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    Anybody know anything about these pets? Especially whether or not they get along with dogs?
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    Question about ADA

    I am curious about something with the ADA. I know that it states that persons with disabilities must be given equal access to jobs. However, I am wondering if this applies when the disability that they have specifically makes them incapable of doing the specified job. Like for example...
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    Attn: Levonian

    Nice signature. Glad to see another FSM follower.
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    "penisarium" forum name

    I have to say that I find the title of the forum "penisarium" to be rather androcentric. Last I check vaginas were often involved in sexual relations as well.
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    It seems to me there are a lot of lesbians on this forum. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally cool gay rights and stuff, it just seemed curious to me that so many lesbians would show up on one forum. Am I right?
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    ASL Idioms?

    I am wondering if anyone here knows any ASL idioms. I have seen "train go sorry" but that is the only one anyone has ever shown me, and I know there has to be more, every language has them...
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    Hi! I am learning ASL and am very interested in Deaf Culture. Cool site you've got here. :wave: