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  1. G

    Deafblind and Out of Time

    I believe this article says it all. With your help were successful in getting the teachers for the Deaf and Visually Impaired there rightful pay as teachers. Please help us get this young boy the Related Services he needs. Contact the school adminstrators if you will in support. Thanks...
  2. G

    Equal Pay for Equal Work

    Why are the teachers for the Deaf/Hard-of-hearing and Visually Impaird valued less? One teacher happens to be deaf. Equal Pay for Equal Work
  3. G

    Teaching Reading

    I am attempting to teach a deaf child to read. His reading is delayed mostly as a result of vision issues. Currently taught in a public school, he has a teacher who is deaf and uses ASL with him. While I have read a lot of the benefits and ease of teaching English through ASL I have a...