Search results

  1. C

    Language and identity?

    I see what you mean, and thanks for your openness. I grew up in an overly-critical environment myself, part time (my parents were divorced), and even that was incredibly hard, coming from one person. It seems like such an important thing to be able to communicate without criticism. Not that...
  2. C

    Language and identity?

    Hi everyone, I introduced myself yesterday as a hearing person who is trying to inform herself a little better as I prepare to write a paper about deaf children, language acquisition, and identity. I have gotten some great responses--thank you!--and would love to know a little more about how...
  3. C

    can you help?

    Quote: I just wish we could get rid of the attitude that if a person signs they won't want to use their voice. I've been wondering about that a lot! It seems like a lot that I've seen or read (not nearly enough yet) has suggested that if a child is taught sign then using their voice won't...
  4. C

    can you help?

    I am not deaf--I hope it's still okay for me to post here. I am actually working on a paper about deaf children and language acquisition and identity, and I have many questions. I would love any help that anyone can offer (and would also like to be able to quote your answers, if that's okay...