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  1. L

    Reaction to Ear Molds...How to Clear it Up?

    I have had reactions to my ear molds, particularly the left ear at one certain spot, for most of my adult life. For whatever reason, the shape of my left ear is very difficult to fit, and the only way to keep my aids from ringing is to have a very tight fit--it has taken my audiologist many...
  2. L

    Any Way to get CC with BLue Ray/Netflix Streaming?

    How do you file a complaint? This is the 2nd situation I've found myself in in the last couple months where suddenly a whole chunk of entertainment is no longer available to me. I know that netflix new releases hardly ever seem to have the caption option anymore since the companies release...
  3. L

    Any Way to get CC with BLue Ray/Netflix Streaming?

    We just bought a blue ray player for the express purpose of being able to stream netflix videos and after trying to figure out how to get the closed captions on, and doing some internet research, I'm coming to a sinking conclusion that netflix streamed movies do not have captions...