1 day in jail for next 10 years... for death of boy


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Jul 29, 2004
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BENTON, Ark. (AP) - A woman who passed a stopped school bus and struck a boy with her car has been ordered jailed for a day on every anniversary of the child's death for the next 10 years.

Tiffany Nix, 25, was ordered to spend every Sept. 28 through 2015 in jail for the death last year of nine-year-old William (Isaac) Brian. Nix pleaded guilty Tuesday to manslaughter and passing a stopped school bus.

The judge ordered Nix to pay Isaac's family $5,694.62 for his funeral expenses. She will also be on probation for 10 years and must perform 400 hours of community service.

The boy's father, Kelly Brian, said after the hearing that he and his wife, Shari, were satisfied with the sentence.

Prosecutors had said Nix had opiates and amphetamines in her system at the time of the accident. She had been charged initially with negligent homicide, but prosecutors upgraded the charge after receiving results from laboratory tests.

In a written statement included in a police report, Nix said she saw the school bus but did not see its stop sign. She said she did not realize the bus was stopped until she saw the boy running in front of it.

Isaac's death prompted legislators to toughen penalties for passing stopped school buses.
Sounds like a fair sentence imposed on the woman. The judge used good wisdom. Sometimes prison is not the answer for some people. If this had been a guy on drugs and hit the school bus and rolled a kid under his truck. He would have gone straight to prison. No question about it. I like to read the crime section to see what is going on in the internet or newspapers because sometimes I see some unusual sentences passed down. I have thought of going into law enforcement and be a prosecutor helping crime victims. Hate to see a kid die on account of somebody else though.
Heath said:
Sounds like a fair sentence imposed on the woman. The judge used good wisdom. Sometimes prison is not the answer for some people. If this had been a guy on drugs and hit the school bus and rolled a kid under his truck. He would have gone straight to prison. No question about it. I like to read the crime section to see what is going on in the internet or newspapers because sometimes I see some unusual sentences passed down. I have thought of going into law enforcement and be a prosecutor helping crime victims. Hate to see a kid die on account of somebody else though.

yes, but the girl should've known better than to pass a school bus in the first place. If the bus stopped, the cars behind the bus are require to stop too. It doesnt matter if the stop light on the side pop out or not. She should have known better than to try to pass a school bus full of children that stopped in the middle of the road. Stopping in the middle of the road usually means something, not just because the bus driver felt like it.
Waitaminute!! Tiffany DOES know. How can she NOT know? It's in the Driving Handbook, jeez. She's just trying to cover up her a$$. So that's great that the judge gave her a nice and harsh sentences...and a nice probation of 10 years. It will teach her a lesson. This boy didn't deserve to die like this.

Ooohhh, so she's using the prescription drugs, opiates and amphetamines. She shouldn't be driving because they're cloudy on her mind. :crazy:

No wonder I hate some people who never learn to drive right and comply with the driving laws. I wouldn't use the prescription drugs until I get home. Being on prescription medications and driving is a lame excuse and it's pretty dangerous.
I dont think that it is a fair sentence at all. I think that she should have gotten more time. That little boy had all of his time stripped away from him because of her. She can go about her life as she pleases and only lose one day out of the year thats bullshit...
You all bring up good points... and she should not have been using drugs to even begin with. If it was doctor ordered then she should have stayed home and if necessary to go to work catch the bus or subway and if she lives in a small town ask someone for a ride. but if it was illegal drugs I would have to think differently. I also think for a woman to have this sentence passed down for this crime is worse than prison itself but then there is the issue of the boy's family and they said they were sastified with the sentence. I would not feel too great sending a woman to prison unless she absoutely deserves prison. With the guys... It is a man's world. The guys have to take care of themselves but I would still be fair to the guys too. I read the story again a second time and realized it was illegal drugs and not prescption brown medicine bottles from the doctor. Not a good situation at all.
I remember in English writing class in Deaf h.s. ( high school ) I had to pass a class to graduate by reading the book called " Scarlet Letter" or " Scarlett Letter ". That is what I think the courtroom judge had in mind for her. You have to remember children are a very sensitive subject for the ladies.
It seem that the family were satisfied with the sentence so I'm happy too....

Yep, almost everyone knows that you don't go pass a stop school bus...

