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  1. D

    Don't throw your TTY away!

    I use both a CaptionCall phone and a Uniphone-1140 setup with VCO. I find the CaptionCall phone is great for calling people who know me, and the Uniphone comes in handy when the internet is down and when I have to call call centers. It is hard to explain to someone to slow down due to reading...
  2. D

    When should I request ADA accommodations for a job

    I had a interview last week for a promotion at work. The interview was of all of 10 minutes long. It was short because it was in the same department. A couple of hours after the interview, I asked another manager what type of electronic verbal communications device (two-way radios) was going...
  3. D

    Verizon Push-to-Talk

    I currently wear a hearing aid in my right ear, and should be getting new hearing aids shortly for both ears. My employer is getting Verizon push-to-talk for a particular project that I might be part of. Does anyone have any experience with push-to-talk technology? If so, my question is...