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  1. S

    Residual Hearing after CI

    What an interesting thread. I just assumed, from all former knowledge, that when you got a CI you lost your residual hearing. So it is interesting for me to know that some of you retain some residual hearing. And Hear Again says the surgeries now are designed to preserve residual hearing. Guess...
  2. S

    ASL teacher - new to this site

    Thanks for the Seuss Quote! It might take me a few days to get this replying thing down, but you couldn't have given me a bigger encouragement than that quote! Oh the Places I'll Go with great people like you here to guide me along the way! Really nice to meet you!
  3. S

    ASL teacher - new to this site

    Much faster than I can reply to this message... since I'm just now trying to figure out how this thing works! I've been reading lots of threads and I've seen your responses several times! Nice to talk to a friendly face that I recognize. Thanks for the welcome! :h5:
  4. S

    ASL teacher - new to this site

    Awesome! Go Texas! I love Austin! It's one of my favorite places to visit! I go to workshops at TSD for ASL teachers and interpreters every summer!
  5. S

    ASL teacher - new to this site

    Hey Everyone, I teach ASL and recently found this site. Looking forward to meeting you all! Happy 2009! :wiggle: