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  1. K

    Siemen's Pure 7 Micon Ric

    Hi, I am trialing this out and I'm curious if anyone else is using this aid???:roll:
  2. K

    Widex Clear Prices

    Hi, I was quoted prices today for Widex Clear 440-$3600, Clear 330-$2650, Clear 220 $1600 and Audi also wants $75 for hearing aid mold. Tv Dex she wants $400. Price is for 1 hearing aid since my left ear can't be aided. I am in the St. Petersburg, Fl area. Does anyone have any idea if these...
  3. K

    Hi I'm Keni

    I have severe hearing loss in right ear and my left one cannot be aided. I have been trying out ric hearing aids but I can't hear on the phone with these. I did better with cic's. Anyone??:wave: