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  1. T

    how old you when you become deaf or hearing loss

    I went deaf at 21 from unknown causes.
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    Close Down Gallaudet!!!!

    It's a shame that 'the old deaf guard' lost the protest and JKF is still president elect. Wait, a... My producer is signaling me. This just in! The protesters didn't actually lose the protest. Nesmuth's calculations of 20% of the population have won!
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    Jane Fernandes - gone!

    Nesmuth, you sure make your way around the net. You posted the same thing on signcasts as you did at the top of this page of the thread. And you got ignored or shot down in both situations.
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    Jane Fernandes - gone!

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    Education and California old deaf guards

    And, as was previously pointed out, nobody is asking who they are. The dude wants a definition of the title. That's all.
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    Education and California old deaf guards

    Doesn't make any sense to spend so much time promoting a cause, Nesmuth, and then refusing to help... promote... your cause.
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    Not Deaf enough??

    It's not comparable to blindness or paralysis because of the culture that is the driving force behind the label of Deaf. As Cheri stated, "Not Deaf Enough" just means that, regardless of your upbringing, you haven't adopted the cultural values and norms of the Deaf community.
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    Education and California old deaf guards

    probably that they have a different political perspective as a whole.
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    Crisis at Gallaudet University

    If the world isn't siding with the students, why are there rallies and tent cities showing up world wide?
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    Gallaudet college

    you're not... serious, are you?
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    Crisis at Gallaudet University

    Susan gets everything right when it comes to reporting on Deaf culture. I've been impressed with her articles and I read hers for all of the news regarding the protest. With other reporters, I get upset when they say, "James said through an interpreter." The story is about deaf people and...
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    Man accused of using phone relay for deaf to make obscene call

    There are terps at my school that are both vrs and uni terps. The companies are not stealing the terps. Perhaps the school can't or won't match the vrs companies on terp pay, so the terps, themselves, choose to take the same job with more pay, as you pointed out. Nobdy is to blame but the...
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    Protest, arrests shake D.C. college campus

    I can't agree with you here, Nesmuth. I saw your video earlier in the day before this post, but I still don't feel that they fit the role of the deaf guard. They're not militant in the old sense and they don't exclude people on the basis of deaf status. They want a campus where someone will...
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    Gallaudet Protestors Arrested

    not to be mean, but that is the first post I've read from you in the last 10 that wasn't thoughtless and apparently intentionally abrasive.
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    Future of deaf schools

    I am not a parent of CI children but this was concern also when hearing aids became used wide. I think this is not as big concern as maybe it seems.
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    Gallaudet Protestors Arrested

    Banjo, the media picked that up because they are inclined to believe people in charge and JKF has been parading around saying that is the protestors' only reason. The events here are unacceptable and I'm upset by I. Traitor Jordan's decision. Things don't look good for the future.
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    choices? Notetaker or interpreter

    My school has me choose between captionist or terp. If I have a terp, I can have a designated student note taker at the same time - the ODS (Office of Disability Services) provides paper and the student note taker just takes notes on copy paper.
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    What is going on at Gally!!

    I want to support the students on this issue... if the president isn't working in the best interest of the students, there is a serious problem. I hope it gets resolved for the best to both sides. About the other topic that sprang up concerning people not being welcome at Gally, that is a...
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    MY 22ND birthday on today as Oct. 1

    Happy birthday! (I know late, but okay!)
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    ASL (or BSL) vs SEE (or ESL... whatever)

    I disagree with all of your comments. Here are my counterarguments. You said: "Until you master ENGLISH you cannot effectively use sign to refer to it, there would be no reference point. So it's usually ENGLISH sign first then I would assume ASL/BSL second." I say: Until you learn...