¡Olé! Spain approves same-sex marriage bill

Crazymanw00t said:
I am preaching to you cuz I want to save you from going straight down to hell.

I disgress with that quote. You cannot save people. You can only save yourself so your efforts are in vain here.


I respect your wishes but you may not stuff your wishes down our throats. Please refrain from doing so as for future reference, you do not have a right to do so. You do realise that the Bible comes in several denominations and there are several deities/dogmas.

Sorry to say that the Gay people are complelely evil people. They are Satan's soliders.

As for that inflammatory, racist and homophobic comment. It is in your best interests to apologise to the GLBT AD members because this is not only a personal offense to them but to me. I have several close gay friends and a gay best friend that I consider as a brother.

FYI, I have reported your comment to the moderators as I view this very inflammatory to the AD board because you have constantly dragged several threads down. To stick with the "agree to disagree" adage, one must learn not to input personal attacks on sexual orientation which you have failed to do so. Use PMland.

I labels myself as little pragmatic Calvinist Christian because I don't preach really excatly like Paul's preachings. If I do like what Paul's preaching and for sure that www.alldeaf.com will ban me period.

*coughs* BS* coughs* Like I said, you stuff your extremist views down our throats and I do hope www.alldeaf.com does ban you.
Cookie Monster said:
I disgress with that quote. You cannot save people. You can only save yourself so your efforts are in vain here.

I respect your wishes but you may not stuff your wishes down our throats. Please refrain from doing so as for future reference, you do not have a right to do so. You do realise that the Bible comes in several denominations and there are several deities/dogmas.

As for that inflammatory, racist and homophobic comment. It is in your best interests to apologise to the GLBT AD members because this is not only a personal offense to them but to me. I have several close gay friends and a gay best friend that I consider as a brother.

FYI, I have reported your comment to the moderators as I view this very inflammatory to the AD board because you have constantly dragged several threads down. To stick with the "agree to disagree" adage, one must learn not to input personal attacks on sexual orientation which you have failed to do so. Use PMland.

*coughs* BS* coughs* Like I said, you stuff your extremist views down our throats and I do hope www.alldeaf.com does ban you.

:werd: :hug:
THANK YOU Cookie Monster!
One thing you're NOT getting crazyman is that EVERYONE thinks that their particular interpretation of the Bible is the one that God wants or wills!
Why is Calvinism THE ANSWER? NOBODY but GOD knows what THE ANSWERS are! For all you know it really could be Forty Two!
We're not against you....We're not anti-God....we are not evil simply b/c we don't see eye to eye on God.....It's just that too many people here have witnessed people claiming to have THE DIVINE ABSOLUTE TRUTH about things!!!!
That's nice that you believe so devoutly and that you find comfort and joy in the teachings of Calvinism. However you do NOT have a RIGHT to stuff YOUR beliefs down our throats! Some of us here are probaly very devout churchgoers, and many of us here are decent kind loving people.