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    How to use VCO with video relay on (or other) if you don't have a phone?

    I presently use from my computer for video relay. I am satisfied with their service. However, I would like to be able to use their VCO. They require me to provide a phone number for them to call me first. This is unfortunate because I don't use the phone in the traditional sense...
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    Question about Video Relay services online ?? (help)

    Hi Everyone ... I am trying to help a friend get set up with computers for video relay. The friend is both oral and ASL fluent. He would like to be able to make calls with his voice sometimes and with sign sometimes. So he has a webcam, and a microphone. The two are plugged in to his...
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    GRRRR.... calling through relay makes me frustrated!!! :mad:

    Usually it does. And it's a very smart move. But what if you are trying to call Investor Relations and ask for a transfer to the Vice President of Marketing?
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    GRRRR.... calling through relay makes me frustrated!!! :mad:

    That definitely does help sometimes. They say that a well-written letter can pack a little more punch, especially when sent to the right people. It still is slow though.
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    GRRRR.... calling through relay makes me frustrated!!! :mad:

    That's what I do sometimes. But businesses don't always list their emails, or they do, but they don't follow up. Research also shows that calling tends to have a better response rate than emailing for getting things done. And I usually get better results when I do get through over the phone.
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    GRRRR.... calling through relay makes me frustrated!!! :mad:

    Relay itself is amazing. I love how all those hardworking people help us get calls through the internet. What's really peeving me right now is that every time I try to make a call to another business or organization, I get a very nice, warm message that amounts to: "I am sorry, we do...
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    Profoundly Deaf Jazz Singer.

    Thanks for the link, Bottlesini! I didn't know it was posted earlier. Although late deafened or not, I still find this insipring to me. (Mods: please remove this whole thread if it's unnecessary)
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    Profoundly Deaf Jazz Singer.

    Deaf people really CAN do anything (like sing). This is SUCH an inspiration to me! So all these years I have been hearing that deaf people can do anything but hear. There have been people who doubted us. "You can do anything except be a telemarketer, a commercial pilot, this, that ..." and...