Search results

  1. Isaacsmom

    Magnetic Paint and CI's

    Hello everyone! This may be a silly question, but my husband and I are re-decorating Isaac's room to make room for the new baby and we were considering painting a portion of his wall with magnetic paint. We were thinking it would be a cool place for those letter magnets that we could use to...
  2. Isaacsmom

    Bodyworn vs. BTE

    Hi everyone! I had a question... On tuesday we went to pick up Isaac's equipment for his CI. When we initially were given the choice between the bodyworn and BTE we chose one of each although the Director of the Audiology department at CHOP tried to push us into getting 2 bodyworns. ( I...
  3. Isaacsmom

    Monday 9/25 at 10am

    Hello everyone, Sorry it has been a while since my last update. We've had some problems with getting water in the basement and needed to get it fixed. But the big news is that on Monday at 10am, Isaac will be admitted to CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia) to get his cochlear implant...
  4. Isaacsmom

    CI for son...CI friendly only please

    Hello everyone, My 15 month old son is profoundly deaf in both ears and we are getting him implanted on September 25th. My husband and I are sure this is the way to go for him. We want to give him every opportunity to be part of the deaf community as well as the hearing community. I have...
  5. Isaacsmom

    A couple questions

    Hello everyone! I am a hearing mom of a deaf 10 month old boy. He has hearing aids but we don't think they do much. I have some questions that I hope some of you can answer. When the hearing aids whistle does it hurt your ears? Because when our son has feedback in his hearing aids he tugs...
  6. Isaacsmom

    Church Services for Deaf Children

    Hello Everyone, My 9 month old son has profound hearing loss. We go to a Community Church. (Part of the Church of God denomination). My son is the only Deaf person in our entire congregation. I am worried as to how he will be able to learn about God through the church services and Sunday...
  7. Isaacsmom

    Any advice for hearing mom w/deaf baby?

    Hello everyone! I am not deaf, but my husband and I just had our first son who is diagnosed with severe/profound hearing loss. We are trying hearing aids on him but arent sure if they are working because he is only 9 months old. We are trying to learn sign and are pretty overwhelmed. The...