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  1. ladybug75

    Felt awful turned down after job interviews!

  2. ladybug75

    What Do Hearing Ask About Deaf?

    By the way I just joined this site for the FIRST TIME!!! Thanks!
  3. ladybug75

    What Do Hearing Ask About Deaf?

    Can you tell me more what made you think I was that? I have no idea. Is there someone out there a famous troublemaker? Tell me more??? I have no clue what you meant?
  4. ladybug75

    How Do You, Deaf, Show Hearing That YOU CAN...

    I am deaf, First of all, I have been raised by deaf parents, I have deaf friends and a deaf spouse now. Deaf World/Culture is no stranger to me. But the hearing a puzzle to me. I am wondering how can a deaf person SHOW to a hearing person that they CAN do more than given?
  5. ladybug75

    What Do Hearing Ask About Deaf?

    :wave: Bottesini, I was not aware that you were the Administrator here and already set up the common questions. And I saw another thread similar but still it is not enough that I am looking for really. What I am really looking for is the true first impression itself and the curiosity itself -...
  6. ladybug75

    What Do Hearing Ask About Deaf?

    I know that most hearing people WON'T DARE to ask such questions to deaf people directly but I am hoping to hear from deaf people, hearing people, HOH people, and CODA people who often hear most highly rated questions from the hearing people, for example: 1. Can the deaf drive? 2. Can deaf have...
  7. ladybug75

    What Do Hearing Ask About Deaf?

    I am deaf. I wanted to know what kind of questions do the hearing people ask about deaf people? Your additions will be great! Thanks!