:shaking my head:
She was high on illegal drugs and that still does not excuse her. She should not have taken illegal drugs in the first place. You know illegal drugs cause people to do crazy things they later regret. Also the illegal drugs and alochol hold an acient stronghold..... satan in the spirit through alochol and drugs making people manifest evil behavior and that still is not an excuse she was on illegal drugs. Yes, drugs are part of the problem but not an excuse. If it was from the doctor's office and she got it filled at the Rx and did not abuse doctor's drugs to get high and took them in a manner matching appropriately her illness then took all the safety precautions. she legally and by commonsense would have been the victim alongside unfortunately and tragically enough, the dead boy and the driver under arrest for illegal drugs showing up in his blood or urine work from passing the school bus illegally when the caution and the red stop sign popped out then started flashing as you would see in the A.M. and the P.M. She would have been gone to the hospital to make sure she was ok then sent home and she could have prayed at church for the family in grieving pain. God Bless and comfort that family. That is a tragedy that could have been prevented.
Interesting punishment, the judge imposed on her. Well, the parents of the boy say they're satisfied with the verdict. So what can you do if you think she should have gotten more?
opiates and amphetamines can cause drowsiness and still prescribable for certain conditions like pains, Heath.

I do not like how they sentence her, because I believe that is not enough punishment. But, looks like the family are satisfied with the sentence. So, It's what counts the most, the family. Everyone knows that we must stop at all school buses. She was wrong and she was wrong for taking opiates and amphetamines while driving. It's a sad result of what happened to the boy, It shouldn't have happen. :(
Too light sentence...

ain't good enough...

Boy isn't deserved being early die. Does Parent accept it ?
Wow, I thought there was a strict law?

I remember when I was a little kid and heard about this other kid who was killed in the exact same situation where a truck got impatient and drove around running over that kid.
I would have thought a tougher sentence would be imposed for a thing like this.

But it makes me suspect (though I don't know) that perhaps the boy feels remorse. Using the anniversary of the child's death suggests it. If that's the case, his guilty conscience is going to be punishing him for the rest of his life. Every pleasure he enjoys, every opportunity is going to be tainted for him.
I think the sentece could have ben much harsher on this woman, but there may be statutes that could prevent that I would have to do some resersh on that. but the family is staifide that this woman is being punished she will be forced to remember that she killed a young boy. the parents had to bury their son and that is just a horible thing to have to do. haveing the sentece passed down may help them to heal because thay do have to keep living, espeshily if thay have other children.
Sorry I disagree to this sentence the judge made for her because it's not harsh. It's too easy for a woman... It's fine with me as long as the parents are happy with that sentence... :dunno:

German law here is different.

The penalties accord German law for driving are severe harsh including the loss of your license for break traffic law.....

Car insurance cover everything including damage claim money except funeral expense and penalty fine. It means that driver have to pay high % of insurance... or ban driving license for long years or forever (only if it's not first time) and pay funeral expenses and penatly fine. The Judge can tell them to go back driving school to make a new license which it cost a lot of money. which it's good because a lot of Germans can't live without car.

I'm agree with German law... Why? Because the taxpayers should not pay prisoners for expenses... The prisoners laugh at taxpayers and eat foods, sleep etc from our tax... That's why I disagree with this sentence, the judge made for a woman.... A woman should pay everything by her own pocket..., not taxpayers.
I would have thought the judge could be more tougher on her for her action but then, She has 10 years (and the rest of her life) to think about what happened on that day. That's alot of time for her to remorse towards it. It seems that the family agreed with that sentence only maybe it's because the family wanted her to feel the pain just as they went through the pain of losing their child.
OH man it is sad. I have heard kid get kill but one time a bus driver killed a little girl on Cape Cod, Mass. It wasnt too far from where I used to live. But the driver cant drive the bus no more and went to jail for a few years.

I never pass the bus. The only time I passed the bus when the bus pulled over to let ppl go or see the bus driver letting me know to pass them so that how I pass the bus. Other then that no way.
this sentence almost sounds like it's no big deal.

just spend a day in jail after every anniversary of the boys' death?

GalaxyAngel said:
Too light sentence...
ain't good enough...
Boy isn't deserved being early die. Does Parent accept it ?
yeah, I agree with you. It's a slap on the wrist! That's why I never understand how the court system works.