and it takes 'too long'-you must have been out fucking somebody. You're stuck at work late and you don't get home on time-you must have been screwing some whore you work with. Trust me on this guys - if you admit to cheating, do yourself a favor and dump the hoe. If you liked her so much anyways you never would have cheated on her in the first place, right? Moving on…

9. Never date a girl with wider hips than you
Although on the average, women do have a more attractive body than men; men do age better than women. Can you imagine what she's going to look like 10 years down the road? If she's fat and ugly now, she'll be fatter and uglier in 10 years. Find someone equal, or a little less attractive than you- that way you'll have the high ground, and she will be the 'bitch' in the relationship.

10. White lies are not lies
Although generally I would never advise dishonesty (the truth should always be expressed) occasionally to avoid drama a 'white lie' can be in your best interest. Women are usually not stupid, and can usually pick up on lies, cheating and tension in the relationship…..which means you must be smarter. Down-playing and exaggerating are permissible, as long as they are not over-done. Think of white lying as your get-out-of-jail-free card; it should only be used in dire predicaments….

Some of them gave good points (#9 was pretty insult to ladies's natural body) but I don't have to do what the rules say at all. I had been in Rule #2, and #3 before...yup, I forgave them for their actions as long as keep friends each other. Now, I need to know what 10 rules realtionship with guy, anyone? I likes to hear! :stupid:
Lol as A girl wow some of those rules make me want to hit whoever made them up some make me wanna hug who ever made them up mainly cause i'm not the prettiest girl in the world
Lil_country_gal said:
Lol as A girl wow some of those rules make me want to hit whoever made them up some make me wanna hug who ever made them up mainly cause i'm not the prettiest girl in the world

Maybe, after you are pretty gal in the whole world. Think positively, will ya? ;)
10 Rules for a relationship with a man

1. Put out to soon he loses interest, wait to long he'll give up
2. Always make sure you eat on a date or they think you have issues, just don't ever be a pig.
3. You must doll up but don't go overboard or your high maintenance
4. Do not share information he doesn't want to hear. Men will pretend some things like periods don't exist. They need to believe that, NEVER mess with this rule.
5. Men need to feel helpful. They want to help find solutions to your problems. Just don't come to him constantly. DON'T go to him when you only want someone to listen. He will drive you nuts trying to fix it, listening is for your girlfriends.
6. Shut up sometimes. Silence is golden to a man who's had a hard day.
7. Show interest in his hobbies even if you don't get MMA or golf. He doesn't get shopping either.
8. Don't plan his whole life. Independence is everything to a man. This also means DON'T start talking about marriage, kids, ect. until he does, PERIOD.
9. DON'T try to change him. If he's not right for you find someone else. You can virtually never change a man and if you do he's not who you fell in love with anyway.
10. STROKE HIS EGO sometimes. Going overboard not only isn't necessary, he won't buy it. Just let him know that you need and appreciate him. They need to hear that as much as women, just in a different way.

P.S. notice most of these simply fall under EVERYTHING IN MODERATION!
zookeeper4321 said:
10 Rules for a relationship with a man

1. Put out to soon he loses interest, wait to long he'll give up
2. Always make sure you eat on a date or they think you have issues, just don't ever be a pig.
3. You must doll up but don't go overboard or your high maintenance
4. Do not share information he doesn't want to hear. Men will pretend some things like periods don't exist. They need to believe that, NEVER mess with this rule.
5. Men need to feel helpful. They want to help find solutions to your problems. Just don't come to him constantly. DON'T go to him when you only want someone to listen. He will drive you nuts trying to fix it, listening is for your girlfriends.
6. Shut up sometimes. Silence is golden to a man who's had a hard day.
7. Show interest in his hobbies even if you don't get MMA or golf. He doesn't get shopping either.
8. Don't plan his whole life. Independence is everything to a man. This also means DON'T start talking about marriage, kids, ect. until he does, PERIOD.
9. DON'T try to change him. If he's not right for you find someone else. You can virtually never change a man and if you do he's not who you fell in love with anyway.
10. STROKE HIS EGO sometimes. Going overboard not only isn't necessary, he won't buy it. Just let him know that you need and appreciate him. They need to hear that as much as women, just in a different way.

P.S. notice most of these simply fall under EVERYTHING IN MODERATION!

There got much good points. Few of them happend to me by other ladies which I had been difficult to explain/deal. I did forgave them for their actions and gave each other time to make our friendship better (yes, also worse). That happened gave me to learn more lessons into my life. These rules of realtionship might help both of men and women to know what they are going to deal each other. Yes, not everyone aren't in same boat at all. Just like to see much less Mars and Venus in the earth here. Thank you for this thread, zookeeper4321! :aw:
Lil_country_gal said:
Lol as A girl wow some of those rules make me want to hit whoever made them up some make me wanna hug who ever made them up mainly cause i'm not the prettiest girl in the world

You might having much prettiest inside of you than outside of you? ;)
MaxUFC said:
There got much good points. Few of them happend to me by other ladies which I had been difficult to explain/deal. I did forgave them for their actions and gave each other time to make our friendship better (yes, also worse). That happened gave me to learn more lessons into my life. These rules of realtionship might help both of men and women to know what they are going to deal each other. Yes, not everyone aren't in same boat at all. Just like to see much less Mars and Venus in the earth here. Thank you for this thread, zookeeper4321! :aw:

True, I love the Mars/Venus book. However, I'm still not sure if you guys are being sensible about moderation or your just impossible to please psychos. Just kidding.

P.S. Mr. Z said alll you have to do to please a man is keep your mouth shut unless you're asked to open it. Yes he means what you think.
zookeeper4321 said:
10 Rules for a relationship with a man

1. Put out to soon he loses interest, wait to long he'll give up
2. Always make sure you eat on a date or they think you have issues, just don't ever be a pig.
3. You must doll up but don't go overboard or your high maintenance
4. Do not share information he doesn't want to hear. Men will pretend some things like periods don't exist. They need to believe that, NEVER mess with this rule.
5. Men need to feel helpful. They want to help find solutions to your problems. Just don't come to him constantly. DON'T go to him when you only want someone to listen. He will drive you nuts trying to fix it, listening is for your girlfriends.
6. Shut up sometimes. Silence is golden to a man who's had a hard day.
7. Show interest in his hobbies even if you don't get MMA or golf. He doesn't get shopping either.
8. Don't plan his whole life. Independence is everything to a man. This also means DON'T start talking about marriage, kids, ect. until he does, PERIOD.
9. DON'T try to change him. If he's not right for you find someone else. You can virtually never change a man and if you do he's not who you fell in love with anyway.
10. STROKE HIS EGO sometimes. Going overboard not only isn't necessary, he won't buy it. Just let him know that you need and appreciate him. They need to hear that as much as women, just in a different way.

P.S. notice most of these simply fall under EVERYTHING IN MODERATION!
Zookepper4321 those are so true and very awesome advice
mrtn_cainuk said:
Maybe, after you are pretty gal in the whole world. Think positively, will ya? ;)
ummm do i have to ???????? :ugh: I suppose i just might be able to and max i'm uglier on the inside
ive seen some butt ugly people completely happy with their life...so i dont think that has alot to do with it.

its all about self esteem..the btter you feel, the better you look
LOL, some of them are good points but I don't like number 9 ...
Hey dont worry about it. You are still young. When I was your age, I used to think that I was ugly but now I dont cuz. Men enjoy my sense of humor and I dont let my look get in the way. It is all about the inside of the person not the outside. If guy think that you are ugly then that their problem not you. :hug:

Lil_country_gal said:
Lol as A girl wow some of those rules make me want to hit whoever made them up some make me wanna hug who ever made them up mainly cause i'm not the prettiest girl in the world
Rules on relationship

1. dating each other on the line everyday if you are long distance or local in the states
2.no sex before marriages
3.out dinner
4.out movie
5.if you seek nice man on the dating agency (deaf dating) not another dating and hard communicate with people if you met man who are sign with spelling i dont care.
6.meet her parents and his parents if like girls or guys they ahead dating for longtimes or less years.
7.getaway vacation
9.going camping for fun