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  1. E


    I have tinnitus too. Constant in both ears like a whistle ~ sometimes gets worse with weather or whatever. Can sound like a train or a fire alarm sometimes! weird.
  2. E

    Call for 'designer' hearing aids

    Ya know i think a lot of it is this. my audiologists office started telling me about how i should go with the more expensive itc/cic aids cuz its "cosmetic" and not as noticeable. and the cic/itc just happen to cost a TON more. i wonder if its got a lot to do with pressure that way.
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    thinking in asl/esl

    I've been wondering. When I learned French the teacher told us to try to think in French in order to learn it well, and be able to use it conversationally. How hard is it for someone who is not a native speaker of ASL/ESL/PSE to think in sign? Is it possible or is it always going to be a...
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    An Opinion on HOH

    Hello ~~~ I'm mildly/moderately HOH. Found that out "officially" a couple months ago but had trouble hearing people & sounds for a while before that like a year (am 25 now). Also have central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) since childhood making it hard to communicate orally or to listen...
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    relay problems

    OK this reminds me about something I've been wondering. Relay operators are supposed to say everything the user types. What if someone starts cursing? Does the RO have to relay that? If so I can guess what the kids prank calling have to say :)
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    relay problems

    Woohoo! A real life RO! :wave: Thanks for the post and the explanation of what I was confused about. I used to say "um" a lot until I took a speech course in college - that fixed that quickly! I do tend to type the word "uh" if I am thinking while I'm writing. I think the scripts should be...
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    ASL student with question about culture

    You could write maybe about hearing people who are considered part of the Deaf community. Or maybe about hard of hearing people who have learned ASL and who are part of the Deaf community even though they are not considered what most people consider deaf. Or Deaf-Blind people who have both...
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    Woman Had Over 420 Cats in Two Homes

    How sad. :nono: I heard about this story from a friend and was very sad. By the way your Garfield avatar is cute!
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    relay problems

    Can someone tell me why I cant remember to tell the relay operator "ga". I think I annoy them. Because i keep talking and forget to say ga. They always ask me if I know how to use relay. And I say sort of even though I've been using it for a long time. And why do people always hang up on...
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    Questions about the bible.

    My guess is that God has always existed. From physics I remember in high school that energy cannot be created or destroyed only transferred or something like that. So I think God never had a beginning and will never have an end. I can't back it up though it's only what I personally think without...
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    I love flip-flops. I wear them every day I can. I'd wear them to work if I could. This year I have a pair of cheap white ones and the are my favorite pair that I've ever had.
  12. E

    Advantages of being deaf

    I cant hear thunder unless its really really loud. Sure can feel it though! Used to hear it better and it didnt startle me as much as it does now. I like thunderstorms anyway I think they're pretty. Except when all the TV stations interrupt good shows to talk about it when theres no reason...
  13. E

    Advantages of being deaf

    Cant hear loud breathing of my date at the movies or him chewing with open mouth. Cant hear loud TV in next door apartment. Cant hear snoring! ha